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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I spray the alcohol blends in my hair frequently, with never any drying issues at all....but then, I am not saturating my head with it, either.....I think you should be fine.
  2. If I am intending to wear a blend in my hair, I go with straight alcohol, especially if I am adding a scent.....you will have some oil in it due to the scent, so if you intend on spraying it in your hair, I wouldn't add more oil. Start with 1X. You are new to pheros and need to get a handle on how to use them and how they are affecting you before you start playing with the different strengths. I am still afraid you may be disappointed with using the LFM at work......based on what the other ladies who have used it IN THE SERVICE INDUSTRY have said. But, it's your money......
  3. OK, I just made a new Hot and Sticky spray, and added Open Windows to it.....INSTANT HAPPY! Those of you who have Hot and Sticky and some Open Windows should really try it!
  4. First of all, you need to define what you are trying to obtain from it. If you are expecting men to do double-takes, throw themselves at your feet, etc.....it's not going to happen. You may get wild, crazy hits once in a while, but that is not the norm. The more common effect will be people being more nice to you, a little flirty, or more accommodating..... Second, you need to be aware of WHERE you are using it. If you are talking about the Cougar that you have mixed with OCCO, I think that your OCCO is potentially over-shadowing the Cougar....especially if you are wearing a large amount.....men you come into contact with may feel the pheros when they are around you, but are scared to react because of the strong sexual vibe you are putting out in a public venue. I think you need to try Cougar without the OCCO when you place your next order...... Third, be cognizant of how much you are applying.....bear in mind with all pheros.....more is NOT always better. If you are in OD-land, you can get strange reactions, sometimes opposite of what you are trying to accomplish......you can even get the "ghosting" effect, where it is as if you are invisible. Some ladies here have had blends that they slathered on and got little to no effects.....when they cut the amount they were applying, they got much better results. Fourth....diffusion. Blends in oil diffuse much more slowly that those in spray. Body heat will diffuse them, but I find that even when body heat is flowing, oil blends do not diffuse as far of a distance, either. An oil blend is best when you are trying to affect those who get into your personal space.....like within a couple feet from you, at most. And lastly, you must act CONGRUENTLY to the pheros you are wearing. For instance, if you wear Cougar and expect to be the life of the party, but sit in the corner, looking at the floor, you will not get results. PERIOD. If you walk around with your head down, not making eye contact, or only looking up to scowl at people, pheros are not going to change that. We continually say here....pheros do not CREATE. They ENHANCE. For instance, pheros will not make a man who finds you unattractive suddenly fall at your feet and worship you. The target must have an attraction to you (on some level) to begin with.....and in that case, if they are sitting on the fence, pheros can push them to one side or the other. Also note.....if you are looking for self-effects, some people are what some of us long-time users call "non-responders"......they simply don't get self-effects from the blends they wear, but they like the effects they have on others.....so they continue to wear them. I am happy to say that I am one of the ones who gets major self-effects from every blend I wear.....self-effects are half of the reason why I wear them. Also, you must be patient.....not every blend will work on the first time out. You will need to experiment. Try different amounts, different scents, different bases (oil vs spray), and even different situations...... NOW.....all of that said, not every blend works for every person.....BUT, in your case, I would say that before you can say with 100% certainty that Cougar is just not "for you", you need to eliminate all of the hurdles that I have mentioned above.
  5. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL...................ok, I just spit all over my computer! And, I multi-quoted, too......
  6. I don't have any issue with the cops in Cougar, even when spraying it in my hair....it is not cops-heavy.
  7. My experience has been that it very much depends on the particular man in question.....mine is INSTANT, like flipping a switch......others I have been with have taken a few minutes....but never more than 10-15 min......
  8. If it is in spray, it will diffuse faster and farther, but you may also need to re-apply during the day (or night). That is why someone mentioned that if you get Cougar and have it scented with a Noco, have it LIGHTLY scented, so that your scent won't be overpowering anyone if you need to re-apply. I will still suggest to try the original scented Cougar though.....it is really fab!
  9. I used to lift weights but haven't in a couple of months. When I did so while using Dom, it was like I was more willing to go heavier, and usually with no issues. For instance, without Dom, I might subconsciously choose a lighter weight, thus "taking it easy" on myself. Not with Dom! It made me grab the heavier weights and show myself that I could do it. Lately I have been doing more of the kickboxing with weighted gloves. Dom makes me put more force into my punches, and also helps me push on through when I start to get tired.....it kicks ass!
  10. Go to the main site, to the perfumerie link, and choose vanilla-based scent as the scent type.....lots of choices!!!!
  11. LP Original is definitely FAB!!!! And Open Windows is indispensible.......get it in spray definitely......
  12. I think a cougar spray scented with noco would be ok.....the amount of cops in Cougar is slight and I have never had problems from women when I wear it......leave the OCCO at home, and use it for special dates.....have Mara make you up a Cougar spray scented with the Noco for general use at work..... ETA....BUT, I agree with BB.....I have a Cougar spray with a different scent, and I never get as many hits as I do with the original scented version.....the scent creates a very youthful vibe in and of itself.....
  13. I will add that not much phases my man when "other things" are happening.....phone ringing, doorbell ringing, bed leg crashing through the floor......nothing!
  14. I have had fab results with Cougar with men OF ALL AGES.....I get the "starry eyed" looks from the younger ones, but the "wow, she's hot" looks from the older ones.....
  15. The hoo-hoo dilly.....LOLOLOLOLOL...... Well, my man has tasted some when I have applied to inner thighs, cleavage, tummy....he hasn't complained....either they don't bother him, or he hasn't noticed....
  16. Uh.....I don't think I have ever said that.......any I apply mine almost EVERYWHERE.......OK, sorry TMI !!!!!
  17. I have not used LFM. Many of the ladies here swear by it. However, given what Beccah said about her MIL's reaction AND my man's reaction to blends with too much Est (he goes from easy going sweetheart to very mean and ugly), I wouldn't necessarily recommend that blend. Like I said, my go to for sparkly and sexy is scented cougar with no extra cops (it has some in it already, and I use it when I am looking for sexY, not sexUAL....there is a difference)......if you are not happy with cougar, try a social blend.....very few people have had a negative reaction to something like Open Windows. It is great. Happy and fun. Many ladies who are in the service industry have had great results from it at work. ETA......When I said "I wouldn't necessarily recommend this blend", I meant in this certain situation. When you are coming into contact with a large number of different types of people, it s best to wear something that won't offend any of them....especially if they are paying you, and you want them to like you!!!
  18. Heather, I don't want to sound ugly, but let me offer a little advice.....you seem awfully focused on sexy pheros. This may not be totally good for work. How about if you try making yourself feel good about YOU. Be confident in who you are instead of worrying about all of the "young girls". Carry yourself as a goddess and that is how you will be regarded.....before you know it, those young girls will be aspiring to be just like you. A majority of men find confidence very sexy..... Also note that trying to force a "sexy vibe" when you are not feeling it will leave people feeling confused about you because your phero signature will not be congruent with your actions. Remember, how you behave is half of the battle! Add something like Cougar for sparkle or Open Windows for a happy upbeat vibe, maybe top with Topper or DHEAS and away you go! Play up the happy, social side of things and add YOUR OWN sexiness to the mix.....you don't need a phero for that!
  19. It is not just grapefruit.....it is grapefruit, sugar, musk.....it is like a warm pink grapefruit scent. Get a sample and try it......it can layer with other things....never tried it with OCCO White..... Read the description here..... http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/Cougar09/ I am almost 46, and this one makes me sparkle.....love it for a sexy pick me up.....
  20. Have not used Topper so I can't answer that question......once again, I will say....scented Cougar.....in spray.....sexy, sparkly, youthful. 'Nuff said.
  21. Are you sure you want SEXUAL attention? Not sure what industry you are in since you say they get tips, so I am assuming you are in the service industry.....some of the ladies have had good luck with Open Windows at work to increase tips..... This. You must act the part.....pheros only ENHANCE, they do not create. I would definitely go easy on the OCCO and BI at work.....have you tried Cougar scented? I know you say you have asthma, but you may want to try it.....the scent works in conjunction with the pheros to give you a youthful vibe.....it is a very pretty grapefruit scent.....great for summer! Get a sample.....I think you'll like it! If you like it, you can get it in spray.
  22. A bottle of straight Essence Oil is only $24.95.....
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