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Everything posted by Honeycake

  1. Honeycake

    Tangy Tart

    This is another fragrance I tested not that long ago. This was really juicy and fruity in the bottle. Immediately following application, I didn't smell anything at all on my skin. A few moments later I got citrus, orange, and raspberry tea - coming up at me. It smelled fruity, but in a muted kind of way. A few minutes later I got really strong whiffs of lemon pledge. Five hours later, I kept getting lemon pledge with some kind of berries underneath. When I asked others how I smelled- they told me they smelled melons. I refreshed the fragrance and when it was wet it smelled exactly like the bottle. After it dried this time I got the lemon pledge again with berries underneath. After that it turned really sour on my skin. It wasn't a strong sour - just slightly sour. Finally iit died down into a so-so lemondade smell, but every now and then the piercing lemon pledge smell would come out.
  2. I tested this recently. I didn't find this scent very pleasant in the bottle. I got the peppermint mixed in with something green when I sniffed the bottle. Thank goodness that it did mellow out into something nice on my skin. I would describe this as being very crisp. As time went on it seemed like the the coolness/crispness was still there, but something musky/deep emerged. It turned out to be a much more pleasant scent than I thought it would be. About 7 hours later it all morphed into a sweet smelling baby powder. I asked a few people what the fragrance smelled like to them on my skin and they all said- baby powder. I could see this as an office scent because its so light.
  3. Thanks Halo and Bluebear! lalaDinky - I can wait to see what you and others think of this scent.
  4. Curious about whether this leans more masculine.
  5. This sucks! I was in the middle of typing out a very long review for this product and the power went out. I lost everything I typed! At any rate I was saying that this was the best Xmas scent I tried thus far! It didn't exactly smell Christmas-y on me, but it did smell really cinnamon-y and buttery. Really nice, warm, and spicy. This was the first scent that smelled exactly on my skin as it did in the bottle. It had a great staying power and the people around me were much more enthusiastic about the smell of this frangrance than the other Xmas scents. This is one that I may consider a full bottle of in the future.
  6. I am sampling all of the Xmas Scents....Gothic Xmas smells really pretty in the bottle. It has a juicy smell to me. When I first applied it ...it was so faint on my wrists that I couldn't smell anything. It was like the fragrance disappeared. Two hours later I started to get a little headache. The next day I wore it and others told me for some reason that I smelled very loudly of lemon/lime. The bummer was that I kept feeling a bit of nausea. The third day it started to smell nicer and sweeter on me, but I was still getting some nausea even if it was ever so slight. I will say that by the third day the fragrance did last a really long time and I could smell it more. I don't know which ingredient it was that made me feel "seasick"
  7. I tried this out a week or so ago and it's not a bad fragrance, but there is something powdery in it that I don't necessarily care for. It definitely started out very bright and minty. Then it changed into something powdery-sweet. The sweet part was neutral for me, but the powdery I didn't like. Others said that the fragrance smelled good to them on my skin, but again, I can't get past the powder part.
  8. If this topic should be moved..then please feel free. My question is - does anyone find that oil fragrances act differently on the skin than ones with alcohol in them? I understand that maybe alcohol fragrances may burn off faster than oil based ones, but I am wondering if I am having some issues with mastering/applying oil. My goal is for others to smell a nice fragrance, but I want to be able to smell myself/what they are smelling too. This is my first time experimenting with oil fragrances and I am not getting them to get in the air in a controllable way.
  9. Thanks dolphinsanddolls2!
  10. Hello Goddesslynne!
  11. Hi perfumesniffer! Thanks for the welcome.
  12. Hi Queen of Swords! So you are saying that if a phero is high in cops or easy to OD on then I shouldn't add a fragrance to it? If I am understanding you correctly you are saying that I should have the phero and then have a separate fragrance which I use over it? Thanks...
  13. Hi Mrschrissyrez, That sounds like an excellent plan, but I think my buying unscented pheros is waay off in the future- though. I am scared of getting something that smells and I am not a huge perfume buyer.
  14. Hi Cinnamonmel! Thanks for sharing all your boosting experiences. I think I am leaning towards the 1000mcg pheros for the boosted ones. There are two that I wish to buy as is - just the phero enhanced fragrances that already have a fragrance.
  15. Thank you Just Dusky and greenergal. I appreciate the welcome!
  16. Hello Raq On- you have all the versions. Wow. Thanks for sharing your experiences with this. Hi Calii - I have samples of both - I just haven't gotten around to trying them yet as I have so many. I was just a little curious ... Thank you Missdarlyncherie and Maiea for sharing your experiences. I really appreciate the additional input.
  17. Hi Lady Victoria, I enjoyed reading the hit from your boss. Did you continue to test this at work and if so what other hits did you get- did you notice anything else?
  18. Hi All, In your opinions how different and in what ways is Lumina from Cougar? I heard they were similar and I am very attracted to some of hits you guys have described with Lumina, but I wouldn't want to make a duplicate purchase i.e. have two pheros that are soo alike. Thanks in Advance.
  19. Hi Cali, I do have some samples of the phero enhanced fragrances. I thought about possibly sampling some fragrances by themselves- which is what I think you are suggesting. I would hate to whip out the card again... Thanks for sharing and thanks for the advice.
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