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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. It's your fault I'm waiting on these 2! I was only going to get LP RED, then I saw the OCCO Red layering with RED and I knew if I was going to order RED I needed the OCCO too. I want to thank you for enabling me in such a delightful manner
  2. LOL, then that just means crazy is a commonality here at LP Welcome to our psychosis!
  3. chickadee - I like cinnamon & vanilla and I'm curious what it'll do with my chemistry. It'll be better to have a trail of smiling shoppers after you than an angry mob...you'll be fine lalaD -NO WAY! LOL! For anyone who wants to check out "the dance" - just type in "Tango Maureen" on youtube and it'll come right up! What an excellent reference! Mmmmm, eggless custard with sprinkled cinnamon on top I SO want it to be a creamy delight on my skin! Thanks for the feedback ladies!
  4. WOW Chai! And I was just glad to get out for the night Glad you're seeing such positive results everywhere! And the "pay these kindnesses forward" outlook is beautiful ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last night I met a friend out at an Irish Pub....what better place to wash away any sorrows from the day? They had a live band and all the laughing and flirting and carrying on was much needed that evening. It has turned COLD here again - AND rainy to boot - YUCK! So I pulled out my warm, but slinky, black sweater dress. It's long sleeved and a turtleneck - warm AND comfy! The pub is a huge old beautiful building with high ceilings and gorgeous wood and brick/stone work...and there are a lot of other local bars nearby for "pub crawling" on days the weather is more accommodating! It's a small old city but I commute a good distance to work and have to travel through it to get there so I've picked up on some of the hangouts there ^_~ It's your average pub fair but the people are great and it's next to a convention center and there are a couple colleges near by so it's a mixed crowd and A LOT of fun! Check in out if you're ever in this city... http://anniebaileysirishpub.com/ Wore 4 sprays Popularity Potion to my sweater, OCCO White along jawline and backs of hands along with Scotchies (Irish theme, lol) and 3 spritzes of DHEAS to top it all off. We laughed and flirted and had a great time, but I had to call it an early night to get home for when hubs got off work @ midnight so we paid our tab and squeezed our way back to the door. After 10pm this place gets PACKED quick! So it's like pushing through a sardine can to get out...not complaining though Got home minutes after hubby, who liked what he saw, hehehe, and lets just say I had help getting out of my sweater...and everything else Good night last night.....
  5. Not crazy...it's common I just did something similar myself
  6. Love the "8 thumbs up! This one is the best?! Better that Original, Honeyed & SE 2011? (3 of my favs) I cannot WAIT for this to get here...(the order I made with the trial vial could come today, but I think that may be too optimistic - the fb maybe before the end of next week???) What were/are the most prominent notes that you get? Cinnamon? Vanilla? plain ol' sexaaay?
  7. I'm hoping that he'll be responsive if I mention the testosterone boost from cops, as he's big into weight lifting...I know it's unrelated to his products...but it's a positive for phero play and experimentation....
  8. Which one? Un or Voracious? I'm DIEING to see how his phero cloud effects ME/him tomorrow! Any suggestions on the best way to broach the subject? I think he'll initially be like, "meh, whatever. That stuff's all bogus propaganda." Which is fine...so long as he'll still wear it. Crap. Maybe I shouldn't have ordered it so fast. I hope it doesn't scare him, but heck! It smells SO good I'LL wear it if he doesn't There were several, ok, quite a few, that I thought smelled REALLY nice, like just stepped out of the shower fresh and clean nice. There are a handful of samples I'll claim now that he's not interested (LP Homme (OHMYGOODNESSYUM), Huntsman and the Woodland Nymph, Pinnacle, Teddy Man 2, to name a few, lol....)
  9. HOLY RATZ I JUST WENT COMPLETELY MENTAL AND PLUNGED ANOTHER ORDER. I JUST got my "your package is on the way" email tonight too In my defense - hubby finally went through the other scents and of the 20+ he has settled on 2 and I'm eager to order them. AND I saw that De Luscious is NOT GGG (yet) as I thought! (a truly sweet fruit that loves my skin and stays drippingly juicy and delicious on me!) So what does this mean? I'm taking the plunge before I even receive my order (and making it large enough to ease my guilt for not waiting longer - so sorry Mara!): LP PINK LP RED OCCO Red De Luscious Sugared Amber Scotchies Un for Men Voracious (virgin in oil) Voracious phero'd 1oz spray And NOW that's IT...until next month The jump on this order is at least in part due to reading the awesome reviews of layering LP RED w OCCO Red. Thank you ladies. I can't completely blame you for ruining me as I'm a hazard unto myself just fine! I AM SO excited to get hubby's things on the way! I am UNBELIEVABLY happy with his choices! Squeal! So there it is. Sheesh. I'mma gonna hav'a SO much fun
  10. No Alien Cake for me, but maaaybe Flambe? Won't know until I try Thanks BB!
  11. I never would have thought I'd EVER like patchouli for myself. LP creations are so dreamy and my skin seems to like them way better than I would have ever dared to guess. Your Gold Original sounds lovely! They really do manage to make something for everyone
  12. Really?! How about with Fuzzy Wuzzy? Ooooo...I may HAVE to try it!
  13. LOL! CB was SO covert even YOU didn't know about it at first! Now THERE'S a killer phero!
  14. I was going to wear Odalisque but spied LP Gold 2013 and, well, the rest is history... When I first put it on hubby said - "I smell chocolate!" It's 12 hours later and it's a creamy vanilla deliciousness.....puuuuuuurrrrrrrrrr. Had a co-worker at break coo over me when he got a whiff, lol, and he wound up sitting next to me until I left Another co-worker is almost always telling me how delicious I smell when I have on my LPs that are any kind of foodie. Even my gf conceded that, in spite of it having patchouli, it smelled pretty good. She cannot STAND patch and I DO try to wear non patch scents when we're together because she's so sensitive to it - even if it isn't the dominant scent....even if it's the teensiest nothing in the background...she'll pick it out. Great nose on that girl!
  15. "Crazy" hits are some of the BEST kind! Wow though! For realz! That's a supa hit more than 24 hours later without re-app! THAT'S the crazy part But in a great way!
  16. WOOOOW! I could only hope! I'm always putting on something different daily (although I have been getting int the habbit of wearing the same mone 2 days in a row) I wonder how many risiduals I've missed because I wasn't looking??? Now I'm REALLY curious about it! Thank goodness it's ordered...I only have to squirm for 7-10 more days LOL
  17. Chai, it is exactly these types of posts (and the ones where people are enamored by the scent) that helped me decide to take the plunge to try the scented version. UN CB is SUCH a winner in our house for all the reasons you mentioned and more. My hubby is a restless soul and this settles him down into cuddle mode, and there are FEW things that keep him there, but THIS is one of them, lol. I haven't found a place that this isn't appropriate either. I've worn it to work and play and it just gets great responses all around (men & women) I want to love the scented too So eager for that lovely LP package to arrive!
  18. MissHazel! WOW GURL! You DO do your research! What an amazing post...too bad we ate up all our Easter chocolate...I could go for some after reading that I may have to wear this toady now that you've put me in the mood. I would TOTALLY jump on board with you if you created a PE like Angelique OR Odalisque - pitch in da cash even too - - - and you CAN quote me on this I've not had the good fortune to whiff Angelique but I DO positively MELT over Odalisque and I adore the staying power in has...wafting up to me ALL DAY LONG. Absolutely delicious! Thank you for that GREAT post
  19. OOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooo T27! Can't wait to read your reviews! Congrats on diving in!
  20. Ohhh! I love the ones that linger like that! And, yes, I do have the UN, it's a go to! It's a real winner with hubby and I can't imagine being w/o it And it layers great with so many things. The scent description sounds so unique...but then I could probably say that about all LPs Hahaha! I'm really hoping the scent's a winner with hubby too Crossing fingers, toes and eyes!
  21. OHMYGOSH I cannot wiat to get my sample Radium Girl! I WANT to LOVE it! It reads divine! OhPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE let it love me back!
  22. You all talked me into scented CB! I can't WAIT for it to arrive....ok...I CAN, but I don't WANT to LOL Such mixed reviews from everyone. It seems so different for everybody and yet it's so highly praised I have to try it! I have high hopes and got the fb!
  23. NuTrix


    I got SO many compliments on this yesterday! AND my husband mauled me twice - before and after work LOL saying I smelled delicious! I was going to get another bottle but didn't this last order...but once I get my trials I'll be making another order...guess what's going in the basket if there are any left? *snickers*
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