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Posts posted by goddesslynne

  1. Interesting question!


    On the one hand, if he were unaware he was wearing pheros, he would get a truly "clean" read on the effect...but he wouldn't know it, because he wouldn't know if the effect he got was caused (or amplified) by pheros or not. The problem might be determining what works and what doesn't. If you question him too closely he might be suspicious or uncomfortable.


    Also, you need to ask yourself how he would/will feel once he discovers that you've been having him use pheros. Even if he gets great results, he might be angry or resentful if he thinks you don't think he can create great results "on his own".


    Another scenario might be that you take him into your confidence and "scheme" with him..."let's get you as successful as we can with this stuff!" kind of thing.


    I look forward to reading more opinions!!

  2. Wow and more Wow. I like the vintage theme. The standout one for me to try is SLF!! haha. I assume it stand for smells like_____ right?




    I need a bikin wax too... but am sort of shy about the "nether regions" I would trust GL though...


    Aw, thanks!! Any time, my lady! I have a special technique that helps to preserve a bit of modesty, even with brazilian waxing!

  3. This is not something I can wear daily, but it is occasionally lovely when one is off to the opera, a night out wine-tasting or being picked up by a chauffeur in a Bentley heading to a four star restaurant. This perfume rhymes with sophistication.


    Indigo, I really need to hang out with YOU!!

  4. With un-boosted perfumes, for me, a slather is about 1/2 of a trial vial. With pheros, probably about 1/3 of a vial.


    Translated to sprays, probably 6-8 sprays.


    With bottles, I do a version of the "Mara Maneuver" where I roll down cleavage, around each breast, down tummy and back, then a good stripe on inner arms and maybe a bit on lower back and back of neck, depending. I also usually put a couple of rolls on my lower legs, so the scent/pheros will rise.

  5. :lol:

    I remember some particularly spunk-y plants...but I don't know what they were. But it would be that kind of bitter scent.


    OMG Upland, now that makes three of us from the same neck o'the woods!


    Pomona, the garden spot of the Inland Empire, LOL!!

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