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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. I am about to put the remaining bottles of these on Artfire, and I have more left than I should have. So, if you still want the bottle you reserved but have not yet paid for, please let me know here, otherwise it's going up for sale tomorrow. Thanks!
  2. I was wondering the same thing! Never heard of Dole Whip before. I was picturing those plastic tubs of fake whipped cream and ...
  3. This month, if you order the full bottle deal you get all 11 bottles. Does not always work that way...like, if there's 11 but one is for men, you would only get the 10 for women. In this case, they were all for women (one unisex), so we included them all. I discontinued the sampler pack subscriptions because it meant I could never, ever, take any time off. I am still trying to keep to our faithful monthly schedule, but I need to be able to go see my family once in a while or take a breather, so of the subscription holders we still have, the last month for all of them is May, and I didn't want to allow renewals. Hope everyone understands. I never want to disappoint anyone, but the schedule I have had myself on for years is reallly hard. Like, 12 hour per day, one day off per month, kind of hard. But in answer to your question about how to get them faster, I would say, as soon as the labels go up on the message boards (don't wait for the descriptions) order a sampler pack - writing in the month about to be released. Order it ALONE. The sampler packs are always ready to fly out the door, it's the additional custom items in people's orders that will hold back the sampler packs if ordered together.
  4. Awwww, thank you for all the kind words! So happy! Yes, Tyvey, reserved, thank you!
  5. That's a good question. It's literally dark green in the bottle, and created in India, attar/absolute style...very thick, like stick a fork in it thick. My assumption, is that it's created with plant materials that resemble animalic musks, such as ambrette seed. VERY pricey stuff!
  7. We should have these in stock again within two weeks. Thanks for reminding me!
  8. I can do a mix of pure berry sugars...pink, pink, pink. ??? It would come out pretty much like pure cotton candy though. ??? Ah, the musks. Well, some of you might recall we did another Layerable line called the Musky Duskys, which was different musks tinged with other things, just like the Sugars, but it was not as popular. I have well over 100 different kinds of musks here, so when I did the sugared musks, I made them into families...grouped complimentary ones into accords. I can't do a Sugared for each kind of musk because first of all there are just too many, but also, they are amongst the most expensive ingredients on earth. When they go into a blend, it's mere drops per gallon. But I can certainly do the musk accords again. Just let me know what you'd like and I'll make it!
  9. It was brewed twice with the same ingredients, and then I said I could only make more if I swapped one of the peaches for another, and everyone still said MORE MORE MORE! So it was basically 2 of each, with only the subtlest difference between the two.
  10. http://www.artfire.com/ext/shop/product_view/8886855 And down to only ONE bottle in Artfire!
  11. Yup, the sampler sets have been shipping for days. People should start getting them by morning! Don't know which one was THE fastest, there have been several that were gone within 2 weeks. But the wildest seller ever....Usually, I only make one edition, and that's it, but this one sold out and the demand was still so high, I made it again, and then again, and then AGAIN! FOUR brew editions in a month! Can anyone guess which one that was?
  12. What I am calling Birthday Cake.... It's a wet, sweet, cake battery frosting style vanilla blend that I am planning for that. Does that sound like what you had in mind?
  13. Just FYI - I am listing GGGs on Artfire right now, and the last few bottles of Papal Purple amongst them. Last chance! : http://www.artfire.com/ext/shop/product_view/8885580
  14. Yes, copal and amber are related just so, but in the perfume industry it's not always that straightforward. What *I* call amber is tree resins, from all different kinds of trees, citrus included. Most of the "copal" resin oils I have are on the lemony side...some are a little woodier. This one is lemony, as it fit with the scent. Some people and manufacturers define amber oil as a (whale) ambergris substitute and blend various things to make them smell like that, which to my nose is more of an animalic musk smell than a plant origin resin smell. (I classify those as musks, regardless of what the manufacturer might call it). Using my definition of amber, it can be derived from many different types of trees and I can often smell the type of tree source in the amber oil....pine and citrus varieties pop nicely. My skin burns up citrus notes pretty quickly too, that's why I double-reinforce the citrus notes with things like lemony copal and pineapple and other tart fruits to help them last longer.
  15. You have posted gorgeous, GORGEOUS pix of you in the past. That silky hair of yours is to die for. Pick a few and send!!! PLEASE! Again, everyone, pix do not need to be current, just good pix in general.
  16. NEED PICTURE OF ROSEBUD FOR LABEL!!! I was planning on these for sure: Vanilla Bean, French Vanilla, and the dry perfumey vanilla that many people adore. I also have the cakey vanilla under Sugared Birthday Cake, for which I intend to have a "frosted" feel. Any others that you would suggest? I can do a "Bourbon" type by boozing up a vanilla bean oil, but that would be similar to the recently released Nola.
  17. Too literal. I tend to list them in the order they were blended into the perfume, with the main concept featured on the top of the list, but the list order is no indication of how much of each ingredient is in each perfume, or of the relative strength of each oil. It's not like an FDA ingredient label, it's more for showing the ingredients by level of importance to the overall feel.
  18. I am so blown away by all the gorgeous pictures everyone is sending, THANK YOU EVERYONE! I swear, it makes me never want to use a commercial shot ever again. Thank you so much for sharing these with us! I can't wait to get started on the labels.
  19. It looks like all of those are gone, OBW, sorry! I will put you in as an alternate in case someone else decides against their reservation.
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