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Posts posted by Countesszero

  1. Countesszero, your soo lucky to have that darker skin beauty, my closest friend is Ethiopian and at 35 she could easily pass for early 20s because of her stunning and unusual exotic complexion as well as her radiant and pure inner beauty.


    Men are absolutely beside themselves when they take one look at her... I have seen them walk into things, and behave like retards...


    To age gracefully and radiate outwardly your Inner Beauty is a Blessing, no matter what the color of your skin.


    cant wait to try DYG!!!


    KrazyKat such kind words. I do believe Inner Beauty is everything. I try not to look in the mirror too much because looks arent everything. But yeah I get guys bumping into walls alot around me. I feel sorry for them sometimes but It's kindof fun to watch.

  2. I cant wait Shelly B. I have Heart & Soul in oil form and I love it. I get anxious if I'm running low that's just how good and effective it is. I just know that the Beta is going to take things to another level. Oh and I've just ordered more NOX which is blending quite nicely with my new shiney bottlw of Passion and Desire. I sure hope I get my bonus soon. I need more money to buy more and more LP's.

  3. Divine Misdemeanors ...it's on reserve at my local library :lol:


    Gonna be awhile like #26 out of 50 holds.


    I've just received my Garland and LACE gift set and I must say I am in love. I also have on the way (hopefully before Christmas) Beta's of Magnet, OCCO Pink and Heart and Soul. Also on the way a large bottle of Jouir De and Elevation potion and some samples of tabby and money honey. I'm so bad.

  4. I too can identify with the intimidating factor. I have been told this numerous times. Guys have said they think twice about approaching me because of their fear of rejection. I've had this happen with and without wearing BI.I wouldnt say I'm ultra sexy but I am unique looking and have a nice set of boobs to match. I'm half black and Indian with long dark straight hair. No one can really place my look so they become intriqued and yes a little leary of approaching me. My husband was one of them but my friendly attitude won him over eventually. I remember how he would never talk to me oh he watched me closely but talk no way. Later after we were married he confessed that he was crazy attracted to me but was scared to approach. Now days I wear Drop Your Guard to counter this effect. I highly recommend it. I literally OD on DYG it really opens up a guy who otherwise just ignores you because your too SEXY. I've just received my LACE too and agree with ShellyB that you can use this to soften the intimidating factor as well. I know I will.

  5. I just bought a big bottle of this smelly stuff. I'm still swearing by it. I know it's strong and stinky when you first apply it but afterwards upon drydown it's to die for. Just ask the hubby who gets an instant woody whenever I wear it. I've been layering it with sugared honeycomb. Sometimes I even wear it to work. I'm a dirty girl. :^^:

  6. DYG is also having a great effect on my HOT CFO. He couldnt take his eyes off of me at our staff meeting. I think he had a DIHL response because of all the pheromones I was wearing. It was very obvious that he was smitten with me. He also has started lingering in the hall by my door and talking louder in order to get my attention. I'm attributing his responses to the DYG spray though because it's the only new addition to my daily wear. I'm ordering more on Monday. I do not want to run out.

  7. What is DYG?? I searched the pheros and :)


    Edit: D'oh.. Found it...drop your guard...what self effects do you have???



    Yep DYG is Drop Your Guard. I love the self effects. I'm normally all business at work and sometimes I come off as being unapproachable. Yes me of all people. I don't much go for small talk. But with DYG I find myself spinning conversations out of thin air. And it also gives me more confidence to say what's really on my mind.

  8. KrazyKat yes you should try it I just know you'll like it. One difference between DYG and OW for me are the self effects. I never felt the urge to converse with OW but boy do I with DYG. Also for me OW didnt get me the attention I'm getting with DYG. I'm like Goddesslynne sometimes I get lazy or am just too tired to join into conversations. When I'm wearing DYG it seems like I always have something to say. Also it's not as in your face as True Confession. I think you can wear DYG without risking revealing too much of yourself. It seems like it's an all around good mix.

  9. I've been using DYG alot especially for the self effects.6 sprays total. 1 in my hair 1 in my cleavage and 2 each wrist and 2 on the backs of my hands. Although I'm in a profession where I have to be outspoken (CPA for an IT corp) many times when I'm just in my office working I can become a hermit crab. Mums the word. Well after spritzing myself with DYG I become the whitty social butterfly that was always lurking just beyond the surface. It has also made those around me more sociable. Sometimes in an office environment people can become so involved in their work that they can become down right rude. Not when me and my DYG are around. I've even started spraying my office door and it's getting results too. People are stopping by my office and chatting up a storm. It's almost like they're made of metal and my door is the magnet. Pretty cool. I am already half way through my bottle. You can believe I'll be buying more soon.

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