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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. OK. Here's the plan...wait for next month's NRs and place order for: the apricot copulin body cream that I keep forgetting! Another fb of Sugared Amber (HolyCow!YUM) and I'm looking at the Balm Bomb (undecided about oil or spray - I'm thinking spray because when I need it, I need it to work FAST ) and possibly the Treasured Hearts blend. Is TH a good bonding blend with SOs? Quick question..I see that when I look for the body cream it takes me to the Artfire site. Would I have to make 2 separate orders? One from the perfumery and one from Artfire? Has anyone ordered from both at the same time? Thanks!
  2. Is that where it's from? OK. Made a note. Will see if we can't find it for the weekend I'm sure all I'll have to do is mention it and he'll be all over it, lol. Thanks Mara
  3. I LURV thisa one! And I'll wear it anywhere! Guys seem to love the scent as well. Wonder why...
  4. Humph, never thought of it like that....the things people may endure for boob and belly shots.... HA! I knew it! If ya'all can just hold out LONG enough - I insist DoP is a beautiful floral - REALLY Just curious, how long did it take for you to get the floral (or lose the ass smell, lol)? Just until dry down finished? 10-15 minutes?
  5. lalaDinky! If you like this one, give BANG! a run in the future! Muhahaaaa - it hardly seems fair, but if SS4W is working for you then I'd be willing to bet BANG! would be a ton of fun for you too BANG! is SS4W with the addition of Est & cops....I feel it is my naughty, sparkly, fun mix But SS4W is DA BOMB and it's great for work or play. Great post!
  6. Oh my! I'm not sure exactly what I WAS expecting when I put this on but, when I applied, my first thought was that it wasn't what I expected, lol. Maybe I was thinking it would be straight sugary? This could definitely be an everyday scent! For me the amber is so...rich(?) and heady but not loud or strong in an overpowering way. This one is going to be a go-to, I can tell already! I had applied (slathered) around 11:30am and, just for myself, I re-applied a little to my wrists and backs of hands around 7:45pm to get me through the rest of the evening (I don't normally see bedtime until 1-1:30am). This has such a soft powdery sugar finish, it's just dreamy! Hubby was all over this one too A+++
  7. True! I'll continue to keep wearing it around the belly button and between the "girls" and not worry unless the day comes when someone runs away from me screaming.... I was waiting to see what you'd think It seems MUCH lighter than JD. JD is heavy and dripping with honey and musk. Dance of Passion is definitely a springtime scent!
  8. I will be fogging myself with Balm Bomb and slathering Sugared Amber on as well. I have been wanting to wear it but I went through the April NRs first in case I "needed" a fb, lol, and then there was scented CB and the LP RED.... But today is ALL Sugared Amber's. So excited to "see" how this scent unfolds throughout the day
  9. Yes! This with Cuddle Bunny Un = Man nip in our house....and hubby got a real kick out of the name. (Apparently it reminds him of a movie he's seen that was a Frankenstein (sp?) spoof, lol. When I told him what it was called he busted up laughing...since I didn't get why, he had to 'splain in to me ) I just thought it was a cute hit on "abnormal". AnyWAY! It's total YUMMINESS kicked up a notch with CB
  10. Yes! I do I even prefer it over the floral prettiness of DoP. I get rich, honey, musky cooooooooo-a-liciousness from Jouir De and a pretty, orchid, forward floral from Dance of Passion. Reading the reviews I see some others get the "pretty" and "floral" as well... so I'm not ALL alone But it makes me wonder...does my chemistry make the perfume as yummy to others as to me (which I think may be, as hubby chose Jouir De over DoP on me) or am I just kidding myself - YIKES Wouldn't it be devastating to find out I think I smell yummilicious only to find others are like, "Whoah! What's that skanky smell?" !!! and it's me!
  11. There must be something terribly wonky with my nose because Dance of Passion is beautiful and strongly floral to my nose and on my skin. No skank at all, Maybe I just need to be around skank more to recognize it??? Or maybe I'M skanky and just don't realize it?!?! OR maybe ya'all are NUTZ and have a problem with your sniffers! Or maybe skank to me smells lovely and floral? D'oh!!! I'm SOOOOO confused....
  12. Gave this a solo run today. This is SO not a scent I would have picked for myself but it's SO clean and pretty! I felt like I just stepped out of the shower...clean and girly and it's such an innocent kind of scent. I did think I over did it when I applied today but it settled down quickly and I never got a headache, which I was concerned about...I refused to wash it off - even if it was loud...but according to my husband it COULD be overpowering, but was not, so maybe I'm just sensitive to the scent? On the other bright side, I thought he might crinkle his nose at it and make a face so when I offered my wrist to him I was braced for a negative reaction but instead I got a, "it's not bad". And believe me, that's a good answer! Looking forward to playing with this one some more...be back when I do! Thanks for the push ladies! This was an excellent purchase
  13. Help here...what is OT so I don't do it...was it me? YIKES? Am I allowed to ask? Edited for BAD spelling!
  14. Our regular is a JW grandma and her little granddaughter..no Mormons out this way thus far, an foot or on bike.
  15. NuTrix

    Radium Girl

    Eeesh. I don't think this one is a full bottle or me. The thing that continues to surprise me about LP is that even if a scent may not be me, I don't think I've crinkled my nose and gone "EWE!" to any of them (as I have for FAR too many commercial scents, lol) It's really light, which is great because my skin is doing the sharp fruit thing that it can sometimes do to floral fruities. I don't NOT like it, I just don't love it and it doesn't make me want to huff my arm...or eat it Which could be a good thing... but it's a beautiful light scent..I mean light, like barely there...sheer? At first I thought my skin gobbled it up after 45 minutes but what it actually seems to have done is just cling close to the skin. This is the one that I put into a spritzer because the vial cracked when I was trying my first sniff, so when I sprayed it on it was very in my face "HERE I AM!!!" but with the alcohol burned off, I'm sure this is how it was intended (clinging light and close to the skin I mean). The floral is staying very forward on me but I can totally see why so many of you are going over the moon for this one
  16. NuTrix

    Radium Girl

  17. Awesome report! and can I just add that I die of cuteness every time I see your avi! SOOOO ADORABLE!
  18. Nope! Your not crazy Wore this today for the first time, and while I smelled the BBGum in the vial, I didn't get anything like that on my skin It actually wore quite light on me (and I slathered!) but I can clearly smell it even now 10 hours later. When I received my first LP sampler containing LP RED Lace I did not, then, slather...I have since found very few things I wear "just a dab of" SO I slathered this on this morning and was surprised how light it seemed and thought, "oh no! This is going to disappear on me!" But it did not disappear and I caught myself several times today thinking, "Hmm, what smells so good?" Only to find it was me! Yes. It's true. I. Am. Kicking. Myself. This is seriously yummy. So glad it's permanent....will be taking advantage of THAT fo sho Everything is so well blended - I get sweet, spicy, rich, goodness. I can pick out the notes if I think about it but DAYUM, RED is just good stuff!
  19. Weeeeell liz, sometimes people are just all on their own
  20. LOL! Well, it's unanimous here...even hubby prefers JD! Had DoP on left wrist and JD on right and asked for a blind test and HE PICKED JD - HOLY ARE YOU KIDDING ME WE MUST BE SKANKY PEEPS LOL! OOOOOH, WEZ LIB INA DURDY HOUZ
  21. Nope. Luna's right. The orchid IS most prominent. Jouir De TOTALLY has it all over the dirty honey musky orchid. DoP is definitely feminine friendly and not nearly so naughty. I still like JD best Can't wait to read more reviews about what you other ladies think of DoP
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