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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. I am definitely putting them in the cart this time. But it's going to take me probably a week to get them all brewed, melted, labeled and then programmed. I have a few different resiny varieties, those are my personal faves, but nothing is EXACTLY like the perfumes because the oils are from different sources, with different bases - a different grade (Manufacturer's Grade rather than Cosmetic Grade). I can do similar things but my ingredient choices are fewer than with perfume oils, so nothing is going to be exactly exact as the perfumes. But they are friggin AWESOME anyway...i can assure you of that! I burned Garland and Lace in my bedroom last night... it was heavenly, and the air in my room is still filled with the aroma. Tonight I am burning Rose Cookies. I am checking each one before I release them to make sure they are all wondrously wondrous.
  2. Yeah, I HAD to make a sticker like that, because I kept getting calls and emails from people asking if I sent them something by mistake and what should they do with it! It's our way of telling everyone YES, THIS IS A GIFT, WE GAVE IT TO YOU ON PURPOSE! Glad you like being here, Bumbob, we love having you here!
  3. AWESOME report Tyvey, Love it! With regard to editing your posts....do you know about the little "recycle" symbol in the upper right corner of the EDIT box? If you hover over it, it says "switch between standard and rich text editor"? Many of us have found that if you click it, it might solve all of your problems.....and the sky opens up and the birds sing....
  4. Yup, you have $10 in credits awaiting you, my Darling! They do not expire. You can save them up and use them all at once, but they still need to be accompanied by a $25.00 paid order. I archived the old threads and replaced them with this one and this one: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=5803 because I knew there was confusion - the program kind of morphed through the years rather than being firmly established...so now it's nice & firm. heh. You have no concerns over your posts being valid thus far, you're fine. Examples of posts that I would not consider valid would be things like "I haven't tried this one yet" in a review thread, or saying, "still like this one". Stuff like that adds nothing of value for the reader and just takes up space, you know what I mean? There's nothing wrong with posts like that, but they're not going to count.
  5. I think I'll go mess with the rank names for a few...need to stir things up a bit once in a while!
  6. Yup, you get to write in anything you want (LOOSELY WITHIN THE REALM OF DECENCY! ) - in the spot where it currently says on yours, "Eric Northman Fan Club President". I also just may give you a very special present when you reach that point too. (But I don't want to encourage anyone to "stuff" just to get there. Only quality content counts!)
  7. Here's a new thread to celebrate your rank! You get a new rank name at: 0 posts 30 posts 100 posts 200 posts (here's where you earn your first $5 credit!) and every hundred after that. At 6500 posts you get to name yourself! For more info on posting credits, look here: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=5803 Have fun and thanks for posting! P.S. I archived the old one (started 4 years ago) to avoid confusion.
  8. FREE TRIAL VIALS for ACTIVE FORUM MEMBERS Active Forum Members (those who post TWO PRODUCT REVIEWS within 2 weeks of making an order) are entitled to choose TWO FREE PERFUME TRIAL VIALS along with any order of $25.00 or more! You may take advantage of this on-going special ONCE PER MONTH. THAT'S TEN DOLLARS WORTH OF FREE MERCHANDISE! You MUST include your forum name to be eligible. Freebies MUST be accompanied by a $25.00 PAID order. Limited to $10 worth of store credit per month, if you choose more expensive trials, you will be asked to pay the difference. These programs are valid ONE PER HOUSEHOLD or IP ADDRESS. .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. CREDITS EARNED for FORUM MEMBER RANKINGS Once you hit 200 posts, you earn a $5.00 credit! For every 100 posts after that your rank name will change and you will again earn another $5.00 credit! You MUST supply your forum ID and the levels you are redeeming. (Example - write it like this: Potion Master - 300, 400, 500). We keep a running tally so we know who has redeemed what - if you've lost track, just ask us and we'll let you know. You are allowed to let these accrue and redeem them all at once. BUT... Redemption of credits MUST be accompanied by a PAID order with a $25.00 minimum. Credits may NOT be redeemed for postage costs - they are for merchandise only. NOT ALL POSTS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR POST COUNT INCREMENTATION. Posters are rewarded for adding quality content to this site, so that people want to come back and have something new to read every time that they do. Posters are rewarded for reviews and general conversation that adds to the flavor of the community. There is no post count increase for posting in the trade/swap area, the games area, or threads which generally involve little more than one word or an icon being posted. The point of this program is that users are rewarded for adding quality content to the site. If we feel that an individual is taking advantage of our generosity and continually posting in quantity without any real content, without really contributing to any of the conversations simply in order to earn credits to cash in, then we will reel back their number of qualified posts or disqualify the person from the program entirely if they are a repeat offender. .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. ADDITIONAL FREE GIFTS & FREE SHIPPING RULES: We make sure that every person receives a special free surprise every month, whether it's something they have chosen themselves via the above programs or something extra that we pop in for fun. However, once again, we are limiting this program to ONCE PER MONTH. In order to continue our generous programs of FREE DOMESTIC SHIPPING and FREE GIFTS, we must limit these perks to ONCE PER MONTH. Multiple orders per month (or per week) will now be billed for all additional shipping costs and additional PayPal fees incurred. If you plan your orders carefully, you will continue to be rewarded with lots of Freebies, Free Shipping and other fun surprise extras. Thank you for your understanding, and for being a part of our wonderful community. .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. WE LOVE REVIEWS! We really appreciate it when people take a few moments to review the perfumes they've received, especially if they are freebies - it's like a nice swap, reviews in exchange for free samps, plus it adds to your post count to earn more free stuff. And please don't think you can only review something if you LIKE it. Truly, we are just as happy with a critical critique, because it helps us make better stuff in the future, and helps our customers make educated choices about what they might like to buy.
  9. Halo, The source for candle oils vs perfume oils is completely different, so all I could do is use the same recipe with the differently sourced oils and adjust it as close as I could get. It's primarily a mixture of Eggnog, Gingerbread & Pumpkin....plus a few other sweet and spicy ingredients. I made two versions! Garland with the Lace phero blend added, and just the Garland fragrance on its own. Also made today: Rose Cookies! Yummy! Liz, Not doing sets this time, selling them as individually wrapped melts. Easier for everyone to mix and match that way!
  10. I don't have that much Tranquility Potion on hand at the moment, so am going to have to stick to a select few to add that to. I have plenty of B2 tho, and that is very soothing as well, so will prob use that one a fair bit. I'm def making more Sug Resins, that was one of my faves as well. As far as Summery - any reports from those who tried Summer Love Sensation the last time? Like, dislike, change it in some way?
  11. It's a sold out blend, Kitty - the samples are all gone. I did a limited rebrew for those who wanted to buy full sized bottles of a second run. I'm not planning on putting it back into the cart, sorry. (It's smells like chocolate covered cherries.)
  12. Thanks, Kittenkat! Invoice on the way!
  13. There are two different areas to the site. The Perfumerie and the Shopping Cart area. In the Perfumerie, you can sort items, but you really can't search unless you know the exact name of the perfume. So if you want to be able to really search, pick any page of the shopping cart and type the search terms into the box in the upper right corner. Here's a link to the Trial Vial page - this should help. http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Sample_Sizes.html
  14. We offered this last time with my "Spa Mint" scent. This time, I decided to go with Tranquility Potion with Spa Mint only, but I'll think of something else to add Focus Potion to.
  15. It's a classic realtor's "trick" to bake and offer fresh cookies during open house events, because you want the house to come off smelling like a HOME. Phero-wise, I would go for Treasured Hearts, Heart & Soul, or Perfect Match. I would definitely have cookies or brownies baking in the oven, but if you can't do that, Love Potion Original was designed to extend this kind of appeal, or just try anything with sweet warm kitchen smells. Are you selling your house? Good luck!
  16. Thanks, Kittenkat! I do not have a corresponding email for you in our system. It looks like you are using different ones to order and use the forum? As such, I THINK I may have connected you to a real name and email address, but I'm not sure and don't want to send stuff to the wrong person, so can you please email me and tell me which email address is the one you would like me to invoice, and then I can also connect a real person with your screen name. Thanks so much! My email address is: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
  17. PINE? REALLY? Wow, it's wild how we all perceive scents differently. I really wanted to hear from some of the desert dwellers to hear if I got the evocation right. All of the ingredients are native to the desert, and I swear, no pine in it! Calii? Did you not try this one? Katz? Are you in the desert? I LOVE this one, I feel like I am drinking cactus and prickly pear juice when I smell it!
  18. When I use the descriptor "non-foody vanilla" in our listings, I am referring to a very specific strain. It's a type that is often used in bath & body products because it smells "clean" rather than edible. It evolves into a soft, soapy/powdery clean scent on the skin. This is obviously the type of vanilla that both Bumbob and JOC prefer, which is not surprising...there's a cultural preference for cleaner lighter more powdery scents in your part of the world. So, ladies, I would advise you to look for the ones with the words "non-foody vanilla" in our descriptions, and probably avoid the ones that are described as delicious/edible smelling vanillas. It might be the dairy-ish butter/fat aspect that comes off as plasticy to you. I know that my nose is extremely sensitive to dairy products that are not super fresh, and butter, fat or even vegetable oils that are not perfectly fresh can smell plasticy to me too. The "non-foody vanillas" contain none of the dessert type additives. Oh, there might be a hint of white sugar in them, but no milk, cream, butter, egg, buttercream accords, etc...
  19. Thousands, at least, and I have 200+. Bumbob, can you identify what you don't think you like specifically? French Vanilla is sometimes described as plasticy to some, but neither you chose has any French Vanilla in it. Curious as to what is not agreeing with you...would like to try to make something you like. Do you like the non-foody powdery vanillas better? (xoxoxxo @ Dolly)
  20. Well, Lace is Est and Alpha Nol...right? It's girly and happy. When I mixed it with the Honeycomb last time (which really does mimic copulins) it turned it into a total sex bomb. So without the copulins, or copulin effect, it should just be girly and happy and delicious smelling. Luna - so cool you get the boy this weekend. ENVY!!!! Have a wonderful time!!!! Can't remember if I used the Tranq w/ Resins on my boy, I think I hoarded that one all for myself. But I did bomb him with the Honeycomb/Lace. heheheh
  21. Okayyyy, half and half then. Now I have to make two different labels. Grumble. Kidding!!!! I aims to please.
  22. ::Squishes Calii:: I appreciate the assist, and that you care enough to help! I'm so happy to be surrounded by such kind souls. xoxoxxo
  23. I erred. Calli just called my attention to the fact that both blends have the "aggressive" phero in it, known as "Enone" for short. Still, the recipes are wildly different. (Weighting the ingredients differently gives you drastically different effects.) Sexpionage is heavy on the Enone and heavy on the Copulins. It's steered into a playful arena by a touch of Alpha-Nol. Blatant Invitation contains the feminizing phero EST as a softening agent, which is absent in Sexpionage. Sorry for the mistake - and thank you, Calii, for bringing it to my attention! xoxox
  24. Ok, I made the Garland candle oil - as close as I can get to it. Prettttty darn close. So, do we want these melts WITH Lace pheros or WITHOUT?
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