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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. E-OSP, they'll be up until the end of April. Hey, thanks for the *LIKES* gals!!
  2. Thanks for that catch, Calii - we played with a few variations of the name before we came to that one. Thought I had caught all the variations in the spelling, but apparently not! Fixed now!
  3. Shopping cart is completely up now. YAY! Asking a favor too. Don't know if you guys noticed but facebook removed our page a few months ago because it was not a "business" page so we lost our several hundred friends and had to start over from scratch. Here's the business page we are using now...if you don't mind, would you please LIKE us? Thank you! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Love-Potion-Magickal-Perfumerie/136059173114273
  4. Just so you guys know, If you reserved a PE you do NOT have to purchase it via the PE page, I saved those aside for you and did not load them into the cart, so please use the gift cert function, ok? Thanks!
  5. Nothing exactly, but if you read to the bottom of the perfumerie page, I mentioned that fans of Dolce Far Niente and Sugared Cream should love this one. Slurp!
  6. Thanks all - glad you are having FUN!!! Yeah, still programming the cart pages. Have not finished the sample page yet. But you can order the sets via the Gift Sets and Specials page. Working on the sample page now...should be up in half an hour.
  7. It doesn't necessarily smell like seaweed coming out of your pores, honey. I love seaweed too and do not find it offensive at all. But I bet that if you stopped eating it for a few weeks, you would find that your perfume might smell a little different on your skin. People's diets reflect how their skin smells.
  8. Honey really is the closest thing to natural copulins. Bees are completely pheromone wired. You can get nearly identical responses from men with Honey, even without the Cops.
  9. Ack, give me until late Thursday. I am actually almost done! Thanks for smooches! And backatchas!
  10. GREAT pic, Katz! Yeah, I want to know what the OTHER one was too! I was telling Luna tonight, I get so used to people's style of avi's, I've been thinking her new one is Dolly posting, and Ravenwing's new one makes me think of Liz. And Cali has a new person using the same artist...oh, woh, woh....
  11. I love hearing sense memory stories. That's what this is all about. Eggers, you should try Zippity Doo Dah in a wax melt when you have the chance. It's yummy coffee shop + Alpha Nol.
  12. DEFINITELY! I am often surprised by what some people smell or can't smell in a blend. Some of us are super sensitive to certain things and some of us have huge blind spots in our smell-o-vision. And some need a lot of stimuli (large slather) to smell anything at all. We all know smoking blunts your nose-buds, but I have also learned that I cannot eat onions or garlic if I have to brew...definitely blunts my sniffer. Perfume will also smell different on the skin of those that eat a lot of garlic and onions, curry, saffron, even sea weed....it comes out of your pores and changes your skin's chemistry for a couple of days.
  13. Yes please, GCs for PEs is fine, and wait until I have the new sampler pack options up and orderable. Thanks so much!
  14. Thank you Rosegirl. Just popped on to say, yeah, I was being optimistic. I'm afraid you're going to have to give me until Thursday to get everything programmed. Please forgive me!
  15. Light? Molls, may I ask how much you are applying and where? This one will stick to me until I shower it off.
  16. I'M FINE!! Thanks for da worries. It ain't pretty but it's healing.
  17. Anything you want, little puss. I always say this a private forum, not a public one.
  18. Sexology is Est, Cops, Beta-Nol. Dolly, you and I are around 5-6 inches in height difference I think. It's interesting how a lot of the ladies who work Dominance Potion the best are 5'3" and under. I'm not especially tall, but I can loom if I need to, LOL! Moonholly - if you've discovered your test was done a week before your period, you must give the blend another chance!, not during the weepy-week!
  19. Hi JOC, sorry, not too clear on your note above. We included 2 complete names and addresses on two sides of the box as instructed. I do not know what you mean by Christian, Xw or ax, sorry. Glad your daughter likes the wristbands!
  20. I had to go to a meeting today in my Witchy persona, so decided to wear All Hallow's Eve w/ Lumina to put me in the right frame of mind. Freshly slathered, I stop at the Radio Shack on the way for a USB cable and the dude there....HE. WOULD. NOT. LET. ME. LEAVE. The guy was a good 15 years younger than me, and just seemed FASCINATED. He asked me a ton of questions trying to keep me in the store hanging with him. Asking what I do, I tell him I make perfume, and he gleefully asks for a card, Got her number...score! . He asks about my cellphone, (same one he has! OMG, it's FATE!) turns out my plan is thru Virgin which they rep, so he got my monthly cellphone rate reduced from $65 per month to $30 per month. Yay! Come back and see me soon! So funny.
  21. I agree. I think Lace works so well on me because I am entirely the opposite of a Lace-like personality. Alpha and capable. So when I wear Lace, I get treated like a girl for a change. I don't wear Dominance Potion for that same reason...I do not need to be perceived as being more aggressive or dominant.
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