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Posts posted by Countesszero

  1. Luna at first I was a little leary about applying it directly on myself so I would spray my office door. That's why my intern kept lingering there. Since I've begun spraying it on myself she actually comes into my office and hovers closer. I havent tried B2 yet but my son has. He's 24 and it's helping him establish good relationships with his guy friends. They seem to respect him more and are confiding in him just like they've known him all their lives. He's straignt and says that he hasnt pickup up any sexual vibes from using the B2 either. How is B2 working for you.

  2. I received a sample of G2 weeks ago with my order and I have to say I've been using it almost exclusively on a daily basis. I just bought a large bottle. This is a must have. There is a definite need for this in my work place. I'm a CPA for an IT Company. My workplace used to be dominated by men but now there are more women then men. G2 has helped me establish relationships with my female associates.


    I was always trying to attract the guys and as a result had some of the ladies not like me very much. Maybe I came off too Sexy or just too available I'm not sure. But wearing G2 I've become one of the girls. They are flocking to my office just to chat or ask advice. G2 makes the ladies really affectionate too. My Office Manager has taken to holding my hand or brushing against me when we're walking down the hall. Oh and the office B**ch is no longer that. She's laughing and joking in my presence and is also telling me personal secrets. Oh my. I also have a 21 yr old female intern who just stands in my door throughtout the day twirling her hair and chatting me up. I think it's cute. They have no ideal. I would recommend G2 for you ladies at work. It's really helping me be all things to everyone. The guys like me and the women really like me. I'll report more soon.

  3. I started a new topic before I saw this one so I did a copy and paste to here.


    I just received my orders last night and Bayou Musk was the first one I tried. If I close my eyes and sniff this it reminds me of walking down Bourban Street and the Garden District and dancing at the Jelly Roll. It smells like the best parts of New Orleans. I will have to have a large bottle.

  4. I just received my orders last night and Bayou Musk was the first one I tried. It I close my eyes and sniff this it reminds me of walking down Bourban Street and the Garden District and dancing at the Jelly Roll. It smells like the best parts of New Orleans. I will have to have a large bottle.

  5. I'm sorry your going through this Therapygirl. I would wear Treasured Hearts and True Confessions. Maybe your son will open up about what's bothering him and making him huff. I have a 24 yr old and I know sometimes he gets stressed with the economy and no jobs and just peer pressure. He always spills the beans about what's bothering him when I'm wearing True Confessions. My thoughts are with you.

  6. Not at all. :666: Would you like a regular bottle or something amped?


    Thank you!



    I would like a regular bottle please. I still have a teeny tiny bit of the old Sync and cant wait to get my hands on this one. BTW I know this is a dumb question but how much is it. Doesnt matter I'm ready to spend some cash. My money fairy has just arrived.

  7. First off Paganlady, I'm sorry you havent received your goodies yet. I'm sure there on the way.


    I received everything I ordered yesterday. I was so excited. Our mail carrier is a female and I sometime slip her some LP's in our mail box. She always makes a point of waiting for someone to get home in order for her to deliver my goodies. A signature is required. Anywho... I got not 1 but 2 Spell Kits and various other items. That I could not live without. I'm in heaven. I love love love the spell kit. I'm starting out slow and trying one at a time depending on what the mood or environment calls for. My first pick is Jinx No More. I'll keep you all posted.

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