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Posts posted by goddesslynne

  1. Well my budget is sort of hooped because the car needs new struts (thanks for the lemon Mom) and my tenants are deadbeats but I'm calling it retail therapy and placed an order anyways.


    I mean I had to have a back-up bottle of Glistening Buttons right? So I ended up with bottles of Bang!, Velvet Kisses, Rocket Fuel and Glistening Buttons, samples of <3 Throb, Lumina and Audacious and forum samples of Super for Men and Sudden Impact to tuck in Shadow's Xmas stocking with the <3 Throb sample.


    I know I forgot something though. So I'm positive I'll have to place another order later in the month.


    D'oh!! Glistening Buttons!!

  2. Hubbs is treating me as he missed on getting me anything for my birthday, so I'm really splashing out and getting a big bottle set of the womens pheros and a monthly sampler set of the mens pheros. As last year I missed out on loads of full bottle sizes of ones I just loved...



    I'm thinking of a men's set to go with my sample subscription!! AND, 1 or 2 more bottle holders, since I'm tired of being disorganized!!

  3. Indigo, I would suggest to him that he experiment, starting with a smaller amount. I think your advice is right on! 2 full sprays is plenty to start with! After a few uses, noting his results, he might try 3 (maybe adding the 3rd either to his abdomen or the upper back). As many of us have learned, sometimes less is more.


    All the best!!

  4. Started off testing this today & it's my second favorite of teh month after All Hallow's eve. It reminds me of Musk In The Pixie dust, but in the fall.


    I actually love these two together!!

  5. Thanks so much for the support, gals!! I truly hope she is forwarded by this experience!! I'm sending positive energy to her, and hoping that everything turns out ok for her. I know it must have been hard for her to come into a fairly "well oiled machine" as we are there, and try to fit in. I have really taken it on to be a better person myself, and speak up WAY sooner if I ever see a problem, and confront problems at the time they occur, rather than let them be "someone's else's problem".


    I am grateful for the "fresh start" and I'm committed to full appreciation!!

  6. Right, not only her business and reputation on the line...but what if someone reports the salon to County Health? Or sues?

    Yes, a very good point!!


    So, new development: apparently last week someone called anonymously about the esthy pulling off skin, and just wanted to have someone coach her so as to not do it to someone elso. She (esthy) told the receptionist (not the one who quit) that she thought I had put one of my friends up to making the call!! Can you believe it?? Seriously!!

  7. Thank you all so much for the support!!


    So...she wasn't at work yesterday, but I wore a combo of Jinx No More and a beta of G2 with Pillow Patter (along with a few drops of Cat's eye for me!)


    Great day, extremely busy, and I was exhausted by the end of the day!! Not sure if that's because of all the work or the phero or both.


    Today I'm wearing the same combo, minus the Cat's eye. Not sure if she's gonna be in.


    Oh, and the receptionist in question quit on Thursday, citing the way the boss and I treated her as "abusive" and "disrespectful". LOL!! I said to Mr. Goddess last night, one down, one to go!! I really need to try to be nicer...


    But, seriously, I spoke to boss about this a couple of times, and I really am challenging myself to be more detached and professional. But, what I also told her is that she needs to take this seriously and confront the esthy about her treatment practices because, after all, it's HER business and her reputation on the line. I *think* she heard me about this, but she hates confrontation worse than I do, so it's honestly less than 50/50 that she'll actually take any real action.

  8. OMG. This is why I will never work in a large full service salon again. Those girls scare the Hell out of me. I normally can keep to myself, having my own room and all but still. There was practically a stabbing in another salon down the street from me between two stylists!! Grown women!!! My salon I am in now is dinky and I like it that way.

    Is STFU=Shut The F**k Up?




    I'm just absolutely DONE with the stupid gossip. I have a receptionist (little runt) who thinks she can call me out, and goes around repeating everything I say with her little-girl voice and puppy dog eyes, and thinks she's being a "powerful woman" and standing up for herself. I have a PA esthetician who burns/hurts my clients on the occasions when she gets one of my clients because I'm busy/away, and is all up-in-arms because I don't think she should be working days when I'm there (we don't have a need for her/room for her anyway). I've got the crazy south-american esthy who runs hot-and-cold; one day she's my bestie, the next she's gossiping with the above-referenced receptionist about me.


    So, I think I will start with Girl/Girl tomorrow and see how it goes.

  9. Thank goodness by boss is NOT among the gossip-mongers. I've come to the conclusion that I can really speak to NO ONE at work but her, but I need to have a peaceful, quiet work place.


    I need a STFU potion, but I don't want to alienate my clients. I need a potion that will make everyone love/fear/keep away/be decent to me.


    AND, whatever I use, I need to keep my edge and keep my wits about me.


    I'm thinking Treasured Hearts. Thoughts, ladies and gents?

  10. Tangy, creamy, yummy!!


    First spray, bright, tangy, lemony yumminess with the brulee underneath adding a creamy, almost bakery-like feel. The spiciness is very subtle a couple of minutes later, as the scents start to meld.


    This will be amazing with cold-weather clothing!! I imagine the warmth of my body warming the scent, and then it hits the cold air...magical!! The vanilla in the brulee along with the marshmallow is so beautiful, almost airy!! But still rich and sweet!!


    I have a feeling I will be ordering another bottle of this, perhaps boosted with something like Magnet, or maybe Treasured Hearts!

  11. you're killin' me !! :)

    getting my order this week, but I get mail at 10am :)

    I'll be aaaaaaaaaaaaaaat work :hearts18: !!

    I have to sign for it :toast: !

    so I have to waaaaaaaaaaaaaait till next day :toast: !

    take extra time for lunch to pick it up :cry: !

    the next day :cry:


    Aw hon, sorrrrry!! I usually have the same situation, but, luckily, Mr. Goddess was home to sign for me!!

  12. Cat's Eye is also so strong that you only need a drop - just one drop, and it will last you all day. I wore it yesterday for an outing...one dab from my fingertip on the breastbone, the hot spot between the cleavage, and it BLOOMS! Even the small sample size should last you quite a few wearings.


    I can't wait to try this in my cleavage!! Last night's trial was on my wrist, for ease of sniffing!

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