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Everything posted by tink333

  1. This morning I decided to give Mega Watt another try. I sprayed about 4 sprays on and got ready for work. I live in Minnesota and this morning it was -12 when I went out to my car. I tried to start it and the battery was dead. I cursed a lot. My SO was home but in bed and sick. I quickly decided that I know how to jump start a car so I'll do it myself and I did! I was so proud of myself! I know I can do these things because I've been raised to do this stuff on my own but I had never attempted to jump start a car all on my own. I truly believe Mega Watt helped keep the doubt at bay so that I just did it period, no questions asked. Awesome! I wonder what else I will do today? I'm sort of feeling superhero-ish.
  2. tink333

    Lost Luggage

    The story behind this perfume makes it even better!
  3. tink333

    Land of Nog

    This is YUMMY!!! I Initially get the almost cherry scent that almond can have but I kind of love that about almond so it doesn't bother me. It mellows very quickly on me though and the nutmeg and creams become more prevalent. This is very cozy and comforting to me. It reminds me of egg nog truffles I've had before. This is a great scent for this season.
  4. donsie, that is a great story! I used this earlier in the week, while at work, to see if it would help me get through tons of work. I used three sprays before getting to work and didn't notice much. I added another spray after about 2 hours but still didn't notice much of anything. The only notable thing was that I was typing faster. I'm going to try more next week and like NuTrix pointed out, will pay more attention to how my workflow is going and how I'm personally approaching it.
  5. tink333

    Lost Luggage

    When I stated that I feel like this was like Gypsum White as well, I forgot to mention that it is warmer than Gypsum White too. I'm really loving this one, especially on this cloudy, dreary, foggy day in Minnesota.
  6. tink333

    Lost Luggage

    This is GORGEOUS! It reminds me of laundry that's been washed in expensive detergent and then hung out to dry on a sunny summer day. It has a cozy, comforting feel to me. This would make a fabulous workplace scent. And, it reminds me of Gypsum White a lot too but w/o any of the pointiness, which makes me so happy because I love Gypsum White until I feel like it's stabbing me in my forehead and eyeballs. Another scent to add to my wishlist!
  7. I received a full bottle of this as a free gift this month. Thank you!!! It was such a great surprise! ? In the bottle, this is boozy smelling with coconut, and berries and this is what it was like when I first put this on. Once it started to dry down, it develops into more of a musk but there is this perfumey aspect to it as well. I love when scents bring up memories for me and this perfume did just that. It brought me way back to a time, years ago, before I was even of legal drinking age and my bf at the time worked at a metal bar. We went to a lot of after partys. (I may have had a little bit of a wild streak.) This scent reminded me of this specific time period. I'm not sure if there was a perfume that people were wearing at that had similar notes in it, or if it was the Malibu being consumed in great quantities, or if maybe the description of this brought these memories up. All I know is that I'm really loving this scent and loving my adventure down memory lane. Thank you again for the generous gift!
  8. Holy crap irish eyes! That's so funny! That's pretty much what I was describing! That could turn into the theme song of this blend for me. I don't have theme songs for any of them but maybe they each need one now. And now this song is stuck in my head. I don't mind. It's a great song!
  9. I tried this for the first time last night. 2 quick sprays on my chest. I was so tired and crabby from a not so great day at work. At the end of the workday, I had argued with a customer, which is a first for me and so out of character for me. I was really crabby! I was home for a couple of hours and was really out of it and blah. Then I tried this and within about 15 minutes (I think?) I felt all the tension in my head go away. I hadn't even realized how much tension I was holding there. It also seemed as though hundreds of clouds seperated and I stepped forward within my mind and was 100% aware and focused on the world around me, if that makes any sense. My mood lightened and I was really enjoying myself. I will be trying this next when I need to do several things around the house, to see if it helps me keep focused and actually complete things. That would be amazing!!!
  10. tink333

    Snowman Poop

    In the bottle, this is pretty. I put it this morning on and within 5 mins, it turned into this very strong smelling Christmas home fragrance on me. I know this is a holiday type of scent but it was so overpowering on me. I convinced myself to power through it and after about 2 hours or so it had mellowed, however, I developed a wicked headache. I ended up washing it off and my headache started to subside and eventually go away. I'm so bummed it didn't work on me! I'll have to set this aside for a little while and test it again later to see if I get better results.
  11. I was very surprised by this scent because I had no idea what it would smell like on me. Luna actually described it the way I experienced the scent as well, with this sweet note hovering above the crisp scent underneath. It is perfect for the workplace. It made me want to go out and buy a nice new shirt and blazer for a job interview I have next week. And, now I have a great scent to wear as well!
  12. tink333


    Thanks Luna!!! I will ask Mara about this.
  13. tink333


    I'm curious about the black resins in this scent. What are they exactly? Are they individual resins that are already sugared layerables that someone (who is possibly obsessed with this scent) can buy and combine them to resemble the black resins in this scent?
  14. I've been wearing this all day today and I am loving it. It reminds me lot of my (current) favorite scent, Blackstone, but a much lighter and less perfumey version of it. It's nicely blended to me. The chocolate isn't overly asserting itself and the berries are divine. It's hard for me to distinguish between them, possibly because I've never smelled them before (that I'm aware of) or because it's so well blended. This scent has been added to the top of my FB list!
  15. tink333

    EBIL-ish 2014

    Dolly, you make fascinating point! I've noticed this with a few scents but it seems more seasonal for me, at least I think it is. I'm going to pay more attention to this too.
  16. tink333

    EBIL-ish 2014

    So, I love this scent. I've already stated this. One day though it turned on me and I was heartbroken! I got the dreaded play-doh smell! I'm so grateful that I can look though the forums here to find out others have experienced this before and they have offered advice on it! THANK YOU!!! It seems that it must be related to different times of the month for me and NOT related to my perfume deciding that all of a sudden it hates me. I'll have to test this to figure out when I can and cannot wear this OR better yet, I can make this into a spray and that should work as well.
  17. donsie, you are right about the EST causing the ditzy factor in this for me! I've used this more since I last posted about it and I think I've gotten to that sweet spot of what works for me. I swipe a bit on my wrists, on each forearm, and on my upper chest. I notice the shimmer/sparkle I get from this more and more. The best part though is that I don't notice the ditzy feeling as much. I'm not sure if this is because I just don't get this affect as much anymore or I just don't mind it. Either way, I love the self effects of this for me.
  18. So, I have this pair of tall black leather boots that I've had for over 3 years and I love them. I wear them every chance I get. They're on their third winter in the Twin Cities and some weeks of sloppy winter travel in NYC. My point is that they're old and dirty. The other day, I had this idea... Take my Sugared Leather and roll some on the inside of each boot. Results: My boots smell amazing! Sugared Leather seemed to breathe some new life into them. To me, they smell just like they did when I bought them in the department store. Sugared Leather smells luxurious and expensive. It is dense and soft yet has such strength. Love this scent!
  19. tink333


    The more I wear this, the more I love it! I went back and reread this thread and at first thought "this smells like Bettie Page?" But every single time I wear it, I now think of Bettie Page and how I never realized that I've always wanted to smell just like her! Ha! Love this one so much!!! I'm stocking up on it.
  20. That is great info, Beach Goddess! I've read about this a little bit here and there but it is good to read stories like this to know just how much aging can affect the scents. I need to remember this. Also, I'm definitely going to have to give LP Pink a try! It sounds so good! I'm getting a sample of this one with my next purchase. It's already on my list. (I make LPMP wish lists but I'm 100% positive I'm not the only one!)
  21. I got home last night and went to my mailbox and there was my package from LPMP containing the Black Cat Mojo I bought! I was SO excited! So, what am I wearing today? Well, I've SLATHERED myself with Black Cat Mojo. SLATHERED. I smell incredible. And now I find that I need to swing by the coffee shop before I continue with the rest of my day.
  22. This scent sounds fascinating, especially for the comments on how powerful and strong the intent is in it. It sounds so strong and positive! I hope that one day there is a rebrew of this.
  23. It is most definitely truer to the way roses smell! And, my allergic reaction is to the scent. Within 15-30 mins, I get stuffed up, sneezy, and a headache, even if I've taken allergy meds. I have way worse reactions to some other flowers, plants, and trees. I just suck it up because I really love flowers. I've worked part-time for a florist and would have bad reactions but I always went back and still work with flowers any chhance I get. I actually never thought of using a scent locket, even if I just carried it with me and could pull it out a smell it every so often. Thanks for the idea!
  24. Chelle, I'm positive you will love this! If you don't, you know someone who does.
  25. I love roses. I love the smell of roses. I love designing floral arrangements and bouquets with roses. My favorite rose is the Paris Red Rose. It is STUNNING! Sugared Roses, to me, captures the quintessential scent of Roses. It's a bright rose and there is none of that dusty rose smell that other rose scents I've smelled can have. (Various rose scents over my lifetime) The only problem is a personal one and that is that I'm allergic to roses. I still own this scent and will try to work this into various mixes OR randomly sniff this because I love roses so much. This is perfect.
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