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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Sounds like you found a winner! *scribbles notes*
  2. GREAT post CC! Those are some of my favorite kind! Do you have oil or spray and how much did you wear? I have it in spray and haven't gone higher than 4 at a clip but I'd be curious to know how much oil others use too
  3. Hmm. May have to break this one out and give it another run now that I have some new yummy scents to layer with it
  4. I've used Perfect Match with BAM but not SS4W. Would be interested in reading what you try and how it goes
  5. LOL Yeah, it's like that. It's odd but I didn't expect to like this one as much as I did. When I saw it for trade in virgin I hopped right on it! It's the kind of scent you wouldn't mind dripping in
  6. NuTrix


    Ooooo...must try, must try....like...RIGHT NOW! I don't have LAM Pink amber, but I have it in BAM! I have LAM Spicy Brown Sugar....will try that just cuz I think they'll be happy together too! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OH and here's my wayward review that I misplaced cuz I wasn't paying proper attention to the location of the thread: This one is delicious sugary goodness. I would totally scent Topper with this because it's light and sweet and will easily layer with any of the foodie delights I have already fallen head over heels for! As a matter of fact I had scented Topper with LP PINK for that reason but I think Spinnerett is a tad lighter and more sugary than even that! Maybe it's the lightness of the tangerine and white musk as opposed to the lovely richness of the amber and patch in the PINK? I think I can feel a cavity forming just sniffing this Thank you to everyone who suggested this one to me (even if there is and icky ol' spider on the label - actually, I don't mind spiders, if I'm wearing gardening gloves and they're too small to bite me - er, the spider too small to bite me...not the gloves.... LOL!)
  7. I've got a couple clean like laundry, but not always a favorite by everyone and yet an "I'd roll around in it" response too lol. If it were too strong does anyone think Beth's BMM or OCCO White would settle it? I don't have OCCO Blue but I do like that scented CB seems to be a fav for others smelling it ( not necessarily the wearer - not that that doesn't hurt!) I think I may have to get a bottle to at least see... -------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT So I'm reading through the men's section reviews because I'm trying to get familiar with the scents before the samples get here and I'm thinking that when those samples arrive for hubby I may be ordering a bottle or 2 for MYSELF. Jeeze! Not a few sound like something I wouldn't mind rolling in! Seriously?! Do Mara's talents have NO END?! Now there's this WHOLE NEW open door of delights I have to explore
  8. BWAHAHAAAA! A couple nights ago I put on the OCCO Pink (on wrists, backs of hands and neck) and timed it poorly as it was moments after that hubby joined me in the living room and within bare moments he honed in on me and said, "That's not what you had on before I left for work." I had been wearing the new Love Potion Gold 2013 before he'd left the house. He grabbed my arm and huffed all up and down from wrist to above elbow and back...very strange AND it tickled. "There's something about it that smells like...feet" I HAD just put it on moments before and I KNEW it hadn't had time to dry down but it made me laugh straight out loud So I, of course, feigned indignation and retrieved my arm from him. Then the game was on. He reclaimed my arm, snuffled from my wrist all the way up to my neck and began to maul me while I giggled all the while....and that's how it started...
  9. I'll try that. Casual convo thing...see how he accepts it and go from there... Sometimes they are NOT very observant and pay no attention to the "weirdness" we women do...because it is...well... just weirdness to them Oil is so different than spray...this could take some work...big manly hands fumbling with trial vials!?!LOL
  10. OK, this may change because I tryyyyyyyyying to hold out until the men's samples arrive and on April's NRs but this is becoming obscenely more difficult for some reason. Definitely giving LP RED a go. I have not gotten my Teddy BB in oil yet and, being the thick headed gal that I am, ONLY JUST realized WHY B2 and Teddy BB act differently when I wear them (B2 has a stronger % of Androstadienone) so, yes, this one's a go too. I want a Scotchies and Hungry Heart too. Love me my foodie scents! Now I'm on the fence about the scented Cuddle Bunny. Is it sweet? Is it floral? What exactly does, "it smells clean," mean? I LOVE Jasmine, but water lily? Lilies can be strong on me. But everyone says others compliment them on it all the time and there are more than a handful on the ingredients list that make me go, "hmmm, I could like this." It IS permanent so I coooould go with the sample to be sure first... I REALLY like LP GOLD 2013 and Leprechaun Luck....
  11. YES common postman! Eggers is WAITING! (patiently?LOL) If I hadn't already been sitting when he asked me, I would have needed to! I hope he loves them. I have ZERO idea what to expect and neither does he. I wonder what he'll like...I wonder if I'll like what he does? I MUST practice restraint and no face making. I promise to wait until he ASKS me what I think and I won't answer until I know what he thinks FIRST. AAAAND I must try to help him understand that he must WEAR them to understand them. I've worn enough LPs now that he knows they change over time...but knowing and doing are 2 different things. But I'm STILL giddy excited! In 20 samples there WILL be standouts and I can't wait to find out what they are! OH. I don't WANT to share MINE. Buuuut, if he asks, I will I still haven't told him about the pheromone part though. I was going to wait and see what he thought first. Do you think I should tell him first? I want him to like them for them first, then I want to tell him about the pheros as a kind of icing on the cake. Am I wacko for thinking like that? Yup. The power of commercialism.
  12. Your husband may be like mine...he's so used to us using who-knows-what that he doesn't even ask about the smells anymore...between soaps, lotions, hair products, body sprays...he just not phased or just stopped questioning
  13. Don't be afraid to admit it if you do....you aren't alone....
  14. Mine was in the mailbox all day Sat, unbeknownst to me, before I checked it SUN! Hope yours comes quickly as a pleasant surprised to you too! I share your "squirminess" Waiting is SO hard...soon my hubby will have goodies as well...maybe next week even! I can't WAIT to see how he likes them :D:D
  15. Thank you Luna! Just took a peek at the Artfire site and found the GGG section you mentioned above and none of them are there...yet, lol. I'll just keep peeking back there for good measure now and again
  16. What a wonderful post! Makes me want to go cuddle instead of go to work Intimacy is always rewarding. SO glad this blend was a success for you with interesting little nuances....moving closer, being more attentive and touchy. Sometimes it really IS the little things EDIT Ok. reading through this thread some more. I'm going to go for the scented version. Going to go for fb too. You are all giving such great ideas about how you can combine the scented CB with other scents if it doesn't quite suit that I've GOT to try it!
  17. Men AND women swooning...I wouldn't mind seeing that! LP original is VERY nice...another one I liked but didn't get the fb. Maybe I need to go back...now that I'm not as feverish about everything...and look at some of the things I've put on the back burner to plow ahead past? There are just so many delectables to choose from....
  18. NuTrix

    Egg 2011

    Thanks JOC!
  19. NuTrix

    Egg 2011

    Nice! Thank you Luna
  20. I want to get another Scotchies and another Leprechaun Luck because I LOVE the honeysuckle...I can't believe I WANT something so decidedly floral but it's beautiful to me...and the LP Gold made hubby purr...that 's pretty much is a no brainer right there. Do you ladies think these sell out so quickly that it would be better to make another order as soon as possible or do the NRs generally last for a couple months before vanishing that I could wait until the NRs for April are released to order everything then? I know some of you have a way of finding out haw many are left...but then I read that Mara said she doesn't put them all up for availability right away...kind of like they are for sale in waves? Do these questions mean that my addiction has reached a new level?
  21. Great post MissD! I just need to hold out until the new releases to make my order....why is waiting sooo hard? It's not like RED is GGG but I still want what I want now, now, now Yours and Beccah's posts are encouraging because some of the reviews mention other women not always being keen on LP RED...er, maybe not the kind of liking you were looking for Beccah , but they were both positive reactions!
  22. The verbals from hubby are enough for me to love this one forever, lol. Usually his love communication is more Tarzan/Jane - smack a$$, grope boob, maul neck... That he would tell me I look beautiful or compliment my hair (not that I mind the pulling it part) or clothes...he even knows what color my eyes are when I wear this....priceless!
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