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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Probably! I am currently going through the latest submissions and replacing "generic" labels with people. I only have a few spots left so send now! My email: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com I added half a dozen new labels today! Anyone notice???
  2. I need to apologize for the delay on some of these orders. Today, John found a stack of finished ready to mail orders that were ready to go 2 weeks ago, but somehow just got placed aside and then forgotten about. We've had hundreds of orders during the sale, with thousands of bottles going out. We are trying to keep track of everything as best we can. The sheer volume in square footage is stunning. In this case, apparently the stack was set aside to make room on a counter and whoever placed it there, forgot. I noticed Invi's order right on top. SORRY INVI! And Birkeys, I'm guessing your order may have been in there too because I made that NoCo Pink for you weeks ago. So sorry everyone. Huge apologies. We have been working as fast as we can all month. We've got about two truckloads going out tomorrow. Thanks for your patience and understanding, hoping to catch up asap.
  3. No one has ordered it yet so I didn't make it yet. I am happy to do so though! I will put it on the list on the first page but will hold off on making a label for any of the suggestions until they are formally requested.
  4. Not really, no. What it has is a mixture of dry and wet woods though. Teak is a more "alive" smelling wood, while others have a dried cast. I skewed it autumnal, so it is predominantly dried but with some autumnal moisture, if you get what I mean? And I used a lightly spiced caramel to enhance the autumn evocation.
  5. Definitely Pine. Both have pine and spruce in them.
  6. File this under, WHAT IN THE FLAMING HELL WAS I THINKING!, but I did it! All hundred and twenty-something Sugars are now complete. EVERYTHING is now ready to ship on demand...until the next group of suggestions gets ordered, that is! With my master computer out for rescue/repairs, I can't do any more lables for a few days, but will get back to exchanging the "generic" ones with more lovely people pictures as soon as I am able. We are all really proud of these over here, they came out even better than expected. We love them and are having a great time with them - hoping you enjoy them as much as we do. We can't wait to hear about the creative combos everyone comes up with. And as John said today - "Now everyone has the tools to make their own PEs...LIVE THE DREAM!"
  7. You really don't want super strong copulins. they are high odor. More does not equal better when it comes to pheros. Truly. The amount we would add to the Lace is much more than enough.
  8. I think Lace + Cops would be a great choice for you. Do not confuse the term Alpha-Androstenol, with an Alpha signature. That's why I sent you the phero wiki. Alpha-Androstenol is a happy giddy social, not a dominance style molecule.
  9. The thing with Pure Sugar, is that it is balanced so that no one sugar pops out. It resembles white sugar more than any other component. IMO, it comes out like what you would want sugar to really smell like, rounded by all it's varieties.
  10. Not exactly, no. For Totem Bunny I used cotton flower for the magic, but that does not actually smell like cotton, it has an orangey aroma. The cottontail evocation in that blend actually came from marshmallow, vanilla and musk.
  11. I can do that if you want it. I have a drawer full of cotton and linen notes! Order it and I'll make it.
  12. It amazes me how excited about these John, Jess and Izzy are. They are expressing MEGA LOVE as they are being bottled! Izzy's faves are Warm Milk and Sugar - he says it smells EXACTLY like the breakfast kids were given in his native country as a child - fresh warm milk straight from the cow with sugar. Brown Sugar Pecan - omg, smells so good we all had to go and eat something sweet after smelling it together, it makes you hungry! And Sugared Earth. He says, "These are amazing, how do you DO this?" I said, it's what we save the cat whiskers for, Izzy! You pass the whiskers over the potion and make a wish and it turns out exactly how you want! Jessica's faves are Cherry Blossom, Dogwood Blossom, Peony, Jonquil, Jasmine...she loves all the fresh florals. John is loving pretty much all of them. He is delighted when he guesses correctly...I don't tell him what it is until he tells me. Every day he has a new fave. Today it was Orchids and Neroli. He slathered himself in Neroli first thing this morning. It's so much fun how much JOY and sense memories these seem to bring!
  13. When we did conventions and festivals, we were quite interested to note that there was a pretty clear age deliniation. Males born 1980's or after were entirely comfortable choosing whatever scent they liked and putting it on....many or most that would have been deemed feminine scents. Guys born 1970's or earlier, they grew up in an era where the "appropriately masculine" stamp must be applied...I think it's more conditioning than personal taste at issue.
  14. Yes, you would need both to achieve that feel. Greenery is lush wet green-ness, no musk. Green musk is a good base to layer nature notes with.
  15. The best representation of a true brown sugar scent without any spice, IMO is the Brown Sugared Pecan. You really don't smell the pecan - it's just adds depth and dimension to the brown sugar. It's delicious!
  16. I see ONE review from Beccah so far. Anyone else get their Sugars yet? John said people should have started receiving them by last Thursday.
  17. Pink Musk was a full perfume blend also including sandalwood, vanilla and oakmoss.
  18. I'm sorry, I have too much on my plate right now to add PEs to the workload. I will open them up for ordering again around the end of September. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
  19. Have you tried Pure Sugar? If so, what about it does not work for you? I believe I used an herbal tea in 221b. And maybe a little more exotic black tea in your PE. The Black Tea I am using as the centerpiece for this line smells pretty much just like English Black Tea. Slightly bitter until sugared, but clear, stimulating and airy. It's hard to describe...I use black tea notes to create - space - between other notes, it lends a feeling of airiness in my opinion. ETA: Looked it up, for 221B I did use the Black Tea I am using in this one, but I also blended it with White Tea so it'll be a little different.
  20. Pure sugar is a mixture of all the main sugar varieties - white, pink, brown, caramelized and powdered. They are better together than on their own - the combo gives the whole more body and lasting power. Danna may have added more black pepper to amp what was natural in the carnation, I do not know at this point.
  21. Oh, yes, I have Rosemary .Rosemary in it's natural state actually smells nothing like the essential oil, which is almost all camphor with a hint of green. I only have it in EO form, which makes it very fragile and burns off quickly. The primary quality of it is the camphor, which dissipates in the air very fast. It's good for medicinal and magickal properties, but does not make for a very hearty perfume note, I'm afraid.
  22. It's SPICY Brown Sugar in that case, and is comprised of several brown sugars, cinnamon and amber. Black spices?? I'm not sure what you mean by that. Evil in Carnation - it's the carnation itself, it has a black pepper quality to it naturally. Carbon black has no spices in it. I do not have anything called "Black Sugar". Maybe you like the dark Indian attars? They are sandalwood based and incensey - perhaps you are reading the smokiness as spice?
  23. Honestly, I do not see a point in doing things where no blending is involved. I mean, I could blend a bunch of different brown sugars or pink sugars together, but while these Layerables are relatively simple creations, they still have an average of 8-12 ingredients each. I'm trying to present it as a single note, combining many to make a perfect specimen, but a truly single note you can buy lots of places online for less money. Does that make sense? Would you gals still want me to make just brown and pinks available on their own?
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