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Everything posted by Honeycake

  1. Honeycake


    This is another one that smells amazing in the bottle. Wet I get coconut, don't know why, and a lot of fresh greens. I am also got something deep and rich. Perhaps this is a musk? Others thought it smelled really good on me. It is really crisp, clean, very green fragrance- yet deep at the same time. I feel like this is what a unisex fragrance should aim for in order to not lean masculine. I could even got vanilla in this. This is a really complex soothing fragrance.
  2. This one was a very sophisticated floral in the bottle. It smelled really pretty when wet. I think I like this floral a lot more than Betrothal Potion on. I asked someone what this smells like and they said "White Linen by Estee Lauder". I think musks really agree with me or something. Trianon-esque smells so wonderful and inviting. It is like Love Potion Gold in that you have to get closer to really smell it. Its that delicate - at least on my skin, but it does get out there better than Love Potion Gold. I really like this one. Its floral, deep, delicate, and dare I say - sexy. I think this is my first Love Potion fragrance that smells sexy/sensual to me.
  3. This smells exactly as stated. It is really juicy and rich smelling in the bottle and this smells really true on my skin. There is something slightly powdery about this fragrance, but otherwise it smells really good. I got so many compliments on this! I remember when I ordered this the description said it was sexy and and it reminds men of sex. After this died down, I know why...it reminded me freshly washed and powdered poontang. I did get the sex part of this, but I was surprised that everyone thought I smelled sweet and delicious!
  4. This is one of my favorite fragrances out of all the ones I have tried. It really works with my skin chemistry! In the bottle this smells kind of like rubbing alcohol. Wet it smells really intense and dark. This was really a different type of smell for me. Its pleasant, but I got something kind of like smoke and incense in the background. I don't know what the top notes are. Its kind of earthy, but with vanilla. Definitely big girl/mature. People thought this smelled good on me. I really didn't expect to like this one, but I do. Its just so different. I can't imagine myself wearing this everyday, but at the same time if I did it would definitely be pretty distinctive as I don't know too many people who smell like this. This is really mysterious and exotic, hard to place, but smells really good.
  5. Thank you everyone! Molls, I would have never thought to try Cougar bc of the sexual element. But I will give it a try. Beccah, thanks. I see that is two votes for PP! Ohh, Halo, you know some of the events will be nighttime ones. So maybe the glamour element in LFM may be good. Thanks StacyK, I don't have OW, but I do have Levitation.
  6. I am getting around to testing my LPMP pheros. I have some events coming up and I am planning on going to a few on my own - to schmooze. I have samples of everything except TMII/Mothers Helper/Gotcha/Dom/Leather & OW. Just wondering what are the best blends for social climbing that I could test out at these events?
  7. I hope this never happens to me! I had no idea that you could crash from A-nol. Is there a way to recover from crashing if you do? Or do you just have to ride it out?
  8. Thanks Eggers! I appreciate the explanation. I am taking notes!
  9. Hi VexedGlory! Glad you came over and I cant wait to read your reviews!
  10. This is interesting. I have never OD'd on A-nol. I am typically immune to Anol's self effects, but THDOC in small amounts lays me out. I hope someone else chimes in. I am curious.
  11. Aww... I wish I had some practical advice to offer. I will keep you guys in my thoughts - that things work out for the best in a timely fashion.
  12. Greetings Saffron! Welcome aboard.
  13. Hi Eggers! According to that logic should La Femme Noir, Cuddly Bunny, and AHE Lumina be in spray form or oil? Thanks.....
  14. Welcome to the forum Janey!
  15. So sorry to hear that dolphindolls2. I hope things turn around for you soon.
  16. Welcome VexedGlory! Remember me? I agree with the other posters and their recommendations. The only phero products I have tested thus far (I've been busy testing fragrances) were the cops/OCCOs and man I got super hits (which I will post about in the future) and that was only with a tiny smidge! In reading up on pheros, everything suggests congruence. So working with (vs against) your nurturing vibe via pheros could give you that inviting, sensual girlfriend/girl next door vibe. And there are samples. I ordered a ton and have yet to get around to many. So you can always test a boatload of stuff before you buy.
  17. Hi Tyvey, No, not all scents are like that. There are some that were loud on me and others that I couldn't wash off.
  18. I really wanted this one to work because of the description. In the bottle it smelled pretty odd. In the bottle I got loads of vanilla and very complex food ingredients with something slightly bitter and pungent smelling underneath. Wet I got all of the vanilla and something very creamy. I did get the pungent part on my skin. A few hours later I found this to be a challenging fragrance to figure out. It was deep and so unusual. I couldn't say that it smelled badly, but it didn't wow me either. Later I started getting hints of fruit. The next day the fragrance flip flopped on me. It smelled odd to me at times and then it smelled really good to me at other times. It had a nice staying power. I think the pungent part was the maple syrup. Maybe pungent is the wrong word, but the maple syrup was really noticeable on me and that combined with honey other sweet things made that part of the fragrance smell really overpowering in a slightly unpleasant way. The next day I found that the sweetness was too sweet for me. I actually got nauseous. It had to be the maple syrup.
  19. This is another one I tested over a week or so. It smelled sooo awesome in the bottle! This was so light and fruity and juicy! I totally got champagne in this! It smelled good wet too! This was a really "happy making" fragrance for me! I really liked this scent, but others told me that it smelled sour on me. Which is odd because usually I am the one that smells the sourness whenever I wear fruit fragrances or fragrances that have fruit in them. One person told me I smell like lemons. I think they were smelling the grapefruit and maybe the grapefruit was what was going wrong on my skin to them. I, on the other hand smelled the grapefruit. When wet the fragrance was all bright and sweet and champagne-y and just delicious, but when it got old/died down I got the pure smell of grapefruit with a bit of sugar. in subsequent wearings I got sweet, bright, and happy, but it did have a hint of sourness.
  20. I tested this over about a week. Its a really complex fragrance. When I first tried this I couldn't say whether it smelled either good or bad. I did get some kind of cleanness with this fragrance. It was really well blended and I couldn't pick out any individual notes. On the next few wearings the scent was really delicate and faint, yet rich and deep at the same time. I got some kind of vanilla with other things I couldn't figure out. It was a very warm and creamy fragrance. It seemed like this was something that would draw people in to you to sniff you. Upon further testing, wet, it smelled like vanilla and some kind of fruit. I did get other scents, but I couldn't figure them out. The problem I had with this last time was that it just totally disappeared on me really fast. I did moisturize before applying this time and am waiting to see how this plays out. I discovered that the cocoa butter was coming out kind of interesting on my skin. The cocoa butter was kind of waxy and I think it was smothering/muffling the fragrance in some way. At least that is how my brain interpreted it. After dumping the whole vial on my arm I did get more of the true blended scent. I got the creamy cocoa butter, sweetness I think honey, vanilla, grapefruit etc. A nice really pretty well blended scent, but it was still very faint. I asked others to smell and even after dumping the whole vial on my skin others still said that it smelled very faint- they could hardly smell it. Moisturizing my skin didn't help the scent to get out there at all. It is still a beautiful fragrance from what I could smell.
  21. Hi Dolly and BlueBear, I didn't know that. Tyvey just mentioned that on another thread. When I start back testing my other samples. I will remember to shake them up before applying. Thanks ladies for the tip!
  22. Hi Molls, It's a really nice fragrance. For a fruit fragrance. My skin and fruit do not get along. So when I discovered this one, I was really surprised. I hope it works well for you and you like it as much as I do.
  23. Honeycake


    Hi Cali, Don't be sad. It's kind of funny because I am still perplexed as to what "nuts" smell like. It is really interesting how the whole body chemistry thing works out. I am discovering that certain ingredients work well with my skin and others I really need to stay away from. Like fruit is a really horrible longshot for me.
  24. Hi Tyvey! No, I didn't. Thanks for the suggestion (I'll keep that in mind for future samples/purchases), but its too late for me to retry with shaking as I did use the whole sample. Not all in one day mind you, but over a month or so. Thanks again...
  25. This was a really light fresh floral in the bottle. About 30 minutes later after it dried it definitely wasn't Dreams of Avalon, but it was very pretty. A very light and clean floral, but much more subdued. There was something sweet in this, but it wasn't a sugary or powdery sweet. The sweet part reminded me of babies/newborns for some reason. I asked others how they liked the fragrance and I was told I smelled like lemons. I was told it was a nice floral in the bottle, but people hated this on me. I like this fragrance, but it didn't super wow me like Dreams of Avalon.
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