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Everything posted by Eastwood22

  1. I'm fairly certain that that's the best way to guarantee that you won't need them.
  2. @Tinkerbelle it sounds like the LFN plus the intentions can be doing their magic! What night is the evening function?
  3. @Bella15 ❤️ and @Kayla ❤️, I'm so glad you're trying it! This is the one I've been "saving," like a fancy dress or new shoes, while I've been steam rolling through Rocket Powder, but I think tomorrow's the big day.
  4. He really does love it, I think it's up'd his hygiene game.
  5. And who knew that rose smelled like cuddles and kittens?
  6. It was 100% worth it to come back here to read @LadyVictoria's wise words. I wore this today to test Levitation, I finally know what's not working with me and this scent. Besides the fact that I'm jealous, I want to go grab my grapefruit EO and top off the bottle so I can have same experience as you all, there's never enough grapefruit in anything for me. But I'm realizing that I amp marshmallow. There have been a few marshmallows that people have gone crazy for, and I'm like, I don't get it. I put it on 4 hrs ago, it's mostly marshmallow now. Here's the thing, I immediately knew it was sweeter than I wanted, so I applied Jenna's Domina Venus next to it. The two of them together, with the darker vibe of the amber and Musk and tobacco added was perfect. Anyone who has both should try it. But now I'm back to marshmallow overwhelm.
  7. It wasn't me that said it first, about the talking about rather than talking to, but I'm in completely in agreement with that, and I remember the discussion. But honestly, that's what I like about it. I'm at shows two, sometimes three, nights a week, I don't want people being overly familiar. I am very friendly and my openness is often misjudged so a phero keeping people at arms length is great. The music scene here is too small and incestous, I see the same people all the time. I talk to my friends but I don't need to make a bunch of new friends. I am friendly to everyone and adore my friends, I am just not gathering new ones. When strange dudes that I don't already know try to talk to me, sometimes I keep pointing to my ears and saying that I can't understand them until they give up and go away. (My man said when he first tried to talk me up in a flirtatious way, he said I laughed at him and said, "What are you, like 12?") Plus I hate people yelling in my ear when I'm trying to hear music, if I really wanted to hear their words I'd have to take out my earplugs anyway. (EarDial for the win! Get some!) Same thing with teaching, please, all eyes on me so we can do this right. @luna65 I'm guessing that's why I went through Topper so fast, I did add it on over all kinds of stuff, but mostly Lumina and LFM. I tried Levitation for teaching today, didn't feel quite right. I'm going to have to experiment with Levitation some more in actual social situations, where I do want to talk to people.
  8. Thanks everyone! This is A LOT to digest, so I'm going to let it sit. @Eggers LFM is my go-to for "no hugs from strangers!" I love it for that. I've been thinking about it as I have finished a whole bottle of Topper but not sure I need to replace it, considering Levitation instead, as I've only had it in scents. I do feel the same way about DHEAS, I have a spray and TWO of the pherotines for on-the-go. (Where on earth am I going that I need TWO?) I also wear a lot of Levitation but I'm aiming for the selfies. @StacyK I felt the same way about Summershine. What was I thinking not getting a bottle? If I ever make another LPMP UN order, (these things can happen) I'll try the UN Lev next. Thanks ladies!!!
  9. Here is my son's review: "I like it because It doesn't come in a clunky Bottle and it gets very foooooamy I use it on my hair every time I shower. It's smells good, like cuddles and kittens. My mom said she wouldn't cut me another slice until I wrote this essay. "
  10. @halo0073 that would be cool if my body believed the phero that literally. Not cool for me regarding this blend, but cool in general.
  11. I am curious as to why people might choose one of these over the others, and in what types of scenarios they reach for which one if they use all three? I know Levitation is a more complex blend that the other two, but I reach for a scent with Levitation in it for more or less same scenarios I'd reach for something with Lumina, but I'm always reaching for DHEAS and clearly reached for Topper way more than I realized. No big deal, just wondering about what would go into my next order, if I were to make one....
  12. Strangely I've never had Levitation UN, only in blends. I have used up an entire bottle of UN Topper in my hair, though, I imagine it might affect me the same way.
  13. @dolphindolls2 I might buckle. Just a little.
  14. Oh, but you see, there's the PE's and the OCCO's and Odalisque and Pallas left, and if I order anything else before my Sale order comes home to me I'll be struck down by lightening immediately.
  15. I love all of this info! I need to do some serious cleaning and clearing myself.
  16. @Crash's enthusiasm for trying new scents got me to take a look in my untried stash, I currently have on Rik's Southern Lights. I feel confident that is the most wearable violet I've come across. IF I tried it before the Sale I might have grabbed a bottle!
  17. I would avoid wearing the PM around her, it is unisex so possibly drawing her closer? Anything is possible.
  18. @Tinkerbelle what blends have you worn around her in the past? Is there any possibility of killing her with kindness? I don't think it's what's needed, but you never know. I did have an arch nemesis excitedly crash-hugging me and repeating how good it was to see me when I approached her with Liebchen. Have you ever worn Girl/Girl or TH around her? Again, I'd more likely go LFN or Leather, but I wonder what a softener rather than a hardener would do. Has she ever been around you when you had one of those on? As far as feeling as though it's his responsibility to put her in her place, if he's already very polite, this might just be short circuiting his brain, the need to put down a woman in what he could consider a rude way. A nice guy could put up with bad behavior from a woman that he would never tolerate from a man. Your only recourse as far as encouraging him would be to paint a scenario for him to ponder where the roles were reversed. You could even pick the name of a man he's already not fond of, and say "imagine him petting my arm and injecting himself between us..." and so on. If you can make it real in his mind he will at least have empathy and then he can decide how to act from a place of empathy for you.
  19. Now that I think about it, I didn't care for Pashazade or Captain Fantastic. We have a bottle of Smooth Operator coming, I'll ask him not to tell me when he's wearing it. I think it was the abrupt transition from worrying about my BIL's cabin (most houses two streets below his are gone) in Idyllwild to suddenly being presented with the "And now we have sex" vibe from the DD. We shall see!
  20. Halo, they could go either way for you. I know you don't like brown sugar or caramel, and there isn't exactly either of those, but there's a bit of a caramel vibe.
  21. If she is the kind of person who prefers thinner, crunchier cookies with more butter (and maybe more salt) over extra sweet chewy cookies, I bet she'd like it. Not that DG is anything like cookies, I just mean personality-match wise.
  22. And I can't say that I think it smells more like frozen than fresh, that was my man, Mr. Nose.
  23. I don't know, but if I wasn't currently sugar free I'd run right out and buy some because Dole Whip seems like something I need.
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