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Posts posted by Eastwood22

  1. Hello,


    I've been here for a few weeks but haven't properly introduced myself. Not sure what to say, I'm kind of a science and knowledge dork, a mom, a yoga teacher, I love to go dancing, in process of an unwanted-but-blessing-in-disguise divorce, (husband was cheating and gas-lighting me for 3 years, had me a nervous wreck and half convinced I was making it all up in my head), the now girlfriend to the most awesome guy (for me) on the planet, a lover of scents, music, beauty, gems and minerals, art and all things magical. I love to make jewelry and recently began restoring/augmenting/embellishing vintage quilts, although I have no idea what I'm doing and can only hand sew. I also collect rocks, shop for impossibly gorgeous and expensive real estate online in preparation for winning the Powerball someday, and I'm a crappy housekeeper. More likely to be called a slob than a homemaker, no matter who's doing the judging. I have an acquaintance who runs a business on simplifying ones home and blogs on minimalism and I would never let her even on my front porch. Nobody loves a braggart.


    My kids are 8 and 11, but I can't tell you about them, because nobody loves a braggart, like I said.


    I'm more of a cat person because dogs embarrass me with their unconditional love. I know I'm good but I don't deserve that kind of unwavering devotion! My cats make me work for it. I'm more comfortable with that, seems more honest.


    I've already made 4 LP orders, I'm a mess. A happy, smelly, hot mess. And I'm eagerly awaiting a little stash of older releases from Bruiseviolet. I've been reading so many reviews and can't wait to get my hands on my next rounds of goodies.


    My man is 17 years younger than me so I've recently began taking better care of my skin. I want to stay on top of my game for him. He's also extremely smell sensitive and motivated, so LP has been helpful with that. Stone Cougar and LAM last night were a hit for sure. I usually only fall for funny guys, looks aren't usually my thing, but as a side bonus my man happens to be smoking hot. I own my yoga studio, so he helps me with that and (god bless him) drives my kids around and feeds them and plays games with them all the time. My grandmother like to tell me that it's just as easy to love a rich man as a poor man, but she was lying through her teeth. It wasn't her story and it's not mine! Although falling in love with a broke man sure has been a fabulous karmic kick in the ass for my ex-husband, I'm sure he was hoping I'd marry some old rich guy. Nope! Cheating on me for all those years and leaving me for another woman was very expensive for him. Mostly we're friendly and he's a fairy decent dad, so it's mostly cool with us. He's not the best dad in the history of dads but he sure does try hard and that's what matters, he was MIA for years when they were younger so I'm glad he's really stepped up his efforts. I now always wear Open Windows, Treasured Hearts or Heart and Soul around him. If anyone has a suggestion here, I'm all ears!


    I don't have much forum experience except started one with my ex, a tattoo forum called Last Sparrow. But I'm a shitty moderator and haven't been on there forever because there were too many little spats and I'm too opinionated. I never got that concierge attitude quite correct and was way too exasperated by the trolls.


    I'm stubborn and prefer to learn everything the hard way, so have been lathering myself in all kinds of weird phero combos that prob cancel each other out. If one is good, 3 must be great! But I'm learning slowly and coming to realization that maybe ya'll know what you're talking about and slowing down on the experimenting. Today, only SS4W and a touch of LP Red. I'm trying to work with the LP Red, but it's not working with me somehow. I want to like it but there's one note wrong on me, I smell like a dirty girl. If anyone knows what's the ingredient going wrong on me please clue me in, so I won't get more with that one note. The LP Black was awesome though, also good times with OCCO white, TMI, Vampire Bait, and on and on. I have multiple big unscented phero sprays, a big EOW roll on, but my several bags of trial sizes are my real treasures!


    Okay, that's more than enough about me. Sorry for no pic in my profile but I can't seem to get it to load properly.



  2. Last night I had on Stone Cougar and LAM. My man's boss who's at least 15 years older than me was the one person who told me I smelled amazing. But I was in a very happy mood and so was everyone around me. I'm not a big PDA person, but i was feeling especially snuggly with my man (who's 17 yrs younger). He's always cuddly, but respects my need for general privacy in public, and since he runs the sound for the band my friends go to see, I keep my distance somewhat as there is literally an audience. Last night, though, think the 'mones were effecting me and I didn't have my usual reserve. And often when we get home if he works 14/15 hrs straight, he falls right asleep, but he had a lot of enthusiasm then, and when he woke me up this morning! Definitely a winning combo for us. Thanks LP!

  3. OOOHH...My second graders love when I wear Night of the Fae.


    yeah! My daughter is in 3rd grade and love to play with scents, and she has her own collection of EO's. This will be her first personal perfume.

  4. So I have only been doing the 'mone thing since Feb, but I can tell you what I have learned/experienced, though there are far more mone-intelligent people on here that can chime in, I'm sure.


    #1 - Be careful with that Sexpionage in spray. If you get that many cops in the air, the perfume scent can disappear LONG before the copulin smell...and that is stinky. So be sure to spray that close to your skin. Don't get it on your clothes or in your hair. Same thing applies...the good goes away before the other when it attaches to fabrics/hair from what I have heard. Most people - not all - but most try to keep copulins in oil form and let them dry down a long time before dressing.


    #2 - Mixing blends... some folks do, most folks don't recommend it. I have done it. I have only ever mixed two complex blends that seemed to work well, but I only used a small amount of Gotcha in my cleavage and then LFN on my breasts. I did not "mix" them in a bottle or together in the same place on my skin. Most blending you will see is of a non-complex blend with something else to help steer it. OR lots of people add cops to things, but again, that is a simple mix. I will say that the blends here do not REQUIRE mixing things up. They may not all work for you or for your intended target...it takes a lot of experimenting with blends, amounts, etc. I certainly don't have it all figured out. I would START with one blend at a time. Do it for a couple of days in varying amounts to find your sweet spots. Then after you have a feel for how each one works for you, if you WANT to try something mixed, start slow. The ONLY reason I tried the mix I did is because a few others had good results with it.


    #3 - READ THE THREADS for each blend. You will get SO MUCH INFO on here. Buy a notebook. Take good notes. That is my BEST advice. I have a text file AND a spreadsheet. :)


    #4 - EVERYONE is different. With how the scents and the 'mones can act on you. This is another reason to READ UP. You will see the varying of each person's experiences. You can also learn a lot about how certain personality types react (in terms of your target audience) to the mones "generally speaking". There are a lot of variables....personalities, environments, etc.


    #5 - Last but NOT LEAST...start small...in dosing. LESS IS MORE. I still have a hard time with this....I want to slather in EVERYTHING. But it isn't wise. I struggle with wrapping my head around the fact that it takes just a little.


    And feel free to ask questions...A LOT of questions can be answered with some digging. But we all have our specific situations we like to inquire about, and I still do a lot of hunting.


    But MOST IMPORTANT...Just have FUN!


    Qoq, thank you! Thant's a lot of info! I've been keeping a type of journal on my phone but a notebook seems like a great idea.

  5. Hooray!

    I just ordered a set of the Weenie sample vials. This is my THIRD LP order in an embarrassingly short period of time. (At least embarrassing maybe in front of the general public, or my ex-husband who thought I shopped too much. Of course this same ex-husband/baby daddy is much nicer to me when I have pheromones on.)

    In the spirit of Halloween, I also ordered vials from Halloween 2016:

    Liquid Shadow

    Just Desserts


    Goblin Tamer

    Desperation & Djinn

    Love Potion: Pumpkin w/ Aja

    Indiscretion w/ TMI & Cops (I would've bought whole bottle if it wasn't sold out because my TMI is now empty)

    also a sample vial of BAM! Spicy Brown sugar because that sounds like Halloween to me

    AND some more full bottles:

    OCCO White because I love to smell delicious and sample is gone

    Odalisque with BANG

    Beth's Blushing Milkmaid w/ EoW - sample was delicious!!!

    Thank you Mara for giving me something else to look forward to in the mail!
  6. I loved Poison! It was one of the last perfumes I ever wore before I discovered EO's. I think the actual only two commercial perfumes I've bought in 15 years were Addict and Pheromone. I'll add that to my next order with the weenies.

  7. Are there phero blends that a very scent scensitive man might be turned off by? My man actually thought I had forgotten to wear deodorant when at a small party. No one else thought I smelled bad, it was all girlfriends and I told them after I had put on more deodorant and some honey scented LP.

  8. Hello!


    I didn't notice a specific intro section, so hello to you all. I've been snooping around on here for a bit, lots of handy info. I am personally very effected by scents, and generally make all my own product with essential oils, and also use them medicinally. I'm also a yoga teacher and use some very nice mixes at my studio, but mainly diffuse orange, clove, cinnamon, and lavender. I am new to pheromones, other than some I've gotten off of amazon in the past like PherX and the Raw Chemistry spray. Also I've worn Marilyn Miglin Pheromone Musk with decent results, but really prefer to know what I'm wearing by mixing it myself. I'm terrible at keeping this simple, so always have essential oil bottles floating around in my car, like neroli and rose absolute and possibly a few others at any given time. My favorite reward for all my haphazard mixing is when my man leans in and takes a good whiff. He is not hard to arouse, and is already very loving, sweet, talkative, and I've scored in that intimacy leads to sexual dominant behavior for him. He's awesome. However, I feel a need to keep him entertained and intrigued as there is a significant age difference between us, I'm turning 48 next month and he is only 31. We've been together for almost two years so it's not just a fling. He doesn't care about the age difference but I do feel the challenge of never aging another day. If anyone has any suggestions for me I'm all ears!


    I'm absolutely over doing it here! It's just kind of how I explore new things and I've never grown tired of scents. I was so please with my last order, I just kind of went nuts and ordered all of these:


    EofW oil



    Treasured Hearts

    Super Sexy

    Heart and Soul

    Compromising Positions w/ Sexpionage

    Open Windows


    Trial vials:

    Vampire Bait


    Phero Girl

    Undercover Lover

    Money Multiplier

    Pesky Pixie w/ True Confessions

    OCCO White

    Beth's Blushing Milkmaid with EoW

    Blanc et Noir


    So, I know i could've started with a much more manageable smaller lot! But I couldn't decide. My question is, does anyone know of any bad combos of any of the above where they cancel each other out pheromone wise? I have no idea what I'm doing!


    The stuff in my last order was-



    Stone Cougar - pretty sure my man liked it but he's not exactly hard to arouse

    Mother's Little Helper - Seemed to be very effective when teaching yoga this morning

    Popularity Potion - also positive results during teaching, not as obvious as MLH. Great results when I went out dancing with my friends earlier this week.


    Roll on Oil:

    Love Potion Red - there is a really intense note in here that I'm not sure I like, and I'm not shy regarding deep or warm scents. I wish I knew what it was, I'm prob not going to reach for this very often. Vanilla, amber, cinnamon and honey are all right up my alley, if anyone can tell me what they think might be single ingredient overpowering me I'd be very grateful.


    Trial Vials:

    Like a Magnet/ vanilla & honey

    Comprominsing Positions - my man really loved this scent

    Love Potion Black


    TMI - this most likely made me over comfortable and I was the one who over-shared in a social setting!

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