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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. I know exactly the shots you mean. The fishnet shot is a promo from the film Bus Stop. The scarf shot from her last official photo sesh. I could look at pix of her all day. What a goddess she was.
  2. I've got that same info, E! 2800 was your last redeemed...you've got some spending to do! heee!
  3. Salex, I updated the first post with your reservations. Thanks! And thank you, EVERYONE!
  4. Storemy, I'm keeping a tab in the first post of this thread. Gorgeous shot. I could make a whole thread of my faves....I love the one of her in bed, cracking eggs into a glass of milk - very sensual. I also love the one of her staring over the balcony at the streets of New York. and there's one with a bejeweled black velvet dress. I found a very similar dress in a second hand shop and bought it - stared at it for a decade in my closet...it never fit me cuz I do not have a long-waisted figure like she did. Oh, and that Chanel picture! I had a billboard sized one of those!
  5. To order your reserved PE, go to the PE page, and scroll down to the "additional bottles" option which has the proper price, $24.95 each. Make sure to write in the title of the perfume you are requesting. Here's the link to the PE page: http://www.lovepotio...PrivateEditions If it's too difficult to figure out, just email me for an invoice! CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
  6. I just finished bottling the PEs and posted the results in the first post here: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8995&p=327501 To order your reserved PE, go to the PE page, and scroll down to the "additional bottles" option which has the proper price, $24.95 each. Make sure to write in the title of the perfume you are requesting. Here's the link to the PE page: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/articles/PrivateEditions If it's too difficult to figure out, just email me for an invoice! CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
  7. I just finished bottling everything and updated the first post to reflect the reservations. Hearts - to answer your question about Strawberry vs Lemon? The answer is BOTH! I dug out this awesome strawberry lemonade oil to satisfy that sparkle. It's bright at first but settles quickly. Really nice blend! And Storemy - who woulda thought the combo of banana and orchid would be TO DIE FOR! Good job! Lady V - my Marilyn collection rivaled my Superman collection at one time. I collected her (and Bettie Page) while I was on tour, picking up what I could find coast to coast. I ended up with hundreds of pounds! I gave it all away over the years though, I helped two people decorate their homes with her from my huge stash, and only kept the nekkid pix for myself...there was so much I decided to limit my own collection to *Marilyn in Bed*.
  8. Thanks for the video, Betsy! It's EXACTLY what I needed! Except...I couldn't make it work! Well, handyman is coming anyway, I'll make him do it.
  9. Well, Betsy, it was a Sonic Screwdriver, of course. The storm also blew out the pilot light in the gas fireplace...how does one fix that? Anyone?
  10. Thank you, Luna, for your wonderful scribings!!!! I tried to put everything up yesterday, but yes, the internet gremlins arrived. I had to fend them off with a screwdriver actually. I spent over an hour trying to get my computer up, then tried John's and realized it wasn't just mine. So I tried calling the phone co and realized the phones were out too! So I investigated until I found that the line into the house had been cut at the connection point by falling debris and the cable lost inside the wall! I had to take the plate off and dig around and find replacement cable and connect everything back up. It only took me a total of 6 hours or so, and lots of cursing. The others were lucky they had the holiday off, I was so frustrated!!! By then I just decided I need a nap and started fresh early this morning. And life is beautiful again.
  11. Normally, I wouldn't steal an unlicensed picture like this, (D'oh!) but your description and name reminded me so much of this image, one of my favorite pictures of Marilyn whom I have been madly in love with my entire life, that I just couldn't help myself! I figured..it's for private use, it's not really going up for sale on the website, so maybe I can be forgiven!
  12. no....just Orowheat's Potato Bread with whipped salted butter....yum.
  13. See what you made me do? It smells so good, I had to go make myself toast and butter for lunch...and now I'm EATING IT!!!
  14. My Warm & Toasty features my cat Luna on the label. that's all one really needs to know. Ok, ok. I actually wanted to do this as a monthly but I did not have enough of the ingredients to do a wide release so I just made enough for me...and a few other people. It's literally a warm and toasty smell....like hot buttered toast. I mixed the scents of warm bread with butter, some warm cream, buttered brown sugar and a tiny touch of bready banana. It's not overly sweet though, it's more toasty and buttery and smells delicious and comforting and warm.
  15. PE's for Feb are here! I don't know how many bottles I have left of each as they have not yet been decanted. Should I put the extras straight on Artfire this time, or do you all still want to reserve here? Let me know! Thanks! Make a Wish...and Blow! by Spring 12 available bottles: (Hearts, LadyV x2, CinnMel, Invidiana, IvyFiddlefox, Liz, Spright, Salex, StacyK, Cherise, Tyvey, Storemy...ALL GONE!!) Linda's Birthday Wishes by Spring 5 available bottles (Lady V, Invidiana, Hearts ...2 bottles left) Mara's Warm & Toasty 14 available bottles (Luna, Tyvey, Fleur, Lady V, EOSP, Amalthea, Katz, BlueBear, DolphinDolls, StacyK, Gale, IvyFiddlefox, Hearts, Invidiana) ALL GONE! Wow, Just enough!! Lina's Caramelized Mango Bean 8 available bottles (Lady V, EOSP, Hearts, Gale.....4 bottles left) Lina's Beach Bunny Musk 5 available bottles (Lady V, CheshireKitten, Invidiana, Salex, Blackcat, Hearts .....ALL GONE!!) Lina's Buttercream Rose Cookies 12 available bottles (Ducky, Spright, Lady V, Storemy, Salex, Blackcat.....6 bottles left)
  16. I decided since I finally got my own ship, I can be the captain of it, and everyone else climbed the ranks as well. Lt Luna was promoted to Commander Luna. Jessica is pleased to no longer be an Ensign. But the only thing I know about ranks is from Star Trek, so give me some slack!
  17. I love it when people get my allusions! @ JOC ~ Yes, I think you will enjoy Orchide! @ QG - Just so you don't feel left out...maybe you can encourage the ladies to post pix of themselves donning the set gifts....
  18. QG, you might want to try The Big Easy just for yourself. It's calming/soothing and would make a great sleepytime spritz for either gender. It works as a nice anxiety reducer for me, day or night.
  19. So many celebration days in March, and we've crafted odes to them all! Mardis Gras and Carnivale, Purim, St. Patrick's Day, and of course, the much awaited SPRING! 10 scents for ladies, 2 have pheros, and 1 of the phero scents is a spray. There will be a little treat included with each Monthly Set, and two of these perfumes have been dedicated to charity. We welcome you to join us in donating, but if you purchase these perfumes, you already are! I am planning on getting the PE labels posted by tomorrow. Happy Valentline's Eve! Have fun! Papal Purple Phero Enhanced with Heart & Soul Irish Rose Nola Habitat for Humanity - New Orleans http://www.habitat-nola.org/ Sweet Pea Cupcake Esther Feeding America http://feedingamerica.org/ L'eau de Orchide Hummingbird Nectar 2014 Defrosted The Big Easy - SPRAY Phero Enhanced w/ Teddy BB Budding Romance
  20. HI Donsie! You're good, you've understood everything perfectly. Thanks for asking!
  21. Hi Eggers! You last redeemed at 4900 posts. And for everyone - if you cannot figure out how to redeem on your own, please just email us for an invoice and we will do it for you. No prob. If you are redeeming GCs, please include the redemption codes for those GCs in your email. Our email: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com Thanks!
  22. I put 13 bottles and 2 sprays into the cart, and there's still 7 trial vials. I think that covers all the requests. Thanks! Oh, and the rebrew smells exactly exactly the same - was able to use the original ingredients with no substituting so it's spot on.
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