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Everything posted by Honeycake

  1. Thank you Mara! I just had an awesome experience yesterday testing Popularity Potion and I was hoping that this could kind of be cemented in their minds! Thanks Miss Hazel for sharing your experience.
  2. Hello All, I know that mones hit people when you are around them, but do they have memory? Meaning can they leave an impression on people so that you linger in their mind or that they think a certain way about you - when they see you again? I hope I am asking this clearly.
  3. I second dolphindolls2. Maybe you need a stronger scent. If the fragrance you have is very light, maybe it will layer well with a stronger fragrance.
  4. Hello StacyK! That is the thing. I have only worn a lollipop of cops once. Since then I have only been dabbing. And the results still can be a bit unpredictable.
  5. Hi dolphindolls2! i am a bit concerned about the cops though. I am just experimenting with cops and my responses have varied so much. I sometimes get DIHL or I get ignored/hostility. So I kind of wanted to keep it neutral. And this is with tiny drops. LOL! I hope so. I can definitely use some goddess energy.
  6. That's good to know. I am scared of losing product. How have your sprays held up?
  7. Yes, but I heard that you were a goddess - so doesn't that happen anyway? Thank you for sharing your experience. Now I am really torn.
  8. Thanks Stacy. I am leaning towards one or the other. Either LFM or Popularity Potion. I am trying to remember - does LFM make people fawn over you though?
  9. @hearts I understand the reasons behind this, but I wish it didn't happen. Except maybe if they were taken. @ Vexed I hope this is not true. I tested some LPMP cops products - just straight cops and I was shocked at the hits I got. @Molls LOL!
  10. This is good to know. I keep my pheros in a drawer that I rarely go in, but I keep them zip locked and bubble wrapped. I only take the one out that I am testing or wearing. I had a bad experience with some pheros (not love potion's) that were in a dropper. Before I had a chance to use them - a good portion of them evaporated. So I really wrap them with a little air as possible. I don't know if this makes a difference, but I am afraid of taking chances.
  11. Thanks Halo! I do have alcohol pads. I will shower and do that to make sure. I just want to make sure as I know a lot of fragrances are sticky on my skin- so I was wondering if pheros were that way too.
  12. Hi Quietguy! Thanks for the tip. Well, I am sweet spot testing a few LP products. I was asking more about wearing one product for work and a different product after work, not combining products. But that was sound advice and I appreciate your input. Hi Missdarlyncherie! That is what I was asking. Tomorrow morning I will be in a conservative business environment so I wanted to test SWS or LFM. Afterwards I will attend a business networking function with a totally different crowd between 6-9pm. There will be appetizers and drinks although I won't drink. I was thinking that maybe LFM would work for both, but I wanted to try something like Cougar or Popularity Potion. Those were the two social climbing pheros that were rec'd to me in the other thread. I want the rockstar treatment. Hence, I asked about being able to wash off proprely etc..
  13. I agree Blackcat. This is an awesome honey fragrance!
  14. Or is this ill advised? I only want to mix it up with maybe two. One for the daytime and one for more social venues at night. For example if there is a blend that is appropriate for work - you wear that one to work. Then after work you shower and whatnot and then you wanted to do something social. Could you thoroughly wash off the work mone and then apply another product? Or would the mone you wore earlier still linger or affect the mone you were wearing that night?
  15. Honeycake

    Marsha Mellow

    Thank you Luna, I didn't know that.
  16. Honeycake

    Marsha Mellow

    So the marshmallow root smells exactly like marshmallow food?
  17. Hi xev, I think it may have been a while. Perhaps a few hours or so.
  18. Welcome QOL! I will defer to the others on your situation. I would hate to give bad advice.
  19. Welcome Angelica! You certainly joined at the right time!
  20. This is a nice fragrance, but too powdery. In the bottle this smelled really powdery. I also got the honey. Wet this smelled exactly the same on skin as it does in the bottle. It reminded me of Sugared honeycomb in that this smells exactly like freshly washed and powdered vagina. The major differences between the two to me is that Pherogirl is very powdery- like baby powder. Much more powdery than honeycomb to me. It is also sweet, but it is a faint sweet. Sugared honeycomb is a much stronger sweet smell. In Pherogirl the sweetness is more subtle to me. In Pherogirl, I smell the honey, but it is a dry, subtle honey whereas sugared honeycomb is just juicier to me and really jumps out there. I asked someone how I smelled and they said they didn't like this one. It was loud on me. It didn't smell bad to them, but it didn't smell good. Maybe my skin is really amping the orange blossom (the crazy fruit-skin response) and that is why they think it is so meh. Or it could be the cops? Dunno.
  21. This was an instant hit for me. It smelled really foody in the bottle. I am got vanilla, tobacco etc in this when wet on skin. Others thought that this one smelled good on me as well. It was very true on my skin. I paired it with Tiillating Temptress and it was awesome!
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