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Queen of Swords

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Everything posted by Queen of Swords

  1. I have a feeling it might not, phero's and cops, at least lab-made, aren't supposed to be co-operative with high heat.
  2. That's what I do with OCCO Gold and my cop'd CS, on top of precautions.
  3. One of the local clubs I go to will be having a pot night thanks to (semi) legalization-no dealing, just letting people smoke and share a joint. I will be wearing this on these nights. : D
  4. I regret not getting an unscented version of it yet, most unisex fragrances in the end turned out not to be for me. Personally I'd like to see something like a scented version made for mostly for men with a gourmand twist instead for the next scented batch.
  5. I might have to get a sample of Mara's Rocket Fuel, this sounds much more fun than Popularity Potion.
  6. I went back to using this again, and at the moment am preferring LFM to LFN, something about the lack of detachment, or at least much less of it. But there is also a certain near coldness I get from Noir than I don't get from Mystere either (note, this is not my final word on the matter). I also think it goes better with small dabs of Treasured Hearts anyway. No, I haven't figured out the perfect ratios for that either yet. So anyway, after the break from using it it now feels more sexy and in command than in Noir, but for all I know it has to do with the state of hormones, minor changes in biochemistry (pretty regular for people in general and I've been on a gluten-free junkfood binge the past few days...) or I just need to learn to take a break from any blend after a certain number of days, or a mix of these factors. I'd love to see long term studies on these things, but I'm under the impression that the scientific community doesn't care too much for subjects such as this right now.
  7. Same here, I'd love it if more men smelled like chocolate hazelnut tortes and chai amber cupcakes, I really don't like most of what is manufactured for men.
  8. I understand the desire to be helpful, but there's a fine line between caution and paranoia. And yeah, I agree that it's best for newbies to try one thing at a time at first and read the forums, reviews, try in the singular first, and etc. My views are more complicated than I believe I'm capable of presenting here or should though, which I think belongs in a separate thread I might eventually post, but I need a fair amount of time before doing so (which has nothing to do with this little disagreement, however). I'm not trying to discount all the advice either, though I don't think any singular blend is ever going to be a hundred percent perfect for everyone, my attitude is similar to my views about perfume.
  9. 1. I'm trying not to imply that newbies can or should do whatever they want, I apologize if I am giving anyone that impression. 2. You don't know me, and there is a LOT I don't talk about regarding my experiences with phero experimentation. I have my reasons for experimentation and layering, and it would be nice if you refrain from being presumptuous in regards to what I am doing, much less looking for when it comes to results. We all have different biochemistries, our experiences will not be a hundred percent the same.
  10. I don't mean to imply SWS or Lumina are dangerous or anything, it's just that the lack of lists, at least for me, gives me reason to be more cautious if I was tempted to layer with an additional phero blend. Some phero's, after all, can cancel each other out, and so on.
  11. I'm not without my own ideas recently, but as much as I like to combine Garland & LACE and Sex & Violins w/Dominance I've recently realized I need more time for experimentation with samples for ratios in order to make sure I won't come off as too overwhelming should I actually make one of those types of orders.
  12. Not the same as a PE though. That being said, I'd be careful and ask Mara about what she thinks about your ideas for blends first.
  13. I think that would be a better idea.
  14. I haven't tried Topper before, but that doesn't really surprise me, given how I react to Audacious, adding Topper sounds like overkill due to what is in it. Audascious is one of those phero blends I'd only wear by itself, with the exception of a cop'd scented blend. Personally I'd also be careful about blends like Lumina and SWS, due to the lack of ingredients listings.
  15. 1. Wear what you feel comfortable with, besides you might not like all the fragrances that come with scented and not all pheros are scented 24/7/365. I'm sensitive to some, like Goddess of the Blue Moon, but I've still been happy with La Femme Mystere unscented without it layered with different fragrance blends, whether or not they're made by LP (I think LP: Black goes great with the La Femme line, however). Also layering of scented pheros isn't always compatible with each other. Personally I don't think Happy Water is a good thing to combine with something like most scented BI, especially Odalisque, if layering the pheros still works out for you albeit somewhat differently I'd use an unscented version of either A-Nol or BI. 2. I have to disagree with Halo here, layering phero blends isn't bad, but you need a good idea of what they're for, read the reviews, get a feel for each one before you do so (though after a point you might start experimenting before trying them individually, lot of it having to do with being that you're familiar how your body and other tends to respond to what phero ingredients). LACE or Cuddle Bunny (emphasis on or) + Dominance or LFM isn't a bad idea, combining something like Dominance or Leather with LFM or Treasured Hearts or Heart & Soul, not so much. Read the reviews and forums to be prepared, especially the advice threads.
  16. This is perfect for the La Femme line, I don't know why I didn't order a sample of this earlier-oh wait I do, I was too distracted by at least one of the LP: P&D reviews comparing it to a cinnamon roll. : P Not like P&D isn't great, but Black is starting to really grow on me, it's sexy but subtle, which makes it layer well with Iron Hand Velvet Glove types of phero blends, IMHO.
  17. Now that I think about it this could be a Saturn issue.
  18. I'm not sure about the Est thing being that I think that even the most traditionally feminine of women have differing biochemistries. That being said, after reading your review I hope there will be a few samples of the scented Lumina left by the time I make my next order. I like Garland & Lace, but usually only when layered with something like LFM/N, Leather or Dominance.
  19. I'm under the impression that depends how much of a strong throw the blend has, Sveet Tooth is sweet, but it's not something I'd buy cop'd.
  20. Fragrance also helps diffusion. At least there are a lot of choices of that out there if the unscented version doesn't work for you.
  21. Maybe oils might be stronger for you or something?
  22. This phero blend is better for me than Tranquility for calming down and going to sleep, but the fragrance blend is a bit strong for me. I'll have get the unscented version of this eventually.
  23. It gets much better with the dry down, and trust me it's great with gingery fragrances.
  24. For some reason I seem to be somewhat overwhelmed by and amping the apricot with this one at the moment. but I'm sure it'll probably change in a month or two, the olfactory system can be rather weird, at least for me.
  25. Don't be afraid to layer Glitter with and I feel fine. : D
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