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Everything posted by Honeycake

  1. This was really interesting in the bottle. The fleck of gold in the bottom was cute. It smelled bright, and floral, but I also got a whiff of beer. It is a faint whiff of something at the end that smells exactly like beer. Wet it was really rich and floral. About 8 hours later I found the floral too deep and intense. Then I got something that smelled like milk. Not like sour milk, but milk and it wasn't pleasant. Then there was the odd beer smell. There was definitely a fermented smell that my skin was giving off.
  2. This was the first fruit fragrance that was a hit for me. The second was summertime blue. Guavas in the Mist smells really good in the bottle. Its fruity, but more muted than other fruits I have tried. It doesn’t have that high, piercing, sharpness to it like the others. There is something perfume-y and sophisticated about this scent. It’s not a girl-y type fruit scent. I can’t tell any of the ingredients in this...nothing stands out. It kind of reminds me of Tangy Tart, but more refined and sophisticated. I wore it a second day and I feel like Guavas in the Mist is definitely an upscale version of Tangy Tart to me. My second day wearing it I got my first random stranger compliment on a fruit fragrance - which is really saying something. Usually people are like what is that God awful sour lemon pledge smell? So this one is a winner.
  3. This smells really juicy and fruity, but in a nice, not sour way. I think I got blueberries with this. I think I rate this fruit fragrance higher than Guavas in the Mist. This is probably my favorite fruit fragrance because it did not turn on me. I got a lot of goodness. No sour. Just sweet, balanced, fruit, and light goodness.
  4. In the bottle this smells like a bitter chocolate. I think I was expecting more of a milk chocolate. This one was pretty faint on my skin. After some time passed it was powdery and more like dry cocoa than chocolate, but when I asked someone how I smelled, I was told that I smelled like bitter chocolate.
  5. Honeycake


    This smelled like warm oatmeal raisin cookies in the bottle. Wet it smelled great. After it dried someone told me I smell like nuts. What kind and whether that was good or bad I don't know. Another person told me that I smell like maple syrup. After it dried I got lots of butter and maple syrup. A few hours later though, I found it smelled good, but made me really nauseous. The oat was really faint on me. It would smell good and well blended and then suddenly I would get bursts of butter and too sweet maple syrup. The butter was so strong I could taste it and it made me queasy. The killer was that I could not get this off my skin even though I didn't slather.
  6. I tested this twice. This smelled nice in the bottle, but upon application it was unpleasant. Over time it morphed into something very smooth and delicate. Its very well blended. The only low point was that my skin ate it. The second time I tested it I got some fruit that I didn't get before. It blossomed into something very faint, delicate, sophisticated, and elegant. It's clean, but its not like a laundry, outdoor breeze type of clean. There is a note of something deep (maybe musk) in the scent that kind of anchors it and prevents it from being totally airy. It is light -it reminds me of Xuehua Xing in this aspect in that it is so delicate. This is very perfume-y. It reminds me of Sugar Plum Fae or Upstairs Downstairs in that I found them both very perfume-y, but Passionate Whispers is perfume-y in a good way. This this is the only perfume-y type fragrance that I have tried that smells really good and doesn't remind me of cluttered dept store makeup counters. Someone told me that I smell like White Linen by Estee Lauder while I was wearing this.
  7. Thanks for this comparison. I really like Cocoamama. I am just a little bit afraid of the "water accords" in this. Marine scents I don't particularly care for.
  8. Welcome Chitown! You will love this forum!
  9. Unfortunately this was another fruit one that didn't work on me. In the bottle I smelled something very delectable, fruity, and juicy. Upon application while still wet - it smelled exactly as it did in the bottle. It reminded me of Tangy Tart except it was more muted, kind of perfumey, and more sophisticated. DeLucious to me is not as sophisticated as Guavas in the Mist, but it in my opinion it falls somewhere in between the two. Sadly, it morphed into something sickening. I got a sour fruit smell with a very sweet powdery undertone to it.
  10. In the bottle this one smells really fresh, perfum-y and floral all at the same time. Wet it smells like something really juicy and sugary. After dry down it was a really nice floral on me. It smelled crisp and light. It did morph into a fishy kind of smell later and that I did not like. Others had a hard time smelling it on me. Others could barely smell this scent no matter how hard they huffed. I really liked the floral part, but I am scared of the "fish" part.
  11. I tested this one recently. In the bottle I got candy and fruit. When immediately wet it was hard for me to figure out. After it dried it disappeared on m skin. About an hour later I smelled plastic/burned bubble gum mixed with candy. When I asked others what I smelled like they got fresh pineapple. I don't know why this smelled so bad/different to my nose. I reapplied two hours later and the scent died on me again. It did smell a bit better the second time though. The second time I got a really sweet, pleasant, fun, fruity smell. When it dried though I got loud lime or lemon. I am not sure which. When I asked others to sniff after the second application they told me it smelled good, but they couldn't figure out what the smell was. As time went on I did get a bit of a sour undertone.
  12. In the bottle this smells really fruity. Immediately after application while still wet I get a really light, cheerful, bubbly, youthful kind of vibe. I can smell delicious fruit and then I get a whiff of a little bit of something that reminds me of bubble gum. After drying I get something faintly sweet with little whiffs of bubble gum coming through. Its a nice happy fragrance, but for some reason I got hints of nausea from it at different points. I don't know what caused that.
  13. I tested this one over the course of a few days. It didn't smell so nice in the bottle. While wet it smelled really sweet on my skin. It turned out to be a nice scent that reminded me of Sugar Plum Fae a little. This had a department store kind of smell/vibe to it. As time went on it started to get really loud on me. So much so that others commented on it. I didn't slather this either. So I am not sure about what made it loud on my skin. I was told that I was actually scenting the whole room and that people could smell me from the doorway.
  14. I tested the fragrance only- not the phero blend sample and I must say that I love this scent! In the bottle I can smell lots of vanilla. The food aspect puts me in the frame of mind of Santa's Little Helper. It's really delicious. I got really smooth vanilla and spice. It smelled really good wet. After it dried I could pick up sugar and some kind of food-spice. This was a really warm inviting fragrance that had some kind of depth to it. It also stayed true on my skin and didn't change or turn on me. I even had difficulty washing this off and I could still smell it on me the next day. I received a ton of compliments on this scent. Everyone seemed to love it.
  15. Welcome to the forum!
  16. Greetings Storemy Whether! Welcome to the board!
  17. Honeycake

    Sugar Plum Fae

    Its really pretty. It just dies on me so fast.
  18. Honeycake

    Sugar Plum Fae

    I tested this one over two days. Sugar Plum Fae smells like sugar and plums in the bottle. When I put this on I got a mix of rose and sugar. I didn't smell the plum as I did in the bottle. The fragrance is very delicate and feminine. It smells evenly blended or at least my skin allows me to smell everything in this at one time. It's a really nice fragrance that kind of reminds me of commercial perfume. When it died down it died down into something really pretty, but almost imperceptible on me. I reapplied and others told me I smelled of a sweet-musk. It doesn't seem to last that long on my skin.
  19. Dreams of Avalon is the bomb! This is my all time fragrance that I have tried thus far! I tested this over several days and it is just amazing! It is a really pretty floral. It smells really lush and dense. Then it morphed into something very fresh and clean. This scent had a lot of staying power on me and EVERYONE complimented me on it. It' s just so bright, lush, green, flowery, crisp, and clean.
  20. Welcome Phoenix! Glad to see you here from PT!
  21. Thank you Miss Hazel! Thank you Luna - I don't have samples of Celebutante or Enduring Appeal. I think I do have the Cougar Potion. Thanks Halo! Beccah- I just ordered the Levitation - I did not get Open Windows. Thank you BlueBear - I have the Betrothal- I will have to look into A Treasure of Gold and Glass Slipper. lalaDinky- I don't think I heard Limelight being mentioned. Queen of Swords- thank you! I don't think i have LP Black either. Thank you QuietGuy!
  22. Hi All, I think I have gotten all of the phero and fragrance samples I want to play with just from perusing and seeing what looks good to me. But I am open to some new recs to round out my testing collection. When I started my phero journey I did have a mission in mind. Does anyone have any recs for UNpheros, phero blends, or LP frangrances that contribute to creating an aura of glamour and attractiveness? Personal stories re hits are welcome and much appreciated. Thanks....
  23. That's an awesome suggestion. I have experimented with going deodorant free bc of the aluminum and other chemicals. Cool idea.
  24. I have a sample of this and I really look forward to trying this out. I really love this description.
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