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Everything posted by Honeycake

  1. Missdarlyncherie - thanks for sharing your experience. Hi Halo - thanks for weighing in.
  2. Sorry, I missed this post. That makes sense. I get the feeling that some posters tend to do that as well.
  3. HI all, Any updates on this fragrance? Particualrly from those who got the weirdness/grass/cough syrup smell?
  4. Hi Eggers! I was curious and was hoping that it retained its glamour element. Thanks for elaborating.
  5. Thanks BlueBear. So it is more laid back. I anxiously await your testing in public results. Hi Calii. Thanks for sharing your experience.
  6. Hi Eggers, Does LFN retain LFM's glamour and admiration? Or is it nearly all sexual?
  7. Ok... now I am curious. Is this a very sexual blend? Can it ever be construed as a social/sexual blend? How does this compare to say Blatant Invitation? Femme Fatale is definitely something I will have to think about.
  8. Hi Missdarlyncherie! I am not sure about the dilution. I hope someone can chime in. I was wondering if a light scent would be enough to cover some pheros or whether a full fragrance would be too overpowering? Oy vey...decisions and choices.
  9. Hi Eggers! That is what I have been doing. I have spent so much time going through the site looking at the fragrances and pheros - I was like I have go to stop this..there is life outside LPMP! LOL! So far I have narrowed my choices down to 6 pheros: 1. 2 sexual pheros plus OCCO SLF (which I may buy as is) 2. 1 pure social for everyday and 1 more slightly sexual/social for everyday And 3. 1 for work and 1 social for work. I am attracted to this idea of personalized mones as well. I want fragrance as I really don't have a lot of perfumes and I would prefer somewhat of a consistent fragrance signature. Ok so whether an oil or spray as well as the type of fragrance - light vs heavy- influenced your decision whether to buy a full fragrance or not. Thanks for the feedback.
  10. Thank you BlueBear. I was thinking along the lines of considering intent as well. Hi Raq On. Hmm... I guess I can consider both as criteria. What I think will smell good plus intent. Thanks. Hi AlienChangeling - I would prefer to find both a signature phero and I suppose a signature fragrance. I do like the honey scents and I am familiar with florals ... Thanks JOC. After reading the responses - I wonder who boosts vs keeping a fragrance separate. LOL I wonder if that is the route I should take, but I am unsure if I would be able to find anything that covers some of the stinkier ones.
  11. Hi chelle8422! Welcome to the forum!
  12. I appreciate the review. I bought a sample and haven't tried it yet. Thanks for the tip that the scent may be more masculine.
  13. Since Mara suggested that a fragranced pheromone would be better as it provides a gauge for the amount of mones you are wearing applying.. I wonder which option is better and why- lightly scented vs full fragrance? I am not a huge fragrance person, but I do appreciate the scents that I have sampled from LPMP, but it kind of doesn't matter what kind of fragrance I wear. I do have some preferences, but it is nor a big deal to me. 1. When you select a fragrance do you all think about the descriptions and the intent of the fragrance when combining it with a phero or do you just pick what you like? 2. What are the pros and cons of adding a light fragrance vs a full fragrance? Thanks in advance
  14. Hi Mara! Thank you for that link! I really appreciate you replying to the thread and providing some guidance and adding to what has been said.
  15. Thanks Eggers! I really appreciate your response and for adding to my understanding!
  16. Hello Halo! I am not sure whether I have a high tolerance or not - yet. I have ghosted or ODd 1 or 2 times because I applied too much, but I can't remember the amount, but it was with a different product/company. I think I will have to use my samples to find out what my tolerance or sweet spot is with the different pheros here at LPMP. Thanks for your input.
  17. Ok now I have some additional questions. Looking at the scented options is overwhelming. LOL Just for clarity's sake, the term pheromone blend refers to: A. A mix of a fragrance and a pheromone. For example: All Hallow's Eve (fragrance) combined with Lumina (pheromone) ? or B. A combination of unscented individual pheromones (DHEAS + Alpha + Beta etc) used to create one unscented pheromone product. For a general example- unscented Sexology? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now when someone uses the term phero-boosted scent or pheromone enhanced fragrance they are referring to a product: which contain 333mcg of pheromones and starts at $29.95 for the oil and $44.95 for a spray - correct? What are the major differences between a phero enhanced fragrance and the unscented pheromones? I think I understand that with the unscented pheros you are getting more mcgs and thus, a more potent product, but what is the incentive to buy one versus the other in regards to performance? For example, would one need to apply more (4 sprays instead of 2 or 12 inches instead of 5) of the phero enhanced fragrances? What are the pros, cons, and benefits of purchasing a pheromone enhanced fragrance versus an unscented pheromone?
  18. Wow Dolly and Quietguy! You guys are fast! I am still trying to remember/figure out the threads I have posted too around here! Point taken on the strength - I have "ghosted" before on other products and I wouldn't want to do that on these products as that would be a waste. I am just dying to make a purchase, but I want to make a good decision. Thank you Dolly for answering all my questions! That helps a bunch!
  19. Hi MissHazel! I appreciate the name compliment as well as the welcome! Hello ElizabethOSP! Thank you for the welcome! I haven't tried yet, but I am about to! Greetings Mara! Thanks for welcoming me to the board!
  20. Greetings All, I haven't tried my samples yet, but I am very confident that I will make a full bottle purchase in the near future. Especially after surfing the boards and reading all the great experiences! I have been looking through the store again and I am still confused. The unscented pheromones are the ones that are the most potent - correct? With the unscented pheromones for $39.95 in either oil or silicone: What is a DPG oil base? What is a CPS silicone base? How are the two different from one another? With the pheromones in alcohol that start at $44.95: How are they different from the oil and silicone ones? What is the difference between the different ratios of alcohol to oil or silicone? 90% alcohol to 10% oil 60% alcohol to 40% oil 60% alcohol to 40% silicone When asked to choose either: 1x for $44.95 or $49.95 2x for $74.95 or $79.95 3x for 95.95 or $114.95 - for a pheromone product, is this asking for the amount of pheromones? How much is each level? For example is the 1x = to 333mcg? And what is the difference in effects from each level? Thanks in Advance!
  21. Thank Molls! I have had some time to go over that link. I will think on this some more. Thanks Dolly! I agree with you. Point taken. Hi Queen of Swords. Of course. I plan on consulting first before diving in. I was just wondering if this was an option or if anyone else had done it. I am really curious and kind of formulating some ideas in my head that I would like to play with in future. But you have given good advice. The example that you provided in your last post is kind of like where I am headed in the future. Kind of like knowing the effect I want to have and creating an ultimate potion from that. Thanks!
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