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Everything posted by ElizabethOSP

  1. GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY, Y'ALL!!! Busy much? How are you guys DOING that?!??!!! That's a metric shit ton of work. THANK YOU ALL!
  2. What is in Quixotic Xocolatl? I love Llamas and Alpacas.
  3. MARA GET SOME GOATS!!! I think you'd LOVE them! John, she is a treasure indeed. We should erect a statue to Mara that features her with all her kitties... :banana058: ...and a few goats. . *ducks and runs*
  4. AAAAAA!!! It's THAT TIME again!!! These are GREAT. I must have Bat...being Batsy and all! I love bats too. Stellaluna is a wonderful book. YAY BATS. I love it when they skim my head by my front door light as they hunt moths. And they look so cool when they skim our windows doing the same thing. I saw a bat empty my biggest kitchen window of moths in something like two minutes or less. P.S. I'd go for a Totem: Raven too.
  5. ...does anyone else feel that they will end up buying a bottle of EVERY. SINGLE. SUGARED...?
  6. I love this pic of you and your kitties, Rose!!! SEND EEEET!!! Pure Sugar? Sugared Marshmallow? Sugared Cream? (Sugared Pussy...?)
  7. DUDE. What about that one of you in your bikini by the swimming pool? That was great!
  8. And YAAAYYY on the three--count 'em! THREE--sizes of Sugareds!!! LOVE that!
  9. AUGH! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Nice one, Eggers!!! :BLACK_~32: Congrats Honeycake, NuTrix, and Rose!!! And I just noticed I've turned into a Cuddle Bunny. Who knew??!?
  10. Oh, these are going to be SO MUCH FUN!!! That list is to die for. OMG OMG OMG! This is making me all giggly and bubbly. My chest is going to explode!
  11. ZOUNDS!!! Mara, may I have one each of Jan's Calrissian and Jan's Bonne Belle, please?!! And thank you!
  12. OMG LUNA the story for Burnt Umber is BRILLIANT!!! The color is always in my palette. Now the story is in my heart and the perfume will be on my skin!!! ...and Carbon Black. Mmmm-mmm-MMMM!!! Creepy and wonderful!!! The poetry on Blush "What makes you blush / what makes you flush / with that rush / of blood beneath your skin." And Cerulean Blue! "only cerulean calm to cradle you / knowing peace is a shade so beautiful." And the story for Vermillion from both points of view! Squee! "Yep, totally adorable." GODS WHAT A COLLECTION!!! Can't wait to SNOOF!!!!
  13. Oooooh! I think I might need one of these. . Mara, if you see this, what's in Misty Melon Patch?
  14. Whose is Misty Melon Patch? Anyone want to 'fess up with the notes?
  15. HEE!!! Nice Costumes!!! And Mel Gibson's kiddies approved? Gods, you two were still just puppies yourselves! P.S. Just noticed the Little One's head @ bottom left!
  16. Katz I just saw this! I used to LOVE biting *through* the paper into the wax. That felt the best!!! HA! Feral child.
  17. YAY!!! ~Too bad it took me so long to notice~ . . P.S. Oooh! Luna hasn't been in here since this a.m.! Is she typing her talented hands off???
  18. OMG I AM SO SLOW. I was just looking at the labels again and...umm...DUH!!!...they are going to make the vials look like crayolas!!! I thought they were cute and pretty already, and now I think they're also brilliantly CLEVER! . . Can't wait to see the scribin'!
  19. Thank you, Ma'am! And THESE BLUE FROGS ARE GORGEOUS!!! TV watchin' frogs...gotta LOVE 'em!!! Do you know where they're native to? I said that inside out...
  20. Oh! That sounds like one of my weekly art classes at the local elementary school! The kids adore the riots, and I, of course, love the devil worship. *gigglesnort* Dangit, I *encourage* the kiddos to draw things like purple bears if they want. I'm always, "EVERYTHING is an art supply. Art is EVERYWHERE. ANYTHING and ANYONE can be creative. There's NO wrong way to do this!!!" And they've heard it so much, they're like, "We know, Ms Betsy, we know..." Hee!!! And then the little buggers create freakin' masterpieces!!! They're amazing. They're inspiring. They get tired of hearing me tell them how wonderful they are. Holy SHITE, I think it's abhorrent that so many people have had their creativity squelched when they were kids. Sometimes I want to hunt certain teachers down and slap them silly. ARGH!!!! Yeah, let's force everyone into the same little cubbyholes. NOT! F&ck that!!! Oops. I'll climb off my soapbox now. Anyone have a crayon I could chew?
  21. ...and well-written-up and good smelling! Like Violets, for instance...?
  22. You're not alone, vladmyra. I chewed mine once in a while. It felt good!
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