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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Raspberry, first note - yum! Combine that with the almond and pear? This is my first with pear. Then there's a creamy something else that has to be the vanilla, milk/butter/cream thing going on. An then there's something completely foreign and unexpected - which has to be the redwood? Balsam? Clover? All of them together? Gives it this very interesting twist. I like the redwood I think (first time I think I've smelled it), I seem to like woodsy scents It's like it starts out foodie but then it doesn't end that way, and yet it's not NOT foodie because it retains a creaminess the whole time. Very curious. Will have to try this again...
  2. NuTrix

    Totem: Tiger

    Hehe...I had to look at the notes because for some reason I wasn't thinking fruit for Tiger and out of the vile I got fruit but it's ok, because there are several fruit notes. They did not stay very long and the I got spice and cedar - thank to me PE, I learned that carnation is spicy and I think it compliments the other notes I'm reading well. This one isn't reading particularly feminine to me but I don't exactly get masculine either. I'm really digging the spicy woodsy aspect of it A LOT. I'll have to try this one again, just not sure what all to think of it yet. Don't know that it's for me, but I'm definitely fascinated...
  3. NuTrix

    Totem: Ducky

    There is A LOT going on here and I admit, I was a bit concerned when I read "swamp water accord" Out of the vial it seemed sweet and fruity but it quickly turned watery/floral. I am finding that I really like these water notes and there is no dank, stagnant, dismal swampy thought that comes to mind in any way shape or form. This is wearing sheer and floral mostly. It isn't loud and definitely seems clean and fresh. Very pretty!
  4. This one is bright, sweet, floral on me. There's a note that's "zingy" but there's nothing in here citrus or grapefruity so I think my nose is playing a trick on me. The longer it's on the more floral I get, but I like this flower combination a lot, I think it's the honeysuckle but I've always loved daisies too...of course the oak moss is awesome as always. Was sugared oak moss among the sugareds coming out? The grass notes seem to be the bed for everything else, which is perfect! Very pretty
  5. NuTrix

    Totem: Seal

    There's something about this that seems very grown up and elegant... Instead of picturing a baby seal I'm picturing an old black and white movie where the star is wearing a long black fitted dress with a white seal fur draped over her shoulders with one of those long thin black cigarette holders poised in one hand in a statuesque pose, hair perfectly placed with a black hat and black lace hiding half of her face.... That does NOTHING to describe the smell though On me it's definitely floral first and I do like ambergris and that water note, very unique but not a 'me' scent even though I think it's quite lovely
  6. NuTrix

    Totem : Horse

    Oooo! Out of the vial this was all sweet fruitiness, then I think I got the walnut and hay right on it's heels. This is foodier than I expected I think because I read hay and thought "not food like" The coffee isn't jumping out at me but I'm really liking this walnut note... it smells like a cobbler fruit desert! That's it!
  7. NuTrix

    Totem: Deer

    This is another one that I'm associating with a "clean" smell. Like fresh laundry hung out on a spring day, where the smell of the clean fabric is getting lost in the green grass and flowers and tree leaves. It's not a me scent but it brings back great memories
  8. NuTrix

    Totem: Dolphin

    YAY! I finally have my nose (mostly) back! And this is one of the first ones I pulled. This will be a great spring/summer scent! It's light and airy and - of course - watery. I really like it. It is wearing very sheer feeling on me and it doesn't seem to be loud. I like the lily and sea weed...I completely want to go to the shore now all bo-ho chic'd out with my long dress and wide rimmed hat sipping a colada on the beach watching the sun sparkle on the ocean!
  9. Then it sounds like you've not OD'd on it Which is a good thing!
  10. Oh no! To spicy? I was surprised by it myself. I'm sorry it isn't playing nice for you
  11. I think did with the Unscented. I tend to slather the Fuzzy Wuzzy scent and I once, and only once, applied similarly the Unscented without thinking and it was a meh day. I knew that was WAY heavy. Even at the time I thought I should have probably washed some off, but wound up thinking - well, this is one way to find out... The Gotcha! Un is definitely less is more. I noticed it most with a co-worker who usually responded very well to the scented version. He was just weird that day, I didn't get the agitated thing so much as kind of short, which could have been circumstantial. My hubby, who usually is hit or miss anyway, was disinterested. I have it in oil and I had swiped my wrists, backs of hands, torso, collarbone, sides of neck...an awful lot for full strength. That was back when I first got it and I haven't done it again Lesson learned though...
  12. Too true! I don't get anything medicinal in any step, wet or dry or dry down. It is serious yumminess though, no messing round about that! I thought it curbed my craving rather than created one
  13. Most people respond well to PM, some phenomenally well - looks like your brother is one of them! It may be easier to gage if someone you know well is responding to a phero blend, as you know they're behavior better than strangers or some co-workers that you may not spend much time with. You had an advantage of being in close proximity for an extended period of time with your brother as well. Glad things went so positively for you! Great review
  14. Perfect pictures of pixie pleasantries! What a great post and I bet CP and Ambrosia smell amazing together
  15. NuTrix

    Totem: Elephant

    Sorry Vladmyra, I'm dying to try more of these myself. I am able to read a little more this morning and what I'm getting is semi-sweet, bright and green and tea notes. I know it's a picture of a baby African elephant, but I keep thinking of India/Asia, jungle/floral/sweet tea...lush vibrant green...totally "feel" the exotic Luna mentioned above. I like the evocation of this totem!
  16. NuTrix

    Totem: Bunny

    Ok! I gotcha now. Though I have to admit, I was liking the idea of a yummy vanilla like/brown sugary smelling facial/exfoliant Thank you for this! I barely got my shot at the Bunny before my sniffer gave out on me. Such a TEASE. I love it when scents last! I'm finding I'm reacting to this one like I did to OC Blue - without the scents being anything alike though. Meaning, it's so unique to my nose. It's sweet but not entirely foodie and that cotton note just really makes it pop, like WOW! What is that? Does it belong? But yes, strangely, it's perfect together!
  17. Interesting. I rarely wear any one phero that many days in a row...which is why phero'd fragrances are such a dilemma for me sometimes - not unlike yours. I want to wear the sent because I LUUUURV it. I did put Treasured Hearts in Atomic Mandarin, but I've left plenty "virgin". I'm glad you posted. "Happy and cute while crying." I wouldn't have thought of that from CB. Something heavy with b-nol, sure, but this surprised me, but after reading it, it makes sense. *scribble in notes* Gravitating to the menfolk? Why you cuddle bunny you!
  18. Great! Always happy to enable Just a side note, the Topper I use is the 2500mcg concentration and it's always been perfectly effective so far (same for DHEAS) @ Olderbutwiser - isn't the CP fragrance fantastic!? I had to have the Un too, only because there are sooooo many LPs I love and cougar is so much fun to wear. But every time I go back to the CP fragrance I'm always like - WOW - this one is SO awesome! It was one of my first purchases FB from LP and what a winner! BTW - those 3 OCCOs? YUM! Will look for your reviews!
  19. Oh My! My ex didn't roll on the floor, but the pointless rant and standing out of his seat to throw slanderous remarks pretty well did him in. All I had to do show up and let my attorney do all the taking. I recall being in awe of how well the judge handled him (nearly in contempt of court). I think the intent was to let him go on just long enough to see if he realized how foolishly he was behaving. And when my ex didn't, the judge stopped him before he made things worse for himself. I think after dealing with enough people, the courts become familiar with those play books as well. Sadly, I don't think my ex realized how negatively he impacted things for himself until after the fact. His own attorney seem befuddled - I hope your mediation goes as well in your favor When he behaved publically like that it was embarrassing, because, after all, I made a choice to marry this guy - so somewhere part of the embarrassment was my own because I wondered what people must have thought of me for having married "that." But I didn't hang on to that for an instant, because if I'd known what I do in hindsight - I'd have run from that FOH SHO! So let him act a fool, you'll get your baby and won't have to explain anything to anybody! They'll be glad for you and for a stable home for your toddler. Then you can focus more attention on LP and perfume and on fun in general! ^_~
  20. NuTrix

    Totem: Bunny

    Oh, wow, hadn't read that last bit. Do you suppose the grittiness makes it a kind of exfoliant? A yummy smelling one at that Thank you Potion Master! What a great story association! Brown sugar, on the saccharine side? Does that mean more like caramelized white sugar? And vanilla like. And with a resin touch. It sounds good. I must like it as I have a handful of favorites that have it as a note. Now I'm completely fascinated and curious and will keep an eye out in case I ever come across the opportunity to smell benzoin singly. You're not weird! You're just right! I wish I could identify things as well as you that do and/or do not work for me. I'm a long way from such a sophisticated sniffer!
  21. NuTrix

    Totem: Elephant

    Oh wow! Used the wiki link. When I read the ingredients I did recall thinking, "What (or maybe who) is Horton?" I was mostly thinking Horton was likely a 'what' though - like maybe the clover was a similar stand in note for something more exotic or expensive I like the message in the story and it makes Totem Elephant even more endearing Thank you for sharing!
  22. NuTrix

    Totem: Bunny

    I'm not getting it....but that's me I guess What does benzoin come across as to your nose? I'm reading, "vanilla like", a "resin", from "genus, Styrax", "warm/sweet/kinda vanilla w/cinnamon"? I also read it's used to add "sweetness, depth and longevity to amber and incense". It sounds like it could smell like a number of different things??? Just curious what you read it as
  23. You can still find it on Artfire, as of this typing at least. http://www.artfire.com/ext/shop/studio/LovePotion/1/1/293739//
  24. NuTrix

    Totem: Bunny

    How did it play out? Did it stay nice? I'm not sure I would pick out benzoin. Reading about it, I think I would like it, but not being familiar with it, I'm not sure I'd know it when I smelled it *scampers off to go check out Totem Elephant...*
  25. Wow - they really DO operate out of the same play book! I remember our marriage counselor saying something similar when I went through my separation/divorce. My ex behaved embarrassingly before the judge and my attorney commended me later for not allowing him to goad me, but I had seen that behavior so many times that it didn't surprise me, only made me feel embarrassed for him. Counseling and support groups like you're involved in really do help us to see that we aren't alone and that this behavior is not acceptable, nor should it be. Your 1 & 2 above made me chuckle though, because, as manipulative as some try/want to be, sometimes they just aren't actually cunning enough to pull it off. Be glad his disorder is apparent by his behavior, it really will make less work for you Edited to add: Now re-married to a wonderful guy and wouldn't trade him for anything.... I've seen more rainbows while we've been together than I have in my whole life time~ I believe it's a sign
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