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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Aparently, Brazil. Corey also has frogs that he says are the size of your thumbnail.
  2. Answered on the very page you copied the above from: Click here to buy FULL SIZE BOTTLES (1/3 fl.oz. each) of all TEN of this month's NEWLY RELEASED PERFUMES for WOMEN at an unbeatable price - at least a $50.00 discount! NOTE: This offer is for "normal" months, it does not include special events which may be priced differently. Thanks! What you will receive is the newest releases featured on the top of the front page of our site. We can sometimes go back the previous two months if they are not sold out. Only what you see on the front page is available in any case.
  3. Welcome! Glad you have joined us! You can find the monthly sampler sets here: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/articles/Sets
  4. Betsy is my dream teacher. I LOVE you Ms Betsy! You Devil! And blue frogs DO exist! My buddy Corey has a collection of them! He says their personalities are hilarious...they love to watch TV. They turn on the TV for the frogs and laugh their asses off!
  5. Popularity Potion for Women, and Charisma for Men. Both of these we released with the needs of actors in mind. You want to come off as attractive and charismatic, a socially dominant individual - aka A STAR, but also reliable and bankable....someone that producers will feel secure in investing money, time and energy in. Pretty much any phero blend will aid you by shining a bit of a spotlight on the wearer, an advantage others in the group may not be taking advantage of, but the two blends I mentioned above - aiding actors was a major factor in their creation. As this company started in Hollywood California, we were part of the entertainment community, and these blends answered the needs of our friends. You might find them helpful too. Best of success to you, let us know how it goes!
  6. I used to shred them with scissors as a child, and then smear the multi-colored shavings on the paper. It looked really cool. For some reason, I got into trouble for that. I got screamed at by my teachers and a note sent home. Square peg, round hole, I guess.
  7. A chip of Gamboge: I was deciding between that name and Goldenrod, but I learned that goldenrod doesn't smell very good and I didn't want to put anyone off! Burnt Umber is one of my fave perfumes for the month. And the name is just so CRAYON, I had to use it. I amuse myself.
  8. You're not all that far off, Ducky. Just you wait and see! It's so fun!!
  9. Our theme for this month's *Crayon Collection* is "Add a Little COLOR to your Life!" But just so you know, there are no added colorings to these perfumes at all - they are scent representations of color. Mood and wardrobe enhancements that give off the "aura" of colors, if ya know what I mean. Tip: GET THE SAMPLER, IT'S PACKAGED REALLY CUTE!!! Vivid Violet Vermillion Mountain Meadow Indigo Gypsum White - Phero Enhanced w/ Lace Gamboge - Phero Enhanced w/ Levitation Cerulean Blue Carbon Black Burnt Umber Blush - Phero Enhanced w/ Perfect Match Atomic Mandarin
  10. I broke a tooth yesterday - chewing on a Mento - and had to do an emergency trip to the dentist. (I broke this same tooth once before - eating grape Nerds left over from Halloween. No more candy for me!) The funny thing was, that I threw on the same clothes I had worn to a doctor appointment 2 days earlier as I had only worn them for a couple of hours. To the doctor visit, I'd worn no scent or pheros, (and was treated like garbage), but for the dentist visit, I quickly sprayed myself 3 times with the Big Easy on my way out the door just so I would stay calm. Everyone I encountered wanted to be my best friend. The dentist and assistants...they didn't want me to leave, the pharmacist and assistant, hung out gossiping with me. Same outfit those two days, same me, only difference, this. And even after all that, I took myself out to dinner, and the waitress was just over the top sweet and chatty....I started wondering if it was the potion making the difference in my day, and watched the waitress closely when she attended her next table of newcomers, and she really had treated me nicer. I'm very happy with this potion.
  11. With the day I had yesterday, and a totally sleepless night, I went and stole a bottle of this from inventory this morning and soaked myself in it. Ahhhh, serenity. I feel so much better now! I'm surprised that this smells like it has a touch of licorice in it, on my clothes where I sprayed. It's a side effect of the basil that I didn't expect, but I do love it! I get a powdery floral herbal, and spraying on my clothes I think is prolonging the life of the scent on me, as herbal EOs tend to burn off pretty quickly on my skin.
  12. IT WAS TERRIFYING!!!! I have successfully foiled their attempts to kill me with panic by installing that safety gate though. So glad it worked!
  13. It's only got the tiniest touch of banana. I was really after the bready/starchy quality that particular banana oil had to offer. So glad that those who got them are enjoying them. I have been wearing this one a lot!
  14. That sounds like an EST response to me! The nurturing, protective, nesting vibe...do not disturb...that's textbook EST response. But considering all the other molecules you had on in combination, it's really impossible to nail it down to just the one. Glad to hear you are getting such excellent responses from the mixes. Sounds like you are doing great with what you've got already! Good luck!
  15. Copied from the PE release thread, as requested! My Warm & Toasty features my cat Luna on the label. that's all one really needs to know. Ok, ok. I actually wanted to do this as a monthly but I did not have enough of the ingredients to do a wide release so I just made enough for me...and a few other people. It's literally a warm and toasty smell....like hot buttered toast. I mixed the scents of warm bread with butter, some warm cream, buttered brown sugar and a tiny touch of bready banana. It's not overly sweet though, it's more toasty and buttery and smells delicious and comforting and warm.
  16. Potion Master


    hmmm, on my chemistry, it's like I poured a whole bottle of gourmet vanilla extract over my head and let it drip down my body, inviting someone to lick it off me. It's stunningly delicious and sexy on me. One of my favorite vanilla blends I've ever done. I am surprised how different skin chemistries are reacting to this one, but all I can say is, YAY, MORE FOR ME!
  17. You got it, Gale! We've got one saved with your name on it.
  18. You got it, thank you! I think your Beach Bunny Musk came out especially faboo!
  19. LOL! You guys are too funny! Katz, 5400 for you. 3200 for you, Molls. Weee, shopping spree!!
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