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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Blackcat, it's cuz you told me which ones you didn't like, and which was your favorite LP coffee perfume, and that also had a combo of 5 coffee oils. I try to get as close as possible to people's "visions" of their PEs and the more info I receive, the better I can brew! So, good job on your part! I am very happy that you enjoy it.
  2. I just finished the rebrew!!! I made around 20 bottles worth so everyone is covered. Note though - there are 5 different coffee oils in here, and I used up the last of one of them, so I can't make any more than this with the same recipe. Thanks everyone!
  3. JJL, are you asking for Black Cat Mojo? Reserved, thank you! ok, I'm counting 10, and possibly 11 when JJL clarifies. Does that sound right? Thank you!
  4. The olive and apricot oils are not scented, that's what the cream is made of. The copulins are part of the LP Original oil that I add to the cream. I stopped doing custom one off creams because it is so time consuming that it was not cost effective, that's why I offer the creams in this manner now.
  5. Just an update...I'm still working on these but the NRs take precedence so you've still got some weeks to wait. I am very thankful for all the gorgeous pictures I have been receiving via email, THANK YOU, EVERYONE! I still need TONS of pictures...it's not too late, please send! Thank you!!!
  6. You mean just buy the cream with nothing in it? Or just copulins in it?
  7. Very sweet of you Stacy! Storemy has also kindly offered one of her bottles. We have such lovely women on this board! What do you say, CinnamonMel? Would you like to take up the offer?
  8. PATCH TEST! Make sure you are not sensitive to the perfume. I'm ok with it, but it might not work for everyone on the face.
  9. Yeah...she was busy having babies and stuff. Since John is processing orders now rather than me, I no longer can keep track of who is and who isn't paying for their reservations. I used to send a reminder email to those who forgot, but now I just don't know. There's always those that get caught up in the excitement and then cancel later, so I figured after 6 weeks, they were no longer wanted.
  10. I personally use this cream from face to toes. I add about half a bottle's worth of perfume to each jar. It lightly scents the body and provides a good base for perfuming over the top. There's enough copulins in each to get a response, but not enough to "stink". Does that help?
  11. Ummm, I'm afraid so....6 weeks have gone by and I really did not know who had already paid and who hadn't. I'm sorry!
  12. John gave me an updated count today, so we are going to go with these numbers. Apologies to those who did not grab while the gettin' was good! Make A Wish and Blow - 5 bottles StacyK, Storemy x2, Luna, Dolphin Dolls, CinnMel ... ALL GONE Linda's Bday Wishes - 3 bottles Storemy x2, ... 1 bottle left Lina's Mango Bean - 5 bottles Luna, StacyK....3 bottles left Lina's Buttercream Rose Cookies - 6 bottles 6 bottles left YES, you can order them now if you're on the list!
  13. OMG! That happened to a few friends of mine! A band, three guys in one of those sky transport thingies? What are these things called? Anyway, they smoked a joint while they were on the thing, and when it got to the other end, security was waiting for them and escorted them off the grounds. Do they have cameras in every car???
  14. It's baaaaack! http://www.artfire.com/ext/shop/product_view/8929049
  15. There should be a lot of ship notices today, as I'm actually a little ahead of the shipping dept right now. I have filled all custom orders placed through Wednesday, and they are playing catch up boxing and mailing. YES, having my very own office allows me to move a lot faster!
  16. I was very touched. It made me laugh and cry at the same time. I was kinda sad to see the last of the Bonne Belle go out the door cuz I really wanted one....that adorable tabby face and the raindrops kitty smell...thank you again for your sweet kindness. xoxoxox
  17. I GOT A PACKAGE!...addressed to "STINKY Fox" ...and it turned out to be gift bottles from Jan of Calrissian and Bonne Belle!!!!!!!!!!! Yay, Thank you, Jan! That was so very sweet (and funny) of you. I will definitely wear them and treasure them. xoxoxoxoxox Mara
  18. Ducky, I spoke to Mariela and it's not what she was looking for, so, 2 bottles to you if you want them!
  19. Crap, just found another pending order for a spray, so that brings available bottles down to TWO. Yes, Ducky, I got your email. Waiting to hear back from Mariela if she wants one, and then the other is yours.
  20. Let's wait until tomorrow and see who comes forward, but according to the inventory count John handed me this morning, this is what we have here: Make A Wish and Blow - 5 bottles Linda's Bday Wishes - 4 bottles Lina's Mango Bean - 6 bottles Lina's Buttercream Rose Cookies - 6 bottles Beach Bunny Musk and Warm & Toasty are all gone. It's possible there was more in the master bottle than I thought and extra bottles got made, but I'm pretty sure that I decanted those myself, so I am kinda confused. I am not watching the orders come in, John is, so I am not really able to keep mental track like I used to. :/
  21. Ok, so I think I got all the pending orders for Focus Potion filled, and I have enough left to make 3 more bottles. (3 doses left). I was not planning on ordering this blend again. Mariela, you get first dibs if you want a bottle, and if anyone else wants to swoop in for the last, this may be your final opportunity to do so. This is no longer in the cart, so it will have to be ordered through the Mad Scientist page or the via invoice. Thanks!
  22. According to John, there are still FIVE of them sitting here!!!
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