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Everything posted by Eastwood22

  1. Oh, wow! Gardenia can knock me over, like jasmine, with all that "I'm a flower! I'm a flower!" shouting, this is sultry, not bright like what I think of when I think about gardenia. Thanks for the info, Luna. The "peppery" thing was maybe from the sandalwood. Doesn't matter why it smells like it does, I just know I need more!
  2. Hmmm, it could be my imagination or something completely unrelated, but I'm feeling like Lace doesn't work for me. Is the percentage of Alpha-nol in Lace very much higher than in Open Windows? I wear OW all the time, and right now I just feel lazy and I need to take 3 kids bowling. I'm wearing Sareena and I want to go FB but I'm not living a life where I can crawl back in bed at random intervals.
  3. Wow, this is really pretty and intoxicating. I have no idea what tiare smells like, but I'm getting something like cucumbers something a bit like carnation. I didn't check the notes before I put it on, the cucumber vibe was at first drydown, the peppery carnation thing is happening 2 hours in. I love every LP Peach I've come across so far, but this one really does stand out, like Halo said. I can't wait to "smell check" it with my man.
  4. Oh. My. God. Or Holy Cowabunga! I want to drink, swim in, and pet this perfume, all at the same time. No one is going to believe me when they say, "Oh, you smell so pretty, what am I smelling?" and I tell them the name. Whatever. Non-believers don't deserve this anyway. But I do! It's a cool drink of honeydew melon cooler on a hot day, there's no challenge in drinking it down, I know kumquat is a citrus but the combo is so smoothe, it won't slow you down. Chug away. Apologies to all of you waiting for the eloquent scent reviewers to chime in. But if you like melon scents, I say just buy it, and then you'll know what it smells like and you'll be very pleased with yourself for making such good choices. For the record, the only scent I've had with kumquat is Ladybird, it's not sticky sweet like that. Cowabunga Gazunga is cooling and refreshing, not sticky. If you wear this on a hot enough day, people might lick you. I am literally getting thirsty as I huff my wrists. I wish I knew of a beverage that tastes this good, I run to the store immediately. Edit- I did run to the store and found an organic CBD oil infused Peach ginger drink called Vybes. It wasn't melon, but had the right not-too-sweet refreshing smoothe fruit mouth feel. And now I'm at Peet's because I need beans, but I ordered a Honey Black Tea blended with cold brew coffee and mango added.If anything, Cowabunga will keep my focused on staying hydrated.
  5. I would never try to bathe a cat unless it was some kind of glitter glue situational emergency. And that is, indeed, your cat, unless she's making cat support payments.
  6. I tried it again today, no trace whatsoever two hours later when I checked. I think my skin is just dehydrated and it was thrilled to drink it up.
  7. Halo, always looking for ways for me to buy stuff! You are guilty! Both the Butterscotch and Rose City shampoo bar were plenty soft. I do NOT need to go back to Michael's. Yesterday I bought a killer memory book/planner/journal for my daughter there, it's actually amazing. I got her the giant one and spent half the night stenciling and coloring dates and whatnot. After all the stickers and assignment and gratitude pages, I was out $65 even with coupons. But it's awesome! Regarding the creaminess of the soap, my daughter is a bit of a cat whisperer and actually gives all the cats baths in the bathroom sink, and for whatever reason they put up with it. (Maybe because she reads them stories afterwards?) Anyway, she took my new Butterscotch Brulee bar and scrubbed John Snow down with it. He is crazy soft and smells fabulous. I bet Mara had no idea that she also makes shampoo bars for cat sink baths!
  8. Dammit! I wish this lasted on me. It was so delicious, my skin just chugged it down, like me with real horchata. Bummer my skin has no self control. The Vanilla is a little boozy, I think, going to try it again today and maybe my skin will slow down.
  9. Oh, I do that too, cut soaps that I like (and myself on occasion) to distribute around the house. I just bought 7(!) waterfall soap dishes because my last one broke and now my son's into his soaps and shampoo bars and "no one else is allowed to touch them." I figure if a 12-year-old smelly boy has strong opinions about soap and shampoo, I need to just be grateful and oblige.
  10. Do you know if I have a cart with stuff in it and I haven't checked out, does that affect inventory? Because if so, I'm guilty of that all the time and I bet I'm not alone. I assume others do it to, and if we're bottlenecking the system we need to be corrected immediately!
  11. I ordered two, based on your review, Eve, so you'd better grab that last one quick!
  12. I couldn't find a review thread for this, so please direct me if there is one already. I ordered this for my son, so I'm going to have him review it this week, he's very excited about it.
  13. Thanks ladies! It's nice to have back-up. And yeah, the tuxedo t-shirt. Great for any day other then when he'll be partially graded on his ability to follow directions and look like a gentleman. The school is very forward thinking, their goal is turning out the thoughtful and capable men we need for the immediate future, and they have occasional challenges like 24 hrs screen free and/or dressing like a professional, grown man. They don't outline how a grown man should dress, and if a student showed up for a presentation in high heels and a woman's suit and bright red lips, that would be fine, (there is one TG man on staff), but I'm fairly certain no man ever showed up for a job in a tuxedo shirt and nailed the interview.
  14. I have no idea on the functionality of the checkout system on whatever program is being used to manage the store now, but would it be possible to add a "save for later" button to the cart before checkout? When I'm about to order something on amazon, sometimes I add extra stuff to my cart, and I'll move it to the "Save for later" section before checkout. Then, if I need to order some quick little thing that might only be an add-on item, like great lash mascara or hair ties, I scroll down and grab something from "saved." I KNOW amazon gets a ton more $ from me this way. I might run over to Walgreens or Daiso if what I wanted didn't qualify for free shipping, and I won't remember all my little wants/needs, and amazon is more than happy to do this on my behalf. Placing my LP order is always a process of elimination, there's always more that I want than I could possibly order at any given time, but it might be cool to have a "saved for later" list handy.
  15. I just saw, since our interests are all bright and out there on every post, 1111 as one of yours. The numbers that perpetually surround me when I'm on the right track are all variants of 222, and I have 11/11 tattooed on my left wrist on a fancy locket. When I'm on the right track, every time I see a clock I've never seen before, it's always 22 or 44 after the hour, and this has been happening since 1988. It's been going on so long that it never surprises me when it comes up, like if the only flight available to get where I need to go on the day I want to go is flight #222. Just wanted to say hello, and I hope life is treating you with extra glitter and kindness.

    1. LoveStruck


      Hello & thank you! Here I am stumbling across this at 12:22p. I need to get back on the forum badly... it was such a “home” for me and I love Mara and LPMP dearly.  My world came crashing down March 2016 when my husband of 22 years (yes.. 22!) died suddenly.  It’s been a tough road for my sons & I, but I’m slowly trying to find my joy and power again. I’ve never “left” LP, just didn’t post. Mainly just purchased & stayed in touch with Heather, Mara & John. 

      My short term goal is to reinventory all my LPs and post the ones for sale that need a better home (like some of the sexy-pheros that obviously aren’t practical for me now)


      I still see combos of numbers all the time, mostly identical and repetitive. In fact when I DON’T see them I start go wonder if the Angels have given up on me! I’ve studied numerology, Angel numbers & Soul Contract numerology for several years now... I always get something from it,  even though I get in my own way much of the time (still trying to figure out what my life is supposed to look like now) 


      thank you you for reaching out - I can’t believe I just stumbled on this today.... but I don’t think it’s an accident.  I’m sure we’ll have a chance to chat more. I hope so. ? you obviously share in the same magic that I’m still trying to decipher, and I’d love to know more about it! Thank you again for reaching out across the “ethers”??



    2. Eastwood22


      Oh, wow, I think you replied a while ago and I'm just seeing this now! I can relate to what you mean about getting worried regarding NOT seeing the numbers, but I don't notice that they're missing until they came back. It's like I get off track and then when I'm back going on the right direction, they come out in droves. I've never studied much about it, I just know what it's meant in my life.


      I'm very sorry about your husband, I cannot imagine how painful that would be.


      I understand wanting to get rid of some of the sexier pheros, but scent memories are powerful so don't get rid of any sentimental ones or ones that make you smile. 


      I hope you've participated in the sale? It's been a lot of fun for me. My gigantic order should be here in two days and I'm really excited.


      Thank you for getting back to me. I think I'd normally have more to say but I'm laying on living room floor next to the sofa, where my man is confined, thanks to some buldging discs. I'm much more burnt out today but I'm keeping an eye out for you on here. ❤️

  16. I wore this today on my pulse points, and added a light spritz of Lemon Fairy Cake around me after fully dressed. I expected them to merge into each other fairly quickly. 14 hours later, I am still getting whiffs of Butterscream Lemon from my wrists. And it's not cupcake like, the amber has steered it grown up and sultry. I'll need a bottle of this before it goes away forever.
  17. Dammit, okay, I'll take one if there are any unspoken for. I am pumpkin and praline curious, and TWO Coco Chrissy's variants it too much to resist.
  18. That's the thing, I don't believe it is possible to actively nurture and maintain more than 5 friendships at a time, so I generally stick to myself around the schoolyard and I never ever attend any school function where my kids aren't performing or directly benefiting from my being there. Teachers are different, I will go the extra mile for them, like teacher appreciation brunches, and all classes at my yoga studio are free for every teacher in my entire school district, whether I know them or not. Otherwise, around the schoolyard, I always wear large, obvious over the ear headphones so I'm not able to engage in chit chat. I have even had these headphones connected to nothing, the cord just going into my pocket. Not because I'm snotty, I just don't have the energy, I save my energy for my kids, my students, my man, and the friends I already know well, have history with, and care about. I don't want new friends. I check out the moms of the kids who invite my kids on playdates, and try to steer their social choices towards families I can trust and have similar values. (It's not hard here on the Oakland/Berkeley border.) I will socialize with them, but around kid-related stuff. One exception last year was a friend of my son's who's mom is a hypnotherapist and his dad is a magician. Not a kid's magician, a real life grown up professional magician, and I've gone to see some of his fancy events. He does cool slight of hand stuff, but also mind-reading magic, and he even had me come up on stage and somehow had me reading other peoples minds and getting the answers right. Both of his parents were traveling carnies and he grew up on the road, learning the trade, he just knows his shit and I'm sure his wife has used her hypnotherapy skills to boost the shows a bit. Them I like, everyone else gets the headphones. And once someone pulls some dumb adolescent bullshit with me like that mom did, to me or god-forbid to someone I love, they're just dead to me, more or less forever. Another exception is the family of a little boy who had the guts to ask my ex if he could marry my daughter when he was just 6 years old. My ex looked him up and down in a very dramatic mean-mugging fashion, and said "Alright, dude," and shook his hand. My daughter and this kid found each other on their own, but it turns out I knew his dad also from the late 90's, and I didn't know his mom at the time but I was one of the two witnesses who signed their marriage certificate. She is still pissed at me for that, but I didn't know her at the time and I was just stoked someone would marry my jackass friend. She didn't ask, "Hey, will I need to drop his dumb ass off at rehab every two years?" and I didn't think to volunteer the information. I've seen him on and off but don't think I really could've picked her out of a line-up until after our kids were "engaged." Three years later, she and I are good friends and I got to drive him to the one rehab left in Northern CA that would still take him a year or so ago. The woman whom I have bad blood with being my son's teacher, that was a huge shock for me. I was planning on spending the rest of my life with her peacefully absent, but the universe has a perverse sense of humor. I didn't even know until a few days before school started, when the staff stood up and identified themselves. It's her first year teaching, and my son has her for TWO classes, and of course she's the most demanding in their grade. But I've been determined to not let our past color our interactions, I even shook her hand on the first open house event, smiled, and said "nice to meet you" with a big smile on my way out of her classroom, letting her know we were starting a new and strictly professional relationship from scrap. In actuality, we met back in 1996 or 1997. This is so lovely and thank you for sharing a bit of your GrGrGrandmother with me! That is so kind. And it couldn't have possibly been delivered to me late, it's never too late for love or kindness or violet light or GGGrandma Magic!
  19. Thanks Stacy! Everything went well, can't believe how hard it is for me to just listen to the advice I'm asking for! When I put on my denim jacket over my dress, I could my little pherotine of EST in the pocket from my last ex interaction. It was hard to resist the temptation but I managed to only be in LFN. I noticed he stood behind me a lot instead of sitting, and seemed much more uncomfortable than he's been lately. Not sure what's going on, but it's crazy if it's for lack of the exclusive EST or EST and cops treatment he's been consistently getting from me. Yes, I actually did! I was with all of the people I needed to negotiate, plus 3 extra moms to interact with, one of whom I'm been less friendly than she'd like but only because she would always try to talk to me at the wrong time. That only matters because she was my bartender like 25 years ago, and some relationships are forever sacred. But real time wise? Less than two hours. But women can shove a lot of BS into 10 minutes, two hours could be an eternity. Eve, Oceanjewel and Kayla, thank you ladies, also, for your support. It's nice to feel less alone walking into these kinds of situations. I'm a positive person and can shake off most anything but some of this crap just stirs up the older crap. On a lighter note, getting dressed up for his event was a requirement for my son. I brought a dress shirt and stiff, dark, new jeans and newer shoes for him in case the ex failed to dress him up. Good thing I did because my son decided that he would dress up by wearing his tuxedo t-shirt, which says "classy tattoos for classy people" on the back. This was a graded event, like a final exam, and dressing up was required. I get that it's funny, but really? It would lower his grade by not fufilling basic requirements.
  20. Lainey, Mara added it above to top post and you have one reserved.
  21. Thank you! Hoping in shower now, and pretty sure it will be paired with Femme Fatale.
  22. Okay, you're so clear on this, I will listen to you. And "listening" isn't what I'm known for! It's entirely too early for Unbridled! I have a little pherotine, I'll maybe cover it with something peachy cupcake like. Would Lemon Fairy Cake cover LFN? Or maybe Lei's Femme Fatale!
  23. I think that's what I'll do, LFM and DHEAS, maybe a touch of Focus on the backs of my hands just for me. I'm not one to phero my kids, but I did run a little line of Focus under the collar of his dress shirt. Thanks for the Reese character comparison! When people used to say, "Did anyone ever tell you..." they would say that I looked like Madonna. Like at least twice a week. At some point, it switched to Reese Witherspoon, but it's only once every few months, not all the time. I love Reese, Freeway was such a solid performance for such a young actress. According to cameras, I do have a pronounced chin like she does, and a bit of that Legally Blonde "oh wow, she's blonde and she's smart?!!" thing happening. The best is the sideways compliments/insults regarding being blonde and having smarts or any skills whatsover. Like inviting people over for dinner and having them confess they thought I'd be a bad cook, but the food is actually really good! Um, ... thanks? Big Little Lies was amazing, no idea how they'll get a second season out of that. The book ended a little more neatly.
  24. Tomorrow morning, I have to be at my son's school for his "final exhibition," he's going to be dressed up and give a presentation on god-knows-what. (I'm not supposed to know.) Here's my situation: 1) I'll be there with my ex, whom is very easy to manage with EST, otherwise he can be a total prick. I like to occasionally remind him that he blew it. He know's he's a bit of a moron, but I wouldn't mind if he questioned his choices. 2) One of my kid's teachers happens to be someone that I have serious bad blood with. Lucky me, right? She's very smart, manipulative, used to write bondage books, and likes to rub in that she's very close with my kid's dad. It's a boy's school, I have zero doubt that she's a fantastic teacher, but I'm glad that there are no little girls at the school towards whom she could direct her cruelty. Bossing a bunch of 12 year old boys around and forcing them to reach new heights in their educations is perfect for her. I was wearing Liebchen w/ TH when she awkwardly crash hugged me multiple times. 3) I have zero female friends at the school. I thought I was making one, she texted me and asked if I wanted to take our boys to a local coffee shop. I told her that I didn't want to go to that one, as it's where the chick my husband was cheating on me for 4 years worked. I found out later that she knew and asked me to go there intentionally. Um, next! I've never even glanced her way again. 4) I believe that much of the staff thinks I'm not terribly interested in the school or my son's education. This is due to the fact that it is an all-boys school and my ex teaches one art elective there every week, so I assumed he had his finger on the pulse of admissions and whatnot. Turns out, no, it seems that in this family mom needs to manage everything, even when the kid's dad works at the school and socializes with the entire staff. Everyone on staff there thinks he's the bee's knee's, he can turn on the charm when he wants to, and looks like the world's most involved dad to them, when in the reality he's been with them at bedtime approximately 200 times in their entire lives, I did the other 4200 solo. Also, I know I've been the topic of discussion in the office because they had to discuss how to approach me on the fact that I wasn't packing my kid a lunch and sent me a sensitively worded email on how they knew feeding children was a personal family matter but bringing up his nutritional needs and how his energy falls later in the day because I don't feed him. He has ADHD and simply walks out without his packed lunch sometimes, I can't always drive it over, and he's told the school that I forgot to give him a lunch on those days. For the record, I don't actually withhold food from my kids or think feeding them is a personal choice. So, these are my needs- Something to keep me untouchable like LFM for the bitches, something like Open Windows for the teachers, EST and maybe some cops for him, and some DHEAS for me. Suggestions? I will be wearing a long fitted casual but slinky maxi dress, boobs apparent but tastefully restrained, sensible lower heels that would never impair my walking skills. My outfit is nonchalantly sexy, still respectable for 11am, with less tattoos than usual showing. Should I steer more LFM or TH or OW? If I go OW, more people will talk to me, so it will be more obvious whom I will not be talking to. Same with TH, right? But doesn't H&S soothe the bitches? I don't actually want to talk to any bitches, I want to shun/unshun/shun them, like Dwight from The Office. Except I'm not 12, even though at least one of them acted like a middle school mean girl. I'm thinking TH plus EST plus cops plus DHEAS, but that's a lot of stuff. I think what matters most is that I'm comfortable and composed, and able to get out of my own head and be present for my son. (My son who loves lavender.) What would you comfortable, composed, untouchable yet somehow approachable, funny popular vixens wear, phero-wise? Dom is not an option, there would be blood. I need to above stabbing people, both before noon and at school functions.
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