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Posts posted by katz

  1. I bought a full-size bottle of this based on the description, and I am thrilled with the scent. The vanilla comes out over the top of the musks on me, and there's a sweet spiciness that is very nice. It is a comforting, soothing scent -- companionable, perhaps, is the word I want. Even without the Drop Your Guard pheros, I think the scent would draw people in.


    Aaagh! I got a page this am from my buddy-with-the-P.O.Box "Perfume in Hand. Make transfer when convenient", ....uh NOW!?! I'm so psyched to get mah hands on this...!

  2. Smelling fortune cookie on me......I want to eat my arm! Smells EXACTLY like a fortune cookie! You know, slightly sweet, slightly almondy.....my arms almost smells crunchy!


    I like this one too! Run and hide, little credit card.....


    oh W00t!! I got a full one of this, took the chance it'd be like you described -YAYYY!!!

    *and* I got shipping notice it's left CA!! Thanks for the review Dolly...cannot wait now!

  3. Thank you, Dolly! :jumpforjoy:




    Mornin' KK - a place in the country sounds like heaven to me too...congrats on finding "home"...and welcome to the LP Addict Zone! 019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.com].gif

  4. Hi. This is jeff, Diana's husband. DMG and any other immune boosting agent will provide your cat with better ability to fend off and/or deal with disease. DMG, also improves cardiovascular function which will be stressed during asthmatic episodes. Also, Grape Seed extract is another good supplement to help improve circulation in the body. And, Beta-Thym (beta sitosterol) is a natural anti-inflammatory to help inflammed areas (bronchil path). You can view this on www.bestforyourpet.com. Finally, and most importantly is good nutrition. Get your cat on a good natural diet - preferably raw or all cans. Not kibble. Then there are environmental considerations. Humidifiers, air purifiers are always good to use. Litter should be dust free. Do you smoke? Or, do you live in an Old house? Just consider every possible thing that could contribute to breathing. Well, hope this helps.



    Just a note to say thanks so much...I found a local store that supplies raw diets, just today! I may try this out..If I have questions, I'll fwd them thru Diana325's email, supplied kindly by Mara today!

  5. Did you get my email addy yet? If not you can check out this company we use their supplements for our pets. www.usanimalnutirionals.com They sell a product called DMG, Im sure would help your kitty. Its wonderful & safe to use for dogs, cats & parrots. People can use it as well (I do), for info on human use you can check out www.dmgdoctor.com


    Also you can do immune support supplements, those should help as well. I'll ask my hubby which ones are safe & good for kitties.


    Also heres a couple of good sites for natural animal rearing:






    Hope this helps!

    :Hug_emoticon: Diana


    ****thankyou**** I didn't want to bug Mara for emails, I'm sure it's busy...I so appreciate the recommendation. On the website (http://www.usanimalnutritionals.com) it mentions DMG being an immuno support - that will help the asthma? He's been struggling a lot the last week. I had tried some "homeopathic" drops, but I think they were beyond their expiration date. I'll definitley check out the other links you put up here...thanks mucho!

  6. This one must be flying off the shelves...I ordered one too...! Today my Real World fortune cookie yielded:


    "Today, put away the diplomat in order to protect your own interests"


    Fortunately, it hasn't come into play thus far.

  7. Cool, glad you're havin' fun! Would you be ok with me sending you an email? Mara can assist in trading email addy's for us...otherwise, my question was regarding any kind of aids (not steroids) for an asthmatic kitty...I have one...

  8. My sample of Dirty Sexy arrived.

    I've tried it twice now.


    Mara? Danna? I would like to wholeheartedly apologise for the really gruesome thing my skin chemistry does to your lovely perfume. I think the pin-up series just doesn't suit me overall...


    Enough said. :D




    May...hon...that's a bummer...you have the most *trying* skin chemistry, eh? :rolleyes: Sadly, I can't really wear the pinup series either, (just fades to one note on my skin...not bad, but not multidimensional like most LP scents) but oddly Dark Seductions works for me...you've tried that?

  9. Hi There!!


    My Name is Diana and I came across this site yesterday late morning. I have been on here since checking out the fragrances and message board. I ordered some sample fragrances and cant wait to try 'em! I LOVE perfume!! MMmm Yum!


    Lets see about me ...I am an artist.. I paint pet portraits and murals and also design dog clothing, collars, beds etc.. My husband and I are owned by 3 wonderful Pit Bulls, 3 Shih Tzus and 5 parrots, we also own a holistic Pet shop specializing in nutrition for dogs, cats and birds. My life revolves around animals & art, always has since I was a child.


    I look forward to meeting you all!!


    Be well,


    :( Diana


    Welcome aboard Diana - adorable Avatar there... :dog1: I know there's another person on board who swears her LP fragrances sometimes calm her pet patients - so enjoy!

    I wonder if you'd mind a question re: holistic pet health some time...Something I'm looking for on the market but can't seem to find...

  10. You're very welcome. I hope it helps people have a somewhat better understanding of the usefulness of Est in all relationships.


    Ail )O(


    You've certainly intrigued me ...I'd never have thought to include Est as one of my purchases...but I'd really love to try out the ritul you outlined...I'd love to be able to do that for my guy.

  11. Thank you both, that means a lot to me.. :D


    I just finished my Est post in the phero forum here, so hope that helps too. :)




    Ail )O(


    Again WOW! I'm cuttin' and pastin' for all I'm worth! That's great info there - thanks for sharing it with us!...good timing too - I'm out of my normal "dry oil" spray...woohoo! (this pleases the mad chemist in me)


    Ok now, you know this means we're ALL going to go thru more bottles! :dancingfruits0nm:

  12. Oh, this sounds like it would be a wonderful bedtime scent! :arf: I think that I'll have to give it a try in my next order!


    ...lol...I knew I forgot something...ah well, isnt' there *always* the next order? :(

  13. Oh, I am getting a bottle of Scandalous.....I have a swap deal with Chai.....she is so SWEET to share!


    In my next order, I AM getting a trial of LP green....I'n not too big on really green scents, but from the reviews, it doesn't sound like this one is actually THAT green.....just a touch of green-ness would be cool.....


    And, green is my favorite color.....


    It's NOT woodsy-green by any means...just a hint...and the rest is LP edible goodness...

  14. Gorgeous labels and scents as usual! I'll have to lay low for this month, my dogs vet appt. was yesterday and it was a bit more expensive than the usual. (isn't everything argh)


    :dog1: The good news is that he is HEALTHY as a horse, oh so excellent because he had cancer this time last year. And maybe I'll receive BD cash to blow on smell goods later this week.


    Awww, congrats on the healthy pup! That's awesome news...

  15. Thank you, Chai. And thank you, ladies. I treasure this sentiment above all others. xoxoxoxox!


    Just popped in to say that everything is UP on our site now! Order pages, the perfumerie and the individual perfumerie pages, front page, etc.


    Thanks for being so patient! I've spotted one or two typos I'll need to fix...please let me know if you spot any errors too.


    Just checking the new pages: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/perfume-Miasma.html


    Seems to have a bit of duplication perhaps?

  16. Now we'll all be stockpiling bayberry candles next Chrismas season and burning them year round. :wub: Luckily I make my own so I don't have to wait until then to get them. B)




    You reminded me of a crafty-disaster my sister and I made one summer...out on one of the town beaches there were wild bayberries growing, waxy and fragrant when crushed...we picked them for HOURS, brought home the results and tried to (in our crude way) extract the waxiness (to make candles)...geeesh what a mess.


    Kitchen smelled great that day though! Do you make your own from actual bayberries or?

  17. Thats why I almost always get the whole set... one of these days, when I have the extra cash not already earmarked for the purchases of full bottles, I am going to buy the annual subscription.


    Just out of curiousity... do most of you invoice-order the new releases (i.e. email your request to the ladies) or do you wait until they show up on the store inventory? I'm trying to figure out which is a 'kinder' method for the ladies; didn't it take Mara a full day or two to get out from under the barrage of emails we sent her with March's releases?


    Ooooo, you just gave me a thought...I get the 'Economic Stimulus' giftie next month...(supposedly)...and my birthday is the month after...wouldn't it be nice if somehow...

  18. I am going to go soooooo broke! I think this is one month that I am going to have to get the whole monthly sampler.....


    Ugh...I know...just when I'd decided that this month I'd restrain myself and only get samples of those I *really REALLY* wanted...but when there's over 5 of them, how can you NOT go for the whole month's sample?

  19. I think I'm gonna go straight for the valerian :A002: and sleep until tomorrow! Thanks for the chill notice. I'll relax and try to enjoy what I have. (Even though it's AWFULLY hard to do so knowing that there are more out there that i haven't had access to)


    Therapygirl (waiting patiently)


    After a few months you get used to the tension (sorta)... don't ask me how many times I've checked USPS Track and Confirm this week tho', hee-hee! :Hug_emoticon:

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