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Everything posted by ivy_fiddlefox

  1. Oh and I second bosom bows, just tried it! huff worthy
  2. congrats! and oldie but goodie
  3. Reminds me of a sweeter musk in the pixie dust, stronger though. I like it but it's a little strong for my nose. Powdery sweet berry amber. edit: ok it's not like musk in the pixie dust as musk in the pixie dist is fresher and more cotton candy like, guess they've both just got that pink sweetness.
  4. hmm is it exactly like lilac wench? I tried the original sugared lilacs a long time ago and it didn't really work for me but lilac wench did although it seemed to go powdery fast. I'm really curious about the Becca's boy bait too...
  5. ok someone please tell me what's in purple puddle! I must know!!
  6. I'm open to splitting, I'm probably gonna get a bottle of purple puddle and pink pumpkin lol peepee peepee! I don't have much money so I will probably be splitting some of my other bottles too as well as my bottle of sugared heather that I'm expecting if anyone is interested.
  7. yes I read it xD and I have seen pictures of those birds before! fantastic!!
  8. I'm lovin all zee art! can't wait for descripts
  9. bought a bottle of sugared heather yesterday cause I couldn't bear the thought of it disappearing before I could catch it during the sale. Unfortunately I accidentally put the wrong bottle in the cart but I emailed MAra and Danna, hope they get it. The sale won't be until another week I hope I might not be able to order more than 2 bottles I also ordered 5 5ml bottles so if anyone wants to do bottle splits with me that would be great.
  10. can someone refresh me as to what all hallow eve was? I have a sample of hallowtide but i don't think that's what you're talking about...
  11. I would say it's more of a light fresh and green floral, not powdery to me.... and no I don't remember the ingredients but I don't detect rose from my memory...
  12. I'm wearing my sample of this right now and I'm loving it more and more, I'll need a bottle or a half at least. It's gentle and sweet and bright but not too bright, I don't know if that's really the word. Not too astringent either.Reminds me of something I may have smelled before but I don't know what. Great blend. Love :J001: hmm I think they were talking about the chocolate in love at first bite, no?
  13. I don't have any extra bottles to decant in myself though. I am definitely needing some kitty petal (with the labeled bottle), hot treacle trollop,blueberry bomb, gilded gardenia and the lemony sugar one with the kitty... so far for the ones I've tried, and there's so many others I haven't even tried.
  14. oh man I don't know for sure what I'm ordering next but it's gonna have to be a big order as some of the bottles I want are going fast. I need to do some private addition bottle splits soon too if anyone can split them...
  15. ugg I get such awful cramps that start in my abdomen and go all the way in my legs and back... 4 midols will not even help me I'm sorry hon I know I can never function when I get those.
  16. Oh wow this is a bottle must have for me sounds yummy
  17. oh em gee! I'm getting a kick out of those new customs! xD
  18. oh wow another mermaidy scent? can't wait for the discriptions :3
  19. heh weird I dreampt of some Indian stranger (young man) the night before last.
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