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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Yeah, crewman #6. Haw! (Galaxy Quest is like my favorite movie of all time.) It's all happened before, it'll all happen again... so I think there's going to be only a small handful left in the end, but a blended society this time. Will check out that link, thank you! And speaking of history repeating itself - me Mum, (who is my partner in Galactica obsession), found this article somewhere that said they were going to do a spin-off series afterward, of PRE-HISTORY. Going back to the time of Apollo's grandfather, which shows the origin of the 'skin-jobs' as being human made. Something about a guy creating one to replace his deceased daughter or something. Now, I did not get to read it myself, but that totally messes things up time line wise. Which is why I am so confused about the 2,000 year dead cylon community on Earth. But the reason I say history repeating itself, does anyone recall the short-lived tv series Galactica '80? Which was a planet-bound spin-off of the original? I can't believe that they would actually make that mistake TWICE!!!! Not only the BAR, but a MUSEUM and a RIDE! And the most awesome ST gift shop in the galaxy! Must see! They've apparently completely updated the exhibit since the last time I was there, so YAY! I am addicted to Douglas Adams. The KSBF and I like to read to each other, and I am reading him those books now. We laugh our asses off when I do Marvin's voice. I have everything Douglas Adams ever wrote, read by the author. He is so thoroughly side-splitting with his voice acting, you HAVE TO hear him read them, it's one of the biggest treats of my entire life, having those recordings. I can't remember which book it was in, but the part about Arthur and the being he keeps accidently killing, lifetime after lifetime, is the funniest part of the series to me. I also like romantic-ness of So Long and Thanks for All The Fish. I love the part when he teaches his girlfriend to fly. I loved it so much, I wrote a song about that called "She Makes Me High". But my favorite book of his is, The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul. Did you read the Dirk Gently books as well? Isn't that actress who plays Ellen doing an amazing job? Talk about FLAWED. Wow, I'd give her an Emmy for that performance.
  2. Yeah, katz, he lives 1,000 miles away, so not much choice in that matter. I only get to see him every few months. But as I just saw him 2 weeks ago, this is a really nice treat, and quite a surprise too. He got asked to an industry convention on short notice, and asked me along. heeee! Where are you guys gonna stay when you go? I wanted to stay at Excalibur - go fig, I was attracted to the name, and the bright colors, and the turrets, and they have carnival games, which I totally ROCK at, but then Danna said it would be filled with shrieking children and the KSBF went right off the idea. So, we don't know where we are going to stay yet. Any suggestions? I wanted to be right in that little strip where all the hotels are connected. And NY, NY is sold out. hmmm.....
  3. Awww, Pony - showing her geeky side too - LOL! I saw you said FRAK in another thread! Yeah, Romulan Ale is illegal all over the known universe, except in Vegas. Last time I was there I bought a 6 pack. I gave them all away except for one bottle. I don't have the nerve to actually drink something with that much blue dye in it, but I see people lined up at the bar drinking it. I always get me the frozen blue lemonade tho - YUM! Pony, whaddya think about how Galactica is going? I'm confused about the 2,000 year time shift thing that Sam mentioned before he went into the coma. Did you get that at all? And how is it that Kara came back with her tattoos intact? If she's a clone, she shouldn't even have a scar... So now, anyone for Pangalactic Gargleblasters? Methinks Liz would enjoy those.
  4. OMG, I STILL can't wear that out of the house, it's SOOOO sexual. I learned my lesson wearing Tea and Strumpets one afternoon, and nearly got jumped by my cab driver. (That was my first scent with a strong honey note in it.) No, no Juniper. We haven't used Juniper in anything in ages. We have some though - in case anyone wants.
  5. bwaha! I am so very pleased that I have company in my ST geek fandom. LOL! I truly did not think anyone would get that quote, and Luna and Bookworm knew it right off. I love you guys!!! So...the KSBF is wisking me off to Vegas for the weekend, YAY! and generally I loathe Vegas, (I don't gamble and I hate all the cigarette smoke), except I adore the Star Trek goodies at the Hilton. I love sitting in Quark's bar and staring at the models of the ships on the ceilings, and I simply must stock up on goofy paraphernalia once again. Can I pick up anything for anyone? Perhaps some Romulan Ale or a Tribble, or a red shirt? A pewter Voyager keychain?
  6. Actually, I think that the comma should have come AFTER the sodium sulfate. dehydroepiandrosterone sodium sulfate = Isn't that DHEA? DHEA is, as far as I understand it, the hormone that makes women's periods coincide when they live together, so is considered a bonding chemical, amongst a host of other things... right? Soon, children.... the definitive answers are coming soon...
  7. I haven't tried Girl/Girl myself yet, but we have a lot of sales for it from straight women who are using it for business and friendship bonding with other women, and seem to like it enough to buy it again. Next time I have a group dinner with my former bandmates, (all-female band - half gay, half straight), I am DEFINITELY going to wear this one and see how it goes! LOL! Yeah, K. I am creeped out by that predatory vibe too. Gosh, Luna, that article was KIND - striving for better romantic success, bwaha! Personally, I am somewhat nervous about mixing phero blends. I am not as experienced a phero user as many on this board, and when I wear them, I so totally mean business that I do not want to mess it up. Dolly and Ail are fabulously expert and the ones to ask the hard questions!
  8. Oh, I think I know what you mean now. There's an earthiness that comes through in both, like a wine sediment type scent. Though, this new one is lighter and fruitier and has a lot of musk in it - we wanted to more capture the entire hedonistic experience of Bacchanlia rather than just the booze!
  9. C'mon - just look at the expression on that kitty. It's side-splitting to me. Her ears are pinned, she has complete and utter mania in the eyes, her legs are splayed. I thought it was the perfect antithesis to the well behaved little girl. More like a representation of the type of little tom boy who rolls in the grass, gets her dress muddy in minutes, climbs trees, has scraped knees, and runs around like a little maniac. That's a hoyden. (My grandmother used to call me that!) Kitty owners will recognize that look - just before they go tearing through the house at top speed, wrecking and trashing everything in their path... LOL!
  10. Actually, I do not have a clue. Mystery Boy is an Androtics product, and I don't think they tell people what ingredients they use. The ads for Mystery Boy seem to be geared more sexual, but they're more geared towards the PUA community anyway so that's how they pitch their stuff. I gave Boy/Boy to one of my best friends when we first got it in, as a test subject. He's gay, and said that everyone acts extremely friendly when he wears it, and his boyfriend noticed and commented that he was gathering a crowd when he had it on, but he never mentioned anything to me about overtly sexual behavior. (Not that he would.) Just relaxed warmth and friendliness. When I wear it out during the day, I notice the same reaction, from both sexes. And it has the self-effects on me of being calming. Like TG said, it's like having that mental security of a big strong man by your side, even if there isn't one. It's an odd thing. I really like that feeling, though.
  11. awwww, soo cute. We love you too, TG! And the restaya tooo! HUGS!!!
  12. I think that's the animal musk you're reacting to, TG! Little bit of an 'unwashed smell' to it.
  13. Ok, it's yours! if you want to add it to your order, just order a custom sugared, and in the notes section of that item, write in DOLLY'S DARK SIDE. ok? I will hold the bottle aside with your name on it. Thank you so much!
  14. I wear the Boy/Boy phero all the time. I first wore it on a lark, when I dressed up as a dude for a costume party, but found it had a really soothing comforting vibe on me. You are correct about the Teddy Man - it IS a very similar blend, just with slightly different levels - TM has a little bit more Androstadienol - the *appeasement* / *Alpha-male at peace* pheromone. It's completely safe for women to wear, by the way, it doesn't have any aggressive male pheros in it that can make girls bitchy.
  15. Hi Starlite, Order via the links, and that will put you through our regular cart program, rather than being invoiced. http://lovepotionperfume.com/store/New_Releases.html http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Sample_Sizes.html
  16. Everyone that emailed me about being invoiced for LP Pink - please use the cart program now if you can. It would be much appreciated, thank you!
  17. The pre-orders I had mentioned were from a few of our retail shops. They nabbed up almost half of the supply. D'oh!
  18. Okay............. The New Release order page is up, and so is the Trial Size order page. So you now have access to all the new goodies. The other pages will be up soon. Thanks for your patience! http://lovepotionperfume.com/store/New_Releases.html http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Sample_Sizes.html
  19. Love Potion: PINK 2009 All the powerfully seductive ingredients of our original Love PotionĀ®, with the addition of the most delicious fairy floss cotton candy pink sugars imaginable! Dreamy in the extreme! This year's offering combines four buttery Vanilla oils from around the globe - from Madagascar, France, India and Mexico - added to Amber from Tunisia, Patchouli from India, native American Berries and Sugars galore! (I hate to mention this, but pre-orders for this blend have been so high that LP: PINK 2009 is already an endangered species. Get it while you can, it's too delicious to miss!) Flower of Venus And ode to the Goddess of Love, crafted of flowers sacred to her. A misty floral melange based on the scent of her favorite vintage White Roses, rounded out with wild Pansies, (which gained their color when pierced by Cupid's arrow - and are fabled to ensure the love of one's sweetheart), Geranium, Rose Geranium, and misty Blue Musk. Hummingbird Nectar Nectar sipped by wee little hummingbirds, sweetly kissed with their favorite florals. Peach nectar, honeysuckle, ivory lilac, a touch of nectarine and morning glory, and that all-important dyed red sugar syrup! Hoyden Behold - the perfectly angelic demeanor of the proper young lady: Dressed prettily, legs crossed demurely, a crisp bow in her sweetly curled hair, quietly pleasant in her corner...NOT! The definition: "A high-spirited, boisterous, or saucy girl." And they say it like it's a BAD thing?! The sweet scent of youth and spring sunshine, mischievousness and high-spirited, boisterous FUN! Hmmm... Very unladylike. Very unladylike indeed... Sweet Grasses, Orchids, Zinnia, Dandelion, Peach, Vanilla, Spring Honey and Brown Sugar. Excitement is in the air!!! Sorceress - A Pheromone Enhanced Power Potion for Women Under her spell... Dark resinous ingredients for power and passion. A magickal spell oil of Resins, Spice, Florals and Musk, made for her with the addition of our Dominance for Women pheromone blend. The Sorceress is queen of all she surveys... Sorcerer - A Pheromone Enhanced Power Potion for Men Under his spell... Dark resinous ingredients for power and passion. A magickal spell oil of dark Resins, Spice, deep herbal florals and Musk, made for him with the addition of our Wanted Man pheromone blend. The Sorcerer commands, and with this blend he can have her.
  20. Bacchanalia Let the revelry begin! A wildly indulgent potion of sexual abandon and hedonism. Five lavish Musks: dark, rare and extremely sexual; steeped in fruit wines of Peach, Apricot and Grape. I don't know, but it's green... What's St. Paddy's Day without GREEN BOOZE? An out of this world concoction based on Danna's favorite green drink, blended by little green men, from Mars! Ok, Martian Lime is a bit different, it has a touch of musty chocolate and red pomegranate-like flavoring to it, but it makes for a great party! Served in a Martian Martini glass rimmed with green sugar. And it's almost creepy how when you wave a bit of this concoction under Danna's nose, she'll do your bidding, and wear a smile the whole time! Flower of the Beast Summon the power of the auspicious Dragon to your side... a potion of Protection, Good Fortune, Personal Power, Health, Self-Confidence and Calm. Bold Resins, a slice of Fruit, a sprinkling of Spice, and the smokey breath of the Dragon. Take flight! Includes Dragon's Blood, Snap Dragon, Dragon Fruit. and more... La Fleur Cremeuse Rich, Parisian bakery styled Buttercream, mixed with Roses for a fragrance that will have him yummily snuggling. A feel-good, deliciously sexy vibe! Shady Lady Do you feel sexy? Well, you WILL with this soft, yet mysterious Chypre / Floral, turned around with the addition of hand blended Dragon's Blood resins, Musk, Ambergris, Spice, and just a touch of Brandy.
  21. Before I post the new release descriptions, I'm just going to piss Danna off by saying, that in *Starving Musician Land*, peanut butter is LUXURY FOOD!!!!! We used to eat 5-for-a-dollar mac and cheese, and 10-for-a-dollar ramen!! We'd empathize with friends gaining excess weight when they first started getting gigs good enough to include backstage deli trays, and knew they were, what we called, 'opportunity eating'. It takes you a while to realize you don't have to stuff yourself just 'cause the food is there. And yes, no matter what, the babies always come first. Whether they are human babies or 4-legged with resplendent fluffy tails. CC: You're a good Mommy concerned with the welfare of your own young child. When you're both older and more comfortable, you'll have more emotional space for pets in your life. But now they pale in importance by comparison to the love you have for your own small child. And that's a wonderful thing. :SMOOCH:
  22. Still have one more unclaimed bottle of this one! Any takers?
  23. LOL! Yup, she helps with the labelling process, (lines her tail up with the cutting blade, to help measure,) and tidies up the place by making off with shiny things and dropping them down the drain.
  24. Super (scented version) for men is long sold out. BUT, you can get UN with SS4M added if you like. This is my favorite roll-on-my-pillow scent. Very nasty dreams. Heh.
  25. I had to go look at my recipe to see what the grapefruit thing was all about, because I didn't even remember putting any in there! Ok, HALF of the entire recipe of the perfume is Pears (a couple of different kinds), and in the whole lot, amazingly I only added one tiny ml of grapefruit. It's amazing how virulent certain notes can be!
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