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Everything posted by Honeycake

  1. Ok well I guess that's a no! LOL Or a not yet...? The only reason I asked because some of the other pheros I have (from different companies) can be combined and the combining seems to enhance the effects. It seems that these products (LPMP) are much more complex I suppose - so I guess I will have to try all the samples (I bought some more samples a few minutes ago) to narrow things down to a few specific ones. I was just using the BI and Happy Water as an example for the sake of clarity. Thanks for the responses. I appreciate you guys for taking the time to answer. I can see that people feel very passionately about this..
  2. Greetings! I see on the main shop page where LPMP will create a custom scent...is it possible to have a custom phero blend made?
  3. I want to say thank you to Mara and John. I received my products and the samples and everything is so appealing. I also want to thank you for the nice e-card. I am resisting the urge buy, but I have a budget. I am not a huge fragrance person, but I must say that these are really nice. I was expecting "fruity bath and BW" lotion set type of smell, but even the "fun" fragrances have a bit of sophistication to them. All of the Christmas scents Gothic Xmas, Santas Little Helper, and Enchanted Wonderland all smell nice. I can smell the mint, but its different/better than what I expected. I can see why everyone here is such a fanatic for the products. 1. So are these fragrances designed for layering with unscented pheros? I am sure that you can wear them on their own... Now for the pheros... I really like their fragrances too. The Happy Water and the Odalisque w Blatant Invitation - wow. I think the Odalisque with the Blatant Invitation is my favorite fragrance. I like the OCCO SLF too, but it smells more powdery to me. The Balls w Sexpionage is nice too, but kind of difficult for me to place. It's different, but not in a bad way. 2. Since these pheros are so fragranced - can they be layered or combined with other products? For example one, drop of BallswSexpionage plus a drop of Happy Water? Or not a good idea? I will say that my mom loves the smell of the Blatant Invitation and the Happy Water too. But I am really drawn to the BI.
  4. Hi NuTrix! Thanks for introducing me to this place! I have been reading, reading, and browsing.... I can totally see it becoming an addiction! I am so excited waiting for my samples! Thanks for the additional tips! If the full pheros are 39.95 then that is not a bad price.... Thank you so much for all the info and I am definitely on the hunt for some new products to try.
  5. Sorry, I missed all those welcomes! Greetings Ravenwing, Merrie, and Invidiana. I appreciate the welcome!
  6. Hi Halo, Thanks for the welcome! Good to see you too.
  7. Thanks Missdarlyncherie! You are so kind. I didn't get the sample pack. but I did break down and bought some samples. I am not a huge fragrance person, but reading this board is really messing up my mind! I am starting to think maybe I am not caring for myself as I should... At any rate I bought the Sexpionage/Balls, Odalisque/Blatant Invitation, Happy Water, and OCOC ? SLF. I really liked that the blatant invitation got so many consistently good reviews. I was curious about the honey in the SLF. I didn't see too much about the effects on others with the Happy Water, but the description sounded so good I couldn't resist. And NuTrix raved about the balls/sexpionage. I really wanted full bottles, but I bought some other pheros from another company and they didn't turn out the way I was hoping vs some other products I tried so I was like do I take a chance and get some bottles or just go with the samples? So I went with the samples.
  8. Thank you Mrschrissyrex and Calii - that is so kind and thoughtful of you! Thank you quiet guy and raq on. I appreciate the welcome.
  9. Thank you Molls, Lady Victoria, Bluebear, Eggers, hearts, Calii, Mrschrissyrez, JOC, and Liz! Hi Missdarlyncherie! Well I haven't tried any of LPs products yet. I am trying to figure out whether I should go with samples or full bottles and of what. I am also having some difficulty determining what is just a fragrance vs a pheromone. For example I think I have determined that Balls/Sexpionage - Balls is the fragrance right and Sexpionage is the phero. Or with Enduring Appeal and Stone Cougar - that Enduring Appeal is the fragrance and Stone Cougar is the phero. But when looking at the list sometimes I get confused like with the Happy Water or Taste of Wealth whether they are just fragrances or have pheros in them. Hi Just Ducky! Wow! That will make my decision even more challenging! Everything seems so alluring!
  10. Hello All, I want to say thanks for allowing me to become a member! I saw all the recent raves from NuTrix and ShellyB about these products at another board and so I am very curious about the products. I have been browsing the shop and so overwhelmed by all the choices and fragrances. I just wanted to say hello and that I look forward to sharing some phero adventures with all of you!
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