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Posts posted by goddesslynne

  1. I love this one!! Fresh and clean, with just a touch of linen-y vanilla. It doesn't remind me of Whoopsy Daisycake, though. I find WD to be very foody, and this isn't at all to my nose.


    ETA: Uh-oh, it's going a little hairspray now after about 20 minutes. But, just a little, it still might end up ok.

  2. I wore this on Monday with great results. I truly slathered!! 3-4 maneuvers, up and down arms 3x, lower back, back of neck, legs...I figured that since a lot of us were finding it to disappear quickly this was my best shot. Oh, and a bit applied to my hair, too!


    24 hours later, I could still detect it!! So, I think the key is generous application!! Also, I'm sure there's a "chemistry" component to the equation. I really love this, it's like a nice summer alternative to my Winter Dreams of the Goddess.

  3. Interesting! Too bad people aren't stepping forward and "claiming" their match more. I wonder if participants are instructed to forgo deodorant and perfume. Someone in the article mentioned not caring for the scents of baby powder and detergent...seems like they need to give better instructions so that people can really smell the person's scent.


    Elizabeth, I noticed that cute manpit as well!!

  4. Fishpie, I do understand!! You want to make the most of your order!! I didn't read you as "complaining" about the price of postage, just wanting to make the best choices.


    I would definitely 2nd (or 3rd) those that suggested Open Windows for work/social. I love wearing this, and I have it in beta sprays with LP Original and Pillow Patter. I've had mixed results with Focus Potion, but I definitely think it's worth a try! For your fella, my first thought is Cuddle Bunny, 2nd idea is Perfect Match.


    Wishing you all the best!! Come back and let us know what you decide!!


    As for getting extra samples, Mara is super-generous, and if there's any scents you're on the fence about, I'd definitely order more samples!

  5. Counseling is probably a good idea but he's torn between wanting to work it out and thinking about fate and how if it was supposed to work out it would have on it's own.


    I snipped this line because I think this is the crux of the issue. As AC so beautifully explained, relationships don't just work themselves out, they are CREATED with hard work from both parties.


    What I've noticed with Mr. Goddess, and many of my friends and clients, is that at the beginning there are enough hormones and horny-ness that the relationship "feels" like it's running itself, and that fate is at work. After all, you're MEANT to be together!! LOL!! But after a while, reality sets in, bills have to be paid, children throw up...you get the picture!


    Mr. Goddess and I re-create our relationship in every moment. We know that nothing happens automatically, every day together is a choice. The magic happens when we are both choosing and creating at the same time!!


    I've noticed that people who want the magic without the work...the chemistry, the fate, whatever...are the ones who go from relationship to relationship, ending and starting relationships because "it just didn't feel right", or "we just didn't click", or something like that.


    Obviously, there needs to be a basis for the relationship, common beliefs, common goals, some chemistry to get the ball rolling, as it were. I'm also not saying that EVERY relationship gets to be worked out. Sometimes it really is time to cut your losses and move on. It just sounds like your man is thinking that the magic is going to do the work for him, and that just doesn't happen. I honestly don't think ANY relationship is effortless.

  6. Call it scented oil.....that is how I first got my man to try the scents....he is totally addicted now....I love Velvet Moss on me.....haven't tried it on my man, but want to......just haven't quite gotten around to it yet......he would probably smell great in it, because he smells fab in Bodice Ripper, and they both have a violet note.....


    I call it scented oil with Mr. Goddess, or just "fragrance". But, he's very amenable, and just does what I tell him to!! LOL!! He's become a master of the "maneuver" and loves it when I bury my nose in his chest!



    They work wonder as I purchase EO-based repellents for my kids. Sometimes, I use citronella candles too. I'm thinking of making my own repellents, body oils and massage oils. Does anyone know how to qualify the quality of EOs? There are plenty of fakes here so I don't want tot run the risk of apply such supplies on my kids.


    Hmmm, I would only trust well-known brands, not sure what you have available there. I purchase mine at Whole Foods or on line from iHerb.

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