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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. LOLOLOLOLOL.......that story was HILARIOUS!
  2. Nope, just SS4W added to a perfume instead of the straight unscented phero.
  3. Steamroller is a really good description! It would just reach out and smack 'em upside the head!
  4. LOL.....yeah I think I still have about 3/4 of a bottle of Dark Side that I kept and use for rare occasions only.....it is very powerful, for sure!
  5. I have personally had good results using cops with Open Windows.
  6. And, we welcome you to give your opinions. As long as they are stated as OPINIONS and not FACT. Talk about your experiences with the products, how you felt about it, how it worked for you, etc. If the newbie wants an amount of a phero in a product, make sure you are spot-on with your answer, or defer that answer to someone else. That's all we ask. We want you to use the products and enjoy the forum, but when someone who has been here longer or works here corrects you, just know it is usually with good reason, and with no malice. We want EVERYONE to get the products that will work best for them, and get the most out of the products they have.
  7. Yes, and you do an excellent job! Hope I didn't step on your toes! I just don't like misinformation handed out to newbies either. I am here because I love Mara and her products. I post on the forum because I know what it was like 10 years ago, with almost NO women's products, and the ones that were out there required a lot of trial and error. I spent tons of money and had lots of bad experiences! Hopefully, some of what I have learned will be helpful. As a result of trying to help (and not just wanting to hear myself talk) I do not talk about products I have not personally used (LFM, LFN, Bang, many others with high Est), and if I have used one but do not know the particulars about its contents, I do not discuss what is in it until I talk to Mara or read and find out for sure.
  8. Because of the OCCO, not the Gotcha You said it was cop-heavy. If I were a newbie and saw that, I would think you meant in terms of amount of cops. Halo works at LPMP, and I have been here a long time.....we KNOW what is in these products! Yes, Cougar and Gotcha have relatively the same amount of cops. PERIOD. It is measurable, quantifiable, and constant. Saying you don't believe it doesn't make it untrue. If you have been using scented Cougar, that could also be creating the illusion of more/less cops with your nose. You could say to a newbie.....Gotcha doesn't have a lot of cops, but I find it to be smelly, needs a good cover, and is as effective as a higher-cop product. Yes, I read that post. I also read this one http://lovepotion.in...79 where you told someone that great go-to products WITH COPS were Cougar, Gotcha, and the LAMs. The cops in Cougar and Gotcha are not in a large enough quantity to call them "copulin go-to basics". LAM/BAM, yes. Cougar and Gotcha can be basics, yes. I LOVE Cougar. But, it is social, UNLESS I add more cops to take it in a more sexual direction.....which I HAVE done on occasion. I am not trying to rag you out. All I am trying to point out is that while we LOVE for people to give newbies reviews, please do not spout things in regards to amounts of pheros in products unless you know, FOR SURE.
  9. I am wearing some of the BS/BA (1st brew), with cops today....it is fab!
  10. Me too! Like you, I have several lighter scents......just in case I want to "lighten up", or if my man voices a preference......but I much prefer the dark sultry stuff.
  11. With all due respect, it is not a matter of perspective. It is a matter of the amount of cops in the product. Gotcha (and Cougar, for that matter) are created with a MINUTE amount of cops. Unlike Sexpionage, OCCO, LAM/BAM, Sexology, Cuddle Bunny, etc etc etc. The fact that your nose finds it strong IS your perspective, but the AMOUNT of cops in the product is quantifiable, and is small. It is confusing to newbies to hear that Cougar and Gotcha are cop-heavy, when they are not.
  12. Everywhere and always! From work to social events! The bulk of my scent wardrobe is dark and sexy......
  13. The scents in the NOCO versions are a bit stronger than the LAM/BAM versions because LAM/BAM was created to be LIGHTLY scented. It should also be noted for newbies that the NOCO versions of LAM/BAM have no pheros AT ALL.....no A-nol/B-nol. And Stacy, even though a phero may not be a stinky one, it can still dilute and somewhat change the character of a scent. So, if you were to compare LAM/BAM to the NOCO version, you may find them to be quite different.
  14. Someone else will have to answer that one, as I don't use LFN.
  15. I see what you're saying.....the men are not attracted to the phero itself, but to the female's response while wearing it. Like, if he gets off on dominant women, like "that's my bitch", then that is what is causing the attraction.....
  16. Gotcha only has a teensy bit of cops.....Sexpionage is loaded with them. Same response on my side......my man loves me with Dom......Dom and cops.....or Sexpionage......WOW! I have had guys that respond well to the more dominant pheros on me, and those who have not. It VERY MUCH depends on the target.
  17. But if I am not mistaken, Comp P has Sexpionage in it, which has quite a load of cops too, so hmmmm.....maybe that was it?
  18. FYI....there is no Brown Sugar OCCO. There is brown sugar LAM/BAM, but not OCCO.
  19. FYI.....Gotcha is not cop-heavy. It has only a teensy bit, just like Cougar.
  20. Sorry it took me a while to answer.....yes, it is dark and resinous, and absolutely gorgeous.
  21. That is my understanding too.....that it just has a "splash" of cops......
  22. Wait until you apply to cleavage, and you stick your head down into your shirt to smell it.......THEN you realize you are in public! LOL
  23. I hung out a lot more with guys than girls growing up as well. I am more comfortable with guy friends, partly because in a straight-up friendship situation, they don't play as many head games as many girlfriends seem to want to. It is good that you can talk to people and are confident in yourself. ROCK IT! I agree with LadyV that maybe your male friends think you are "out of their league", or it may even be that they don't want to cross that invisible friend/girlfriend barrier. Also, if you think your target guy likes the ultra-fem women, you might give Lace a shot......it puts off a very feminine vibe..... ETA.....OH, and also, if you go with cops and are around groups of young guys, be careful. Some of them don't know how to handle the testosterone spike that copulins cause. Maybe with your target guy, you could try some Perfect Match or Gotcha, and a heavy cop-load (OCCO) for in case things go in that direction. As for going out with the guys, you could go with Lace, Super Sexy for women, or Cougar. They are social but still very sexy at the same time, without screaming "do me now" (which is what a heavy cop-load can do.
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