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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Yes, please! Anyone who needs an invoice, let us know via email. Thank you! CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
  2. Thanks for all the pix that are coming in. You guys are GREAT! I do not have the time yet to plot which ones will go with which perfumes, but it's a priority so you will hear from me soon. THANK YOU!!! I don't have it on the list, but anyone remember Sugared English Toffee? That was my singer Leslie's favorite. She drove me nuts about remaking that one. Should I add it to the list or let sleeping dogs lie? I'm afraid to even tell her about this...lol....
  3. It sold out this week. Must wait for the pending orders to be filled and then I will see if we have any left. Sorry, will let you know. Don't let me forget!
  4. It's kind of like a Mermaids of Atlantis variant, really. With berries sitting in for the melons in the other blend, but if you are familiar with the other, you know that this is a well rounded refreshing airy watery lightly sweet scent, nothing in particular to come out and punch you in the shnoz.
  5. ^^ THAT ^^ is why I love this phero blend so much. Perfectly stated. It feels like a big protective hug.
  6. I've been doing this one for Halloween for like, what, 4 years or so now? It is such a great blend...one of my personal favorite pick-me-ups. Can you wait until Halloween for another brew or should I whip up another small amount now?
  7. The apple in this one is most akin to applesauce, I think. It's a mellow apple, not a huge bright one, it's subtle within the mix and lightly sweet. Apple blossom, just FYI is actually kind of soapy smelling and wouldn't have fit this blend.
  8. Ended up with 7 bottles of Black Cat Mojo, so got everyone on the list, but no more! Blackcat - you asked for cops on your other two oil bottles. Did you want the additional one Virgin? ETA: Updated avail bottles of Siamese Cloud too.
  9. Pleeeze be a label model, pleeeze. Sugared Amber maybe???
  10. Asked via Email and answering for everyone's view: Will this cover Sexpionage? Yes, I think so, in OIL form. Might be a little bit of drydown wait. I would not chance it with a spray.
  11. Nope, it's very Pineapple/Vanilla...with just a tiny floral hint to bring out the tropical aspect. But NO coconut. I wanted sunny, without the suntan oil. It's a great mix! Everything is tart and fresh, even the copal is lemony smelling.
  12. Rebecca's Lab Coat 3 available bottles A unisex base scent with enough staying power to last under latex gloves, hand washing, and disinfectant.. White Musk, Light Patchouli, Light Amber, Cedar - woody. This one came out very much as described. The cedar lends it a little bit of that antiseptically clean feel, but very pleasant and bold, absolutely unisex.
  13. No, no, sprays actually stay UP in the air around you...the alcohol lift...it's not just about accidentally spraying it in your eye. It's just something I encountered once, I do not mean to suggest that this perfume is spicy enough to double for a can of mace. LOL.
  14. I am updating that first post today as bottles are decanted so we have the real numbers...keep an eye. I just updated Lady Suzy's to 2 more avail bottles. Will check back in later to update more. ETA: Squeezed one more bottle of Molly's blend out! There are now 2 available. Great blend too, highly recommended!!! Molly: including your additionally reserved bottle in with this box, if that's ok.
  15. This is *NORMALLY* a very good suggestion, however, when you turn spicy blends into sprays....wellll....think pepper spray. They can go from being a skin irritant to an eye irritant as well. Spicy blends usually work best in oil, just give a care to where you wear. Personally, I would douse my bra with it, and let my body heat do the work,
  16. That dark honey is just an accent, not a focal note, you may not even detect it. Black musks are very resinous-styled, more incensey, more exotic than the typical. This one was created in India in the attar fashion. I swear, this is more velvety than you are assuming.
  17. Email is great, Hearts! CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com Thank you! Yay, so excited!!! xoxoxox
  18. Yes, Blackcat, thank you! I will also be happy to just take partial bottles of the ones I want myself, and leave full bottles for everyone else if there is not enough. I won't put myself a priority before anyone else.
  19. I very much do not care at what stage in people's lives the pix were taken. This is not facebook. I just want fun pix, from whenever!
  20. I am curious to see it! but....read on below.... Well, FYI - You can only license a picture of yourself - not of anyone else, is how the laws work for private citizens. I will consider pets, however, if the pix are appropriate for the labels! And as far as still life photos of flowers and trees, etc., I already have all the ones I would need - I put a few hundred hours into collecting those pix already for this project, and already paid licenses on many of them too, but thought it was a fun opportunity to swing it back toward pictures of the people of our community. I only want to have to go back to the ones I already have as a backup, if it doesn't work with you all as models. So, thank you for the offer, but I want to try to keep this focused on you guys, rather than landscapes etc., which I have unlimited access to already.
  21. What about that adorable pic of you with your eyes peeking out of your turtleneck? Am I remembering that correctly? I loved that picture. There was over 100 of them in total....but the client demands morphed into PE creation from those. People asked for us to do the simple layering for them, basically, so we intentionally cut back on all but the best selling Sugard*s because we simply did not have the room to house all of that stock. More room now, let's try again! EXCELLENT NOTION!
  22. Get the sampler set! IT'S REALLY CUTE!!!
  23. ^^^^ THIS ^^^ was why we progressed toward the PEs rather than the Layerables to begin with! OMG, you need a spanking. The whole point is you are supposed to layer them on your own body, or if you want something more complex and want us to layer it for you, then order a PE. She's winding me up on purpose, I just know it.
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