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Posts posted by Eastwood22


    Me decking him, or him backing down the stairs like a scared little boy? I personally wish I had BOTH on video......LOL


    This makes me happy. I punched my husband in the face once for saying something that warranted a punch in the face. To this day, my therapist still wants me to apologize. How can I apologize for something that I will never regret until the day I die?


    Sadly, I am clearly not as strong as you. I was 110 lb. at the time, he's 285 on a skinny day. I literally jumped on his face like Will Farrell jumping on the Christmas tree in Elf. He says it was one of the scariest moments of his life because he says when he threw me off of him, my head missed the dresser by an inch. He then ran out of the house barefoot and hid in his car. He texted me and asked if he could please have shoes and his cigarettes. When I let him in, he told me that if I was going to be violent, he couldn't stay. (He was scared he'd lose his temper and hit me back, or even that I'd hurt myself trying to hurt him, and I'd call cops, and he'd lose his kids. ) I told him that he was full of shit, that he deserved to be punched in the mouth, and that we both knew he'd been trying to get me to stab him in the neck for years at that point. And he laughed, literally laughed. At that point and in that moment, he knew I was right. Truth is, he could've taken multiple stab wounds and I wouldn't have proud of myself later, but it wouldn't have been entirely unreasonable. And honestly I'm sure he would've taken a stabbing over having to listen to all my words over those few years.


    I'm sure he's still afraid of my words. But we try hard to be kind to each other now and I don't see me stabbing anyone in the immediate future. I offered him the kids for thanksgiving with no extra words whatsoever, and he's really excited to take them shopping for clothes to wear to his cousins for dinner. And he said he has $800 for me for my car repair from last week, so I will keep wearing the alpha phero's around him!

  2. My man tried this for the first time today, we both really like it. He's already a fairly mellow guy, and kept huffing and hugging his arm, and now he's asleep. What smells like this that won't knock his ass out? He's already asked for a FB, but I can't have him napping twice a day.

  3. So far, so good Halo. She's pretty much stopped trying to get the upper hand all the time. It's making working with her a lot easier. Two days a week it's just the 2 of us in the front of house. I really needed to "fix" this, or adjust or whatever. It would have been a long summer if I hadn't tried this!


    Eggers, I liked how this story unfolded. Did she eventually submit to your superiority? Or quit? Or start kissing your ass? Or become your new best friend? Just curious.


    I went into a beauty store today and asked for two brushes, she had neither, She then started pulling out brushes that weren't anything like what I asked for, one was a sponge-tipped eyeliner smudging brush, the other a retractable lip brush. Maybe I seemed frustrated when I said, "I can't see it" when she handed me a brush wrapped in plastic, but it was because I couldn't see it, I hate that my vision has changed and deteriorated. She got nervous and asked if I wanted her to open it, so I said yes, and she opened it and of course it was little hairs and not a sponge tip at all. I then realized she was feeling intimidated by me, so I very clearly explained exactly what I was looking for and made sure to speak kindly and smile. I have zero desire to frighten the poor lady at the beauty supply store. I ended up buying two brushes, neither of which did I need or serve function of brushes I went into the store for, because she then nervously busied herself looking high and low for what I asked for to begin with. I wanted her to feel like she found what I wanted since it suddenly became a big deal to her to not disappoint me. it wasn't until I was in the car that I remembered I had slathered myself in Dominance two hours earlier.


    So, here's my advice, if you don't get good service when retail shopping, buy some Dominance. Just remember to smile often!

  4. Question:

    Do our emotions change our natural phero signatures? Our break up was really rough for me because he had been having an affair for years and gas-lighted the hell out of me so I slowly degraded into an insecure mess. I'm wondering if that possibly changed my phero signature to the point where he found me literally repulsive? I know I certainly wasn't enjoying my company at the time.


    My ex-husband/kid's dad is a very Alpha male, and has been responding well to every social phero I've thrown at him. It's kind of bizarre how well he responds. Lumina somehow had us in the kitchen telling jokes the other day while my boyfriend helped my son with his math homework. This normally would've been an uncomfortable situation for all involved, but we did good. Shaun (BF) was wearing Mark's Girl Nip w/Perfect Match which may have made him more comfortable. Just to be clear, my ex-husband is 290 lb. on a skinny day, has been tattooing for over 25 years so appropriately covered, has long hair, broad shoulders, the profile of a Neanderthal and is known for being grumpy and quick to anger. He's also a total codependent and really kind and funny, but he's a Scorpio so if he doesn't like someone they can instantly feel it and are intimidated by him. He's also the youngest of his brothers and once said, "Once you get punched in the face enough times, you realize it's not really a big deal anymore." To the best of my knowledge, his only fears are potentially letting people down, not being able to pay his bills, losing his kids, and me. Apparently I am terrifying.


    My boyfriend, on the other hand, is a laid back, smart, emotionally intelligent sweetheart cuddle bunny of a man, and weighs maybe 170 lb. I know he's only been in one fight his whole life, and as it was him beating up a man who beat up his ex-wife, I don't even think that counts as a "fight." (If I wear any blends with alpha male pheros around him during the day, he gets cranky. If we're already on our way to bed, it's all good.) EX is very careful to do his best impersonation of a cheerful kind person around BF because he knows me being happy is best for everyone. I'm thinking that the Perfect Match in Girl Nip probably did its job with the conquering of nervousness the other day, because that situation in the past might have been harder for everyone. We were pretty much huffing it that day.


    BF's currently out of town, ex-husband was dropping off kids this am, and I decided today was the day to try Dominance. I loved how Beccah said she'd wear whatever would make her ex leave the fastest. Ex seemed really happy with me today. I think maybe all the crap and manipulation he pulled broke me down so much that I became this needy, insecure person. Before we had kids, and when we first met, I was financially independent and lived alone and didn't need a man for anything. It's hard to gauge, as he also seems to really enjoy not being yelled at and constantly reminded that he was a completely selfish manipulative prick, but he's been much more stoked to walk up the steps and come in the house lately. For a long time he would just wave from the driveway. And it's not like he felt he couldn't come in the house, he pays the mortgage and his kids live here, it was more than just being respectful, I think he was still afraid of me. I think that when I am wearing more alpha phero blends, he is actually more comfortable around me. My normal vibe is somewhat assertive, so I guess if I'm wearing an alpha signature he feels safer, like I'm not feeling vulnerable and won't lash out and remind him how he hurt me.


    I know there are a few men out there, from what I've read on here, that do not appreciate EST. This is interesting to me, do these same men respond well to Dom? I'm now wondering what would happen with Charisma or SWS around him.


    Oh LPMP, you are too much fun. Its fun to run experiments on my ex without having to use blood and candles and whatnot.

  5. It looks like a rebrew of the original bourbon vanilla variant of Mark's Tonka Tobacum is going to be requested sooner rather than later. My bride mentioned how that was her favorite scent ever on me. We'd been talking about scents and how she likes some of my 'stinky stuff' but my maple syrup cologne was the one that really made her, 'Ooh.'


    Snoopyface, I think you're the reason my man smells so yummy right now in Girl Nip? Did this rebrew happen? I want some!

  6. Eastwood, what did you end up getting?


    I usually send Mr Perfect out into the world with something with Charisma. He finished a bottle of Leopold. He has a bottle of Tee Kay Oh.

    He loves his little boxes of samples. He has two little plastic boxes and he will start using them and transfer them over to the other box. He will go through them all and then start over again. LOL.

    I have to be careful though. He put on Smooth Operator for work one day And Age of Aquarius is my fave on him, and he took it on an out of town trip! I was like, Save that for when youre with me!! LOL


    That's kind of what's happening here. I got him the men's 10 sampler, Plus a Tee Kay Oh sample, and a FB Bad Boy and a FB Mark's girl nip. I already told him he could wear Kingmaker to work, it's too clean or green for me, but he likes it. I think we both like Tee Kay Oh though. He seems to like all of them so far, except for the maple in UN. I might wake him up and roll him in girl nip!

  7. Hello guys!

    First and foremost, you guys are amazing! I love this forum and find it super imformative.


    Since Im new, I've decided to order most of the pheros to start my collection.

    Im so excited to embark on this phero journey!







    Phero Girl


    BAM! (Resins, Pink Amber, & Vanilla)

    LAM(Resins, Pink Amber, & Vanilla)

    OCCO (White, Black, Ambrosia, Pink, and Gold)

    LP (Black, Original, Red, Pink, and White)











    Cuddle Bunny



    Carnival w/ Audacious


    Betrothal potion

    Some Sigils potions


    Shimmering Sands


    True Confessions


    Garland and Lace

    Vampire Bait w/Gotcha + Aja

    Sneaky Clean





    Sheer essence



    A birthday gift to myself.


    How's it going over there in Birthday Town? You're a Scorpio, correct? You must be having a blast.

  8. Thanks Eve! It's really nice to hear so many perspectives. I'm willing to try LFM for sure. I don't get much space from him, as our kids are only 8 and 11 and he likes to run everything by me when he has them, whether it's buying one a coat or what sushi to order for them that they will eat. I don't mind that. It's just a pride thing, he hurt mine, so I guess that is it, I want him to be aware of the areas in which I outshine her. The more I see him struggle in life without me, though, I realize that was a big part of the problem, I was too shiny for him. I can see how dumb, plain and quiet would be easier for him.

  9. I'm generally an "I just want peace now" kind of girl when it comes to my exes. I'm friends with most of them, and see some of them pretty regularly.


    I do have one - my very first serious boyfriend - who is pretty much part of my family now. He comes to all of our family functions (he goes to more than I do, actually), including Christmas. Apparently he's an EST responder, as I wore LP Red with Lace and cops to that Christmas gathering, and wound up stuck in the kitchen with him while he flirted his head off with me! :lol: BF was there, sitting just across the hall in the living room, and stayed clear, (smirking at my being cornered), despite my giving him the Rescue Me Eyes. It was a pretty dramatic reaction for the ex in question. And pretty entertaining for me.


    In fact, last Christmas, exactly the same thing happened, come to think of it. Only last Christmas the ex had just split with his wife of nearly 20 years, and he was feeling pretty raw. It seemed like he really needed validation from me that he's still attractive, still a catch, and so was flirting with me like mad. (And again, BF stayed clear, preferring to sit, smirking at me from corner where he was yakking with my cousins). I'm pretty sure I was wearing Lace then, too.


    There is one ex I have whom I haven't seen in about 5 years. We had a really stormy relationship, (both of us were pretty screwed up at the time), and we've run into each other socially and been able to not only get along, but get along like a house on fire because we weren't feeling that terrible possessiveness that marred our relationship. I know I played my part in the crappiness that was our relationship, but still, if I knew I was going to run into him at a party or something like that, I'd probably be loading on the LFN and a good spritzing of DHEAS, just to be a knob. Because what happened between us still annoys me to the Nth degree, and I'd want to feel good about myself - capable, sexy, beautiful - and maybe intimidate him just a little.


    I like both of these stories. I'm friends with most of my ex's, to varying degrees. I can even text the wife of my most dramatic break up for the occasional "one of us is on the other side of the country" social event. i like happy endings. And I'm glad you were able to make an ex feel better, and I'm more glad your man is both self assured and mischievous.

  10. I have noticed that my ex-husband seems to respond positively to Open Windows, Treasured Hearts, and perhaps anything else I've worn around him like MLH, H&S, possibly SS4W (Not cops!)


    We have kids together and he pays my mortgage and some other bills, and I generally like him as a human being, and it's in our kids best interest that we get along. He also did cheat on me and gaslight me for 3 years, and left me for someone less attractive, less intelligent, and pretty shapeless and lacking in personality. She does have really beautiful hair, though. I still dislike her very much, because she did a bunch of weird stalker shit, and even accepted my sincere apology for my "unwarranted accusations." But I now have a fabulous, loving, kind, intelligent, articulate, emotionally available and attentive man, and my ex is now stuck with that quiet cow. (He likes that she doesn't talk. I talk. He hates talking.)


    I am very curious as to what pheros people wear around ex's? Mostly I want to keep the peace, sometimes I don't mind reminding him that he's dumb. He's also very alpha male, like caveman like, so wearing stuff with a-none wouldn't threaten him or make him uncomfortable. (MLH around my boyfriend, which was of course on me because of my kids, rubs him the wrong way.)


    I'm sure that you're all spiritual giants, and would never want to make your ex's feel dumb, but I'm not there yet. I'm definitely not shooting for cruelty or torture or excessive power, just wondering what other people have done in this kind of situation. I'm not a spiritual giant myself, quite yet.


    So, I want to hear your stories. Whether you want peace or power or money or prizes or just seeing remorse on their faces, has anyone had any effective or surprising or fun effects with pheros and their ex's?




  11. Oh this is a gem. I knew I was gonna love it since I loved the bath and body products last month but of course things are different in perfume form so I was not sure exactly what to expect. Wet this smells dead on to the B&B. Creamy smoooooooth lemon vanilla buttercream. No sharp edges or zingy lemon here. It smells exactly like an edible confection. The strong lemon wore off pretty quickly, after about 10 minutes I could smell it but it was definitely faded. It stayed buttercreamy then for awhile. Then after an hour maybe it became an amber forward vanilla buttercream. The amber was not super strong but definitely more assertive than the buttercream stage was. Now several hours later, the amber has backed off, still very present but much softer. So now its a creamy vanilla with a nice traditional amber base grounding it and making it stick to the skin. So its a journey with this perfume as the best ones are. If you are an amber lover, the kind who has those little incense boxes with holes in top and a chunk of Amber resin inside, you need this. Even if you dont particularly love lemon. Luckily I Love every component in this perfume. Im so happy Mara made it in perfume form!


    Someday, I hope to speak perfume with this much eloquence. Because if i knew how all these words combined and how to make them so clear, I'd do it. But then you'd all say, "Um, yeah, thanks for the review, but it's weird that you plagiarized Halo's words verbatim and somehow think we won't notice."


    In my own words, I'm cranky. So I put this on and I know in 20 minutes I'll feel better. That's all i've got for now. Maybe I'll top it with popularity potion so I will enjoy my company more. Ot treasured hearts. Keep it polite and whatnot. I am going out tonight but not feeling social. The guy with Tourettes who put his mat 12 inches from mine while I taught class tonight sucked up most of my last scraps of compassion. Butterscream will carry me through, I believe.


    Btw, I have a pic! Thanks to whatever lovely goddess did that. That's definitely going onto tonight plus column. xoxo

  12. 15 minutes in, I'm smelling a sweetened nutmeg. I don't know if a man would wear this, but it's spicy enough on me that I'd follow a man around who smelled this good. My first husband did use a hair product that made him smell like pumpkin pie, but he wasn't known for extreme masculinity. I also get the vanilla and ylang ylang, which feminize it of course, but you really can't go wrong with these notes.


    Sadly, I broke the top of the glass vial, but fortunately, the closest mostly empty vial was BBM. So I'm sure in 6 months when I open it again it will be deliciously lovely.

  13. He might have been having a reaction to the A1. Its emitted by alpha males so maybe that read as threatening or something to make him flip aggressive. It definitely brings out wildly different results with different men.


    Oh that's important info for me to know. Thanks Halo! He's not an alpha male, not at all. So passive in fact, that my 300 lb. angry aggressive alpha male tattooer ex-husband is extra kind and smiley around him because he knows he's terrified of him. (Most men are afraid of him, he looks like he's angry even if he's just daydreaming about chocolate cake.)

    I'll try to keep an eye on A1 blends and how he reacts. Yesterday he was kind of arguing "at me," I didn't actually feel as though I was participating. I had on MLH in am, can't remember what exactly I put on last night, but I think it was Balm Bomb OCCO white. I'll keep that one away from him for a bit. That's the androstadienone, right? Is it very different from androsterone? And is androsterone sometimes called alpha-none? I'm not expecting a huge explanation, just vibe/effect curious. I think this is what I'm currently working with:


    Androstadienone: MLH, Teddy BB


    Androstenone: MLH, SS4W, PP, Sexpionage, Bang, Lumina


    Has neither: TH, H&S, Open Windows, True Confessions, Gotcha, Levitation, Sexology


    Not sure: SWS, Stone Cougar


    I'm keeping notes, but of course it's all subjective. But he's responded well to Bang and all the ones that have neither androstadienone or androsterone. He needs intimacy to feel like sexy time.

  14. Oh, wow, this is a Lucky Spell type scent? I just put it on on top of some Beautiful Dreamer, I wanted to dress it up a tiny bit. I don't do terribly well with bright fruit scents, but this is lovely on me. If you have this and haven't worn it in a long time, try it again. I scored mine from the lovely bruiseviolet, so I'm not sure if or how it's morphed with time, but I'm very happy with it.

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