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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Yes! The self effects off of this are awesomeness! I have hoarded this little beauty. The scent drove me wild the first time I smelled it - eyes to the back of my head kind of thing. I don't know, it must be the nommable scent AND the BI working together to make me feel slinky and seductive...like I know I have the power to take you even if you tried to say no...but I KNOW you would never say no...Muhahaaaaa...
  2. This played very nicely with Stone Cougar over my weekend...of course now I have hubby's flu and must cease my fun for a bit...but if I was going to have to go out sick, then that is how I would have wanted things to go! With a really great, and worthy of this exhaustion, time! Is there an LP to suppress coughing? Thus far my sniffer is still working, at least I have comforting scents!
  3. As a declared foodie, this was a complete win for me too! I'm so proud to have some florals in my collection of loves I had a few before this that were "likes" but this was the first one that seemed floral all the way through but stayed a candied floral the whole time. Even Pethivier was decidedly desert-y for me - all chocolate jumping out of the bottle. This one is just sugared violets for me. LUUURV
  4. NuTrix

    Summer Dance

    This is one I don't break out often but also one of the few florals I've kept because I just love it! It was my first taste of oud and I love all the musks in it and that hint of sweetness...
  5. ^^^ Ditto on the permanent! I know the fragrance is part of the permanent collection, but the phero in it has changed. At some point it had BI instead of SS4W and since this is Version 3 not sure how v1 began? I got a back up of this one because I like it so much with the SS4W and I already have a hoarded and adored scent for BI
  6. http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=5763
  7. I don't know how I missed this blend altogether. Love the WM and apparently I dig SS4M as well - I quite like being the "victim" of phero bombing
  8. NuTrix

    Egg 2014

    Diito! 2011 is the only EGG I've encountered too. Now II can make one into a spray! I tend to slather this so a good fogging now and again will be nice I don't know how much re-brews vary - plus I don't think I first sniffed 2011 until 2012, who knows how it aged by the time it got under my sniffer?? Or how 2014 may as well...
  9. On me, the Est in the Leather blend softens it on me (Dom reads a bit more serious on me when I wear it). When I've combined Leather and Topper it seems to magnify feminine feel and buffer the none enough for the blend to feel confident and flirty. Now, in fairness, this is my experience, and this is all I can offer. I feel like there should be a disclaimer "results may vary"
  10. I was DEFINIELY seduced by this scent, hands down, no doubt about it
  11. Dom and Leather don't have cops. Dom is minus Est, too, which I'm a fan of in the BI. I think Topper lightens the 2 (Dom & Leather) but they still have a "get down to business" vibe at work - but I think it definitely lightens things and keeps either from being too serious - on me at least CT has a higher concentration of a-nol in it than TMI so if you had good luck with that - and it wasn't too much a-nol all together - the TMI shouldn't be a problem. The higher concentration of b-nol in TMI may lend to those moments of over-thinking for your friend as, for me, I can become introspective while wearing it. But if you have it buffered with the Topper you should do well (I'm a bit of a molecule nerd...in case you were wondering ) I have not actually, that I can recall, ever worn Topper solo! I'm in shock a bit at this realization....I shall have to try it just so I can say I have!
  12. *Swoons!* Truly? Absolutely interested!!! Off to request e-exchange now!
  13. NuTrix

    Moon Sugar Candy

    I only get the burst of lemon at the beginning. I need to make this into a spray, I'll be it would be PERFECT!
  14. This is opening up a whole new love affair! I've pretty much sorted the pheros I wear but once I find some agreeable scents for my guy, I'll have him in the believer's realm in no time! Thanks Snoopyace!
  15. ^^^ Which suits me fine! All the more fun for me...but I know he likes it...even if he won't admit it! He knows it's something that makes me happy and right now that's enough for him I was trying to get him to wear Super a bit more to get a better feel for it, but that won't likely happen 'til he's over this flu...and I think I'm getting a little something now - so off to the pharmacy to find that stuff that shortens colds if you take it early enough...don't want what he has - but even more - don't want to feel too badly to go w/o my pheros!
  16. Man! This one I let sit in sample form FOREVER. Just sitting in my box...glaring at me. It was this weird fascination. I wanted to like it. I DID like it. I was intrigued by the scent, but, certainly, it wasn't me. It was to strong. Too head shop. Too masculine...no way that would ever work as a perfume... And yet... I would test it. I would huff it. There was SOMETHING about it I decidedly liked - but what exactly? Once it dried down it was beautiful, rich, deep and resiny - not head shop at all. What WAS this strange transformation. It was subconsciously appealing on a level that spoke more to my soul than my mind - so strange. I had so many Love Potions, why couldn't I let this one go...what was making me hold on to this scent that I obviously didn't care for - else why would this sample have sat so lonely in my box for so long? Why didn't I just give it away? Then one night, home alone and determined to make a decision about this distracting dilemma, I liberally applied to my wrists a goodly portion of this potion...and MY, did it bloom/BOOM! The musks, the woods, the amber, the bare touch of something sweet...and the STAYING power! It was so heady and thick, but I couldn't stay away from it. I was enraptured, enthralled and completely captivated. Won over entirely. Resistance was futile. There was no getting around it. and though it isn't an everyday wear for me, it is an utter WIN and I'm glad to have a bottle in my collection
  17. NEED samples of: North Pole for Men Encens de Café Steamy Daydreams Bedeviled Sand Box Sands of the Nile The 2 PEs I reserved and whichever totems capture my heart once I snuffle them all!
  18. OOOOOOOO! You've got my interest in this one for sure! Now I really need to get those sample suggestions QG offered so I can find something to boost with this for the man beast!
  19. I just came to see if any of you fellas posted anything about PM wear. I hadn't thought of it for my guy to wear, but I know when I wear it around him he responds incredibly well to it. It IS unisex...I keep forgetting. It would make perfect sense for him to wear it for self effects alone I was curious about how it wore socially on a guy because it's so great for me. I've tested all my pheros out a work and this one is really golden. I mean, it DOES work great at home but I was happily surprised at how good it is as a social. I feel like it's an affirmation seeing Snoopyace's perspective that it behaves exactly that way for a guy too! I would LOVE to be phero bombed by PM!
  20. Mine knows, but he doesn't buy it (the phero thing I mean). He also - obviously - doesn't work it, except for with me He usually "announces" that he's wearing something I've requested, or walks up to me with shoulders back and chest thrust forward asking, "Notice anything different?" But I've suggested him wearing it to work, to see if he got any compliments on the scent at least, and his answer was an emphatic "NO!" and that he didn't need or want anyone from work hitting on him ROFL! SO me thinks he may believe - a smidge...
  21. The way you two talk about DC makes me wish I'd sniffed it, lol, sounds YUMMAH! I would never have thought I'd flip for cirtus - but this one is fantastic. Awe, thanks MissD - I am a bit goofy but I'm usually giggling, even if others don't always get the joke...it's the really corny stuff that usually gets me - I'm hopeless...but I'm happy
  22. NuTrix

    Moon Sugar Candy

    YAY! Success - MSC as it was always intended! So happy your goetting the nomminess now!
  23. Just imagine all the wonderful things you have to explore now! And LP is always transforming and coming up with new delights - you will always have something wonderful to look forward to
  24. Of all things, he's got the - or "a" - flu bug right now. Talk abo taking your spring sniffles to the extreme! He is violently opposed to any scent atm That's a pretty impressive reaction in your post! I had a smidge of it on me late last night to remember what it smells like. LPs are just something you really have to smell ON someone to know if it'll work - but that being said - I still like it myself I'm waiting for the April/May samples. Hopefully he'll be well enough by my next order to know if I should be getting a FB Thank you for he encouraging post!
  25. NuTrix

    Totem: Chick

    I couldn't choose! I got both month's samples
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