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I've never tried this straight, I'm curious of the affects of it. So I've read that it make men have a protective response, and this is a strange question probably but does it also possibly give off a protective or cozy affect towards them? I'm trying to figure out how to word it...

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What I get from it is guys wanting to make sure I'm comfortable - is there anything I want? do I need a drink/something to eat? are you warm enough? That kind of stuff. And that's guys in general, not just BF.


I've also noticed that BF gets protective of me, personally, when I wear it, meaning that he'll stick up for me before it's even called for. He makes more of an effort to make sure I'm included if we're in a group situation, (like, he seems to remember that I might not be comfortable in places where I'm not familiar). And yes, it does seem to make him feel cozier and more physically affectionate than he usually is. EST on its own is great. Lace and Cuddle Bunny kick his ass! :)

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I have really only used eat around my own man. He tends to be a very nurturing type anyway, which is really nice, but he does have a bit of ADD so his attention can wander a bit at times when I need him to pay attention. But it is more like in a doting sort of way. He is not st all an alpha type, and circumstances luckily, have never really warranted him to need to protect me in any dramatic way. I just don't think that's who he is. But, if you are looking for some nurturing, loving type attention, then my experiences with est have been good. An added plus is that I get a lightening up effect on my own moods and I am very motivated by self effects so that I'd a hug e plus for me


LOL! I didn't mean together. Each of them on their own will kick his butt. Easily. But "a mace wrapped in Lace" - I like the verbiage! :lol:

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Are you asking about self effects, if it makes you (the wearer) feel cozy and protective towards them, too? That's what I got out of your post. I can't say I've noticed that. It just makeks me feel really, really feminine.


Oh DUH! I didn't read closely enough, apparently! LOL!


Like BlueBear I feel much more feminine while wearing it, however while it doesn't make me snuggly, I do tend to feel more open to accepting physical affection in general.


I also *know* when I'm wearing too much because I get to feeling a bit sucky/physically clingy, (and if I've really overdone it, a bit melancholy, too). Maybe for others that translates as feeling more affectionate/wanting to touch, but for me it feels unnatural, as I'm not normally a physically clingy person.

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I do tend to feel more open to accepting physical affection in general.





This, actually, now that I think about it. I don't really like people I don't know very well touching me, so I definitely realize it's all phero when i let folks in my bubble when wearing this!

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What I get from it is guys wanting to make sure I'm comfortable - is there anything I want? do I need a drink/something to eat? are you warm enough? That kind of stuff. And that's guys in general, not just BF.



Yes ... exactly that !

I apologize for the double post , i tried to delete the previous one and repost to correctly quote Eggers, just couldn't figure out how to do that :Emoticons04280::) I think all the snow is making me ditzy

Edited by fluffygirl12
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