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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. I WISH I could smell more! Currently I have vick's vapor rub on my neck and cannot smell it at all, even though it's stinging my eyes! The whole goth bit caught my attention now, lol. Black leather, corsets, jet black hair with violet framing my face...hehe...I still have corsets and black leather anyways... I had an affinity that started early for bats. Used to tuck my hair up under a base ball cap (so they wouldn't get tangled in my hair if we had a run in with each other) when I was a pre/teen and run under the trees with them flittering all around. We had a rented home on a farm and I had all kinds of access to the woods, creeks, fields and all the creatures there for some 5 years or so before we moved. I still remember those years as some of the best and most magical in my life
  2. Kind of like how I felt when I found out what ambergris was - but I still like ambergris as a note...yeesh...
  3. NuTrix

    Totem: Bunny

    Oh WOW! Really?! That's AWESOME! How sad am I that I would never have made the association with Peter cottontail without being told and it make's perfect sense - sweet fluffy bunny with the cotton tail!
  4. Sweet! Thank you! Ok, so far I've got, Bear, Wolf, Lion and Beaver...setting them aside for him now...hehehe....
  5. To be honest, I rarely wear Topper on my person. I wear it primarily on my clothes (front of my top) or in my hair. Most of my phero blends are in oil so I use Topper as kind of my front man, to get out there first and set the mood. It's got a high alcohol content (90/10) so it disperses well and quickly. I've never noticed a delay in efficacy. I know that it burns off more quickly so re-app may be necessary after 3-4 hours, but like I mentioned, I wear it in tandem with other blends so I've not actually had to worry about re-app because the oils last longer than the spray. So when I apply something like Cougar in oil, the oil lasts for hours and hours. In that case, adding Topper is just like adding a yummy frosting on an already delightful confection Edited to add: Ah! I had to look it up, because I had not ever recalled seeing anything about delayed effects until you mentioned it. It does say that it will be at it's "effective peak from application through the 2-3 hour mark." So no waiting necessary for lovely, happy feelings
  6. OK. I still have lots of testing to do for all these totems but I did go ahead and place an order. FBs of: Totem Bunny and Goat, EGG 2014 and Lindee's Pinky Sweet & Lina's Fluffy Bunny Totem Bunny was a surprise like - probably love - and if I regret only getting 1 bottle I will remedy that with a future order if the bunny hasn't hopped away. I'm curious, because of reviews, to try the Totem Bear out on hubby. Would anyone like to offer their thoughts on any other Totems that may do well on a man? He's more open to trying things now and I don't mind asking him to be "Totem Guinea Pig"
  7. NuTrix

    Totem: Bunny

    I am trying my darndest to get a read on this. Earlier today I couldn't smell a thing, but my head has cleared up enough that I'm still getting a very sweet, clean scent that I did the other day when I first opened the vial. I think I like the cotton note. It's not linen clean per se, but I guess just what is says - cotton. It's sweet but not entirely foodie - I get the marshmallow/vanilla/sugar. The other notes I don't recognize because of lack of familiarity but this comes together very nicely - I can only imagine how nice it will be when I'm back to 100% and can fully appreciate it!
  8. NuTrix


    Yes! The packaging IS adorable! I got the bunny and the carrot EGG 2014 & Totem Goat are my 2 favs so far....
  9. Yes! I love the CP scent and lots of people compliment it. If I need a sure fire social, this is the go-to. I'm forever adding that extra smidge of cops to...everything Couple of sprays of Topper or straight DHEAS and Vah-Voom!
  10. It's probably rude to laugh but it's only because I understand where you're coming from. I have found some florals here that are lovely but I steer clear of most as well. And the clean linen/laundry type scents - though lovely - don't agree with me either. I think it has more to do with association. I have worn some of those scents without the "stabby eye" but don't general gravitate to them. I'm sure you'll find lots of wonderful goodies!
  11. NuTrix

    Egg 2014

    This one is dreamy! I will have to pull out 2011 and snoffle them side by side but this (2014) is stand alone deliciousness. This one has caramelized sugars too, which I don't see in 2011. I know I hoarded a fair share of Marsha Mellow. It was EGG 2011 that got me hooked on marshmallow scents. I wonder, shall I forever be surprised at how elegant a foodie scent can be? This is such a warm, friendly and inviting, snuggly scent. I wonder how it would stand up to a boost of Sexology, CB or Lace?
  12. You're right Luna! Which reminds me - I believe I'm thinking of the forum freebies - mustn't forget to add those to the list of LPs gracious givings!
  13. NuTrix

    Totem: Chick

    I having more trouble reading this one. It seems sweet. What note is giving it the brightness? Would that be the sweetgrass? I thought it would be really foodie but it doesn't seem dense and sugary at all. It's light and "fluffy"
  14. Oh my! Even with a broken sniffer, this one is FANTASTIC! I get oatmeal raisin drizzled in creamy, sugary white icing. This is HUGE win!!!! HUGE. I would huff more if I had the lung capacity FB. Hands down....probably hoard worthy. OHMYGOSH my husband will flip when he gets a whiff of this! I know it's got our frenchie's attention! He keeps trying to cuddle up to me and lick my wrist
  15. Welcome to the forum for starters I think you'll find a jackpot here on agreeable scents. I've never been able to wear commercial fragrances for the same reasons but I have found MANY wonderful things here that do NOT come with a raging headache or that stabbing to the sinuses/third eye. It's been a blast finding out what I like and a delight to have found so many! Sorry to here about your situation. I think you made a great choice with picking up swimming with sharks. I thought of that and La Femme Mystere. It sounds like you will have your hands full, but it also sounds like you've got a good head on your shoulders and that is an exceedingly great advantage Definitely wishing you the very best through this troublesome time
  16. Mara is so sweet and generous! Just think - Shipping is what? A penny? And then you get these lovely beaded bags and goodies and valentines an bunnies and carrots AND you get your order of course - PLUS SNIFFFIES! I don't know how she can afford to stay in business and still send out all these wonderfully creative goodies to boot!
  17. It is a lot of a-nol, I little too much together for me. It gave me a bit of a rush. The best it worked for me was a bit of LAM! around my belly button and a smidge on each wrist and 2 sprays of Topper to my hair. I DO like Topper A LOT with BAM! though
  18. I thought that happened to me too, the "skin eating it up", but all day people were asking about it! It smells so yummy it's not fair if I'm scent blind to it in some way
  19. Hehehe, all true! And YES! Absolutely cheered by the packaging
  20. Thanks, I'm trying! I'm waiting on more reviews but I'm optimistic...at least I can smell something
  21. Thanks It's the worst - they're IN MY HANDS and I can't smell them...they make me sneeze when I try....because, of course, I keep trying!
  22. NuTrix

    Totem: Bunny

    Hard to say. I haven't let it sit long enough to acclimate, but it's currently reading sweet, sugary and...clean? Will have to wait until tomorrow.
  23. OK. My sniffer is broken (flu) and everything only just arrived, so all must sit for at least a day or 2 to be certain, but likely FBs could be; Bunny Monkey (that one seems really fruity not on me...it's when it's on me that will be the trick in a day or 2...) Raccoon EGG 2014 Chick (such a surprise! Sweeter than I expected - can't wait to test properly!) Goat (Holy Moly! I hope it's as agreeable when I test it properly...this one could be hoard worthy...) Of course, flu or not, I had to try them all because I'm incapable of waiting - like - EVER! There were quite a few that seem really nice and, of course, - all are unique. All of them are wonderful - travel shock or no - broken sniffer or no - even if they don't all have my name specifically on them And my reserved goodies from the PEs. I'm so excited I dare SQUEEEEEEEAL! Can't wait to start reading reviews - and writing them - pleeeeease let me be well speedily!
  24. YAY! My package came today! But I can't smell ANYTHING because of this flu bug!
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