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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Well this is definitely an icy musk! At first I get blasted with peppermint and I am not sure I like it in perfume as much as I thought I would. It moves a little to the side though (it is still there for sure on me...just not as blatant) and then it is mostly powdered sugar and musk. It's nice...it gets better the longer I wear it. Not a full bottle for me because this musk will get to me after awhile...but others will appreciate it for what is is I'm sure. Being able to create a musky perfume that really does evoke an icy cool feeling is pretty genius I'd say!
  2. I love this! It is way fruity but... dressy fruity!! As much as I can see me wearing this all dolled up for a sexified night out I can just as well picture it with a sundress just flitting about town. What a happy fragrance! Why do I smell grapefruit? Right now this is my favorite of the month...but it is the first one I've tried so that makes no sense. I just don't want to try any more yet. Want to enjoy this one for awhile. I can't believe this has Sexology in it. No cops or any phero smell at all but so not a heavy perfume. How can this be? I have to get a bottle of this, I could not wear the heavy honey of the original Sexology, this is pretty much exactly what I have been yearning for in a Sexology boosted scent. Yes this is an all seasons scent for sure. It is not florally on me at all or very musky either. Well it is just perfect is what it is!!
  3. I had the same experience. It just gets way to strong for me and actually keeps me awake. Have not tried it on my pillow case though. I much prefer North Pole for Men for my boysmell sleep scent.
  4. Ohhh! Ha! I've been saying it like La La La...La La La...
  5. LP Autumn '10 Velvet Kisses La La Gulaba Phantoms Breath LP Red alternate...Vintage Musk (if any of the above do something unscrupulous and get knocked out of the contest.)
  6. Oh my! This must be like the chocolate peppermint holiday shake from Sonic!!!!!
  7. I think though that 4 sprays of Gotcha trial spray is not as big of a hit as 4 sprays of regular bottle of Gotcha? I usually use twice a much from a trial spray as regular size.
  8. Not a huge chocolate perfume fan here either but VK is one of my top all time fave LP's!!!!! Oh how I love it. It's creamy chocolate and marshmallow with a hint of orange on top. There is so much more going on in it than chocolate (can't remember what else is in there) that I just swoon when I have it on. Some notes in this one I can't readily identify...but it is sexy good. It is my go to comfort scent. I know I want another bottle and although I LOVE the CB phero I am debating whether to get my next bottle phero free. Most of the time I wear it to bed or around the house anyway. I also love it with a spritz or two of Flying Potion. It would go well with H&S and Gotcha too.
  9. How serious are you about the boyfriend? HG didn't like VK either and I'm not saying we didn't have other issues it's just that his disdain of one of my favorite LP's didn't help matters either. You may have some prioritizing to do... (just kidding...kind of...I'm just saying HG is gone and I wear VK ALOT)
  10. UNISEXY WITH OCCO BLUE?!?!!! Why had I not thought of such a thing!!!!!!? Sounds wondrous!! Thanks Molls!!
  11. Me too I love oak moss...I didn't even realize it was in this one...I really should have jumped on the Spotted Leopard...I love fig too...
  12. Its gone, but it was phero boosted with Leather if that helps. It was quite fruity tarty if I remember correctly.
  13. I used to worry a bit but I have realized my attention span just doesn't hold out anyway for one particular scent. New ones are coming at me so fast! I think I am in so much love and then BAM! Here comes one and I abandon my last love. I come back to it but BAM! again! Here comes another! I don't know...we just have to have faith in the Grand Plan. Mara will make it all work out I think.
  14. Yes I generally like my CB straight up except when I spritz Flying Potion on Velvet Kisses. That's mostly for the smell factor but I figure a little A-nol never hurt a blend. I love that combo...
  15. I do like this one, but my mom LOVES it so I am going to surprise her and give her mine (I told her it was sold out when I thought it actually was). I can live without it since I got Fuzzy Wuzzy and Unisexy and I seem to crave those two a lot more. She only has a few LP bottles, poor thing.
  16. I don't know what to do. I am frozen with indecision. Get Happy seems like a sure fire bet for me...but everything else must be sampled. So. Various samples? or sampler. I still have to get my sisters (torn between Lick of Cream and Sogni) and my La La G. This is even more stressful than usual.
  17. Well I have my Unwrapped boosted with cops so if I like this one I will probably get it in spray and spray it on top!
  18. Oh this one sounds along the same lines as my favorite pear Unwrapped!!
  19. That's great Maiea! Self effects are better than obvious hits anyway, in my opinion. You may have not been around anyone long enough for the phero to take effect on anyone...or maybe people are too distracted by holiday shopping...you never know. But any phero that makes you feel fabulous is a keepr!
  20. @MissHazel...maybe you should do a separate Supplement thread...only because I won't remember where to find this info when I choose to order some of these things to try! Well, I wrote them down in my phone but it would be kind of cool to have a place for you to update things you are trying in case we want to copy you. Recently my friend also told me to take D3!
  21. That's so nice of you to be so concerned about your friend. I can't help at all, I really know nothing of the mens pheros. I don't want any of my men playing around with them really...LOL! I really got sad for your friend though actually when I was reading that.
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