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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Couldn't find a previous review on this one, so forgive me if there is one. I scored a bottle of this during the sale & my verdict is that this is unisex. Actually during the exploration of me LP drawer last night, TT claimed this bottle. It is reminiscent of dryer sheets, so if you don't like that kind of scent it won't be for you, but I do encourage the guys to give this one a shot. I believe this would make a great work scent, especially if perfume is banned..
  2. Beccah

    Remind Me Again

    I have TT interested in doing this ritual with me, he likes the scent. He says it has a familiarity to it, which of course is very congruent with it's intent.
  3. @ JOC, I like this one too, even though I only have one bottle. I was actually discussing this on with TT last night during our exploration my LP drawer. There is a vague quality to this one, which fits the 'invisibility or dimming' intent of this LP. Like the notes are there, but they're all indistinguishable & in the background per se. I still can't specifically pic any notes out of this one...
  4. Beccah

    Ego Boostier

    This always struck me as being a 'floriental' type scent....
  5. Beccah


    No wonder I can't stop sniffing the bottle....wait a minute, is this note secretly in all the LPs because my addiction's getting out of control!
  6. SO I finally gave this one a try tonight. I love, love, love the phero mix....TT was like a chastised little boy, reveling in everything thing I thought great tonight. He was grabbing me & apologizing over everything & telling me how much he loves me. He even started telling me about his first memory of meeting me, just stuff like that. He doesn't like weak women, & I was definitely alpha when he met & fell in love with me. So his reaction to this blend makes sense to me. Sadly, there's a note that goes plasticky on me. IDK if it's bad enough to make me stop wearing it, when TT reacts this way to this LP.
  7. Beccah


    It's named Cocamama for the coca leaf essence & yes it's THAT coca leaf, the one they used to use in Coca-Cola, but it's de-natured. I love this one, but it hasn't netted me any usual LP hits. Which is fine, I just wear it for me anyway + TT likes it.
  8. I absolutely love this one...I'm thinking of getting an un-B2 to wear with this & a couple others.
  9. Beccah

    Remind Me Again

    Aww thanks, it had slippeed my mind..I think my brain is overloaded with school right now
  10. Beccah

    Remind Me Again

    Yeah I'll make a thread
  11. Beccah

    Remind Me Again

    I bought a bottle of the original brew from Dolly & she sent the incantation that came in the heirloom set with it. Would you like me to post it for you, or message it to you on F/B to use with your samp. & coming bottle?
  12. From personal experience, G2 isn't really comparable to Leather. It tends to make me more the chick that other women want to hang around & dress like, you know? More like you're the 'It Girl' around other women & you're the one that other women are vying to get the attention of in a group setting.
  13. Ok in light of some women's questions about B2, here is my personal review & stamp of approval. I'm in college currently & for some reason I do not end up sitting by women @ our small 4 person table-desks. Not by my choice, just how it works out. So my sexy pheromones are shelved on school days. Leading to my usual choices of Open Windows, Treasured Hearts, or Focus Potion. Today I swiped my husbands B2 boosted Aerion Sky (yesterday too) & let me tell you! This is great for use around women, but around the gents I turn into a Movie Star!!! I can't believe how many gentleman told me how young I looked, yada, yada, yada. Great conversations, I swear they just loved me & I had great self effects. I love this one for school. I think PaganLady should give this one (boosted into a sexy scent) a shot around her band boys, cuz this blend is like happy sauce for men, lol. Hmm, works a bit like catnip does for cats maybe is the best way to put it. Any ladies afraid of getting mixed reactions from this don't be! Another way I could put it is this: Does your man have any type of sports hero? You know someone they totally hero worship? Prepare to get that type of undivided attention, the same intent concentration they give to their sports games of choice, but so waaaaay better
  14. PP is good for around women, so is G2, although in a professional environment I would probably go with B2. B2 seems to put crabby women more @ ease.
  15. Actually ladies..I'll have to try TeddyBB in public, but B2 seems to be a nice targeted popularity potion with the boys for me. Yo no se, but it seems to put crabby ladies gently ion their place & guys adore me when I wear it. New secret weapon ladies
  16. Well I haven't had the chance to properly test either yet. Although I will say a guy that I had found very attractive for like 4 yrs. actually stopped, grabbed my face kissed me on the cheek & said something along the lines of 'what scent is that pretty girl?', when wearing WildFlower(PP enhanced)....Although I doubt ANY LP or pheromone will net reactions like that around my 6'5" 300 lb weightlifter husband, unless the man is suicidal.....
  17. Ok so in swiping TT's newly purchased bottle of B2 boosted Areion Sky (I did the purchasing), I've come to realize I Love This Blend! I'm getting great self effects from it, & it has a very similiar feel to Dianne's DG blend (Dianne also supplies B2). There is a less commanding aspect to B2 & I haven't gotten the chance to see if men have the same reactions to me wearing this one yet.
  18. Sexology v.1: Sexology v.2: Haven't tested out my v.2 bottle yet. TT didn't like the v.1 & aunt flo was in town last week. Let's see if he like v.2 better.
  19. Well I honestly haven't given this one a proper try yet because of the peach note...I think tomorrow I have a major history test & I wll give it a shot. After all, peach doesn't smell bad on me, I just don't like it peach. I hope it's buried nicely under all the other notes, lol.
  20. I gave this one an honest try..& I love the scent (so does TT, he even responded great to the phero). IDK I think the level of A-nol in this one, was like a kick in the pants for my brain. I got a slight headache, & an even slighter giggliness. TT was clinging onto me like velcro, which was annoying because I wanted to go clean stuff! Anyway, it didn't really kick in 'the happy' for me, but my brain chemistry may be a bit altered because of my recent relapse. I just wanted to share for the edification of our research oriented members, lol.
  21. OK ladies my party chick friend is hosting an 'ugly sweater party' & I'm so torn between this one & Who's That Lady?. Which one has more of a 'party kid' vibe? ETA: I'm wearing my cotton candy pink emo wig, maybe Sparkle Fuschia is the one?
  22. BB2 notes: BB1 notes: I still can't get figure out which note in the first one translated to marshmallow, but I seem to amp the sweetness in the rebrew as well. IDK I love the second better for soem reason, even though they're nearly identical formulas. I got my second bottle amped up to full strength G2 level. FYI, the pheromone strength of this one is actually @ 1X because the baseline for the G2 & B2 formulas are @ 3X. So Mara adjusted my boost to bring it to a 3X, otherwise the regular add pheromones option on this one turns it into a 4X G2 strength. I hope I'm explaining this clearly for everyone.
  23. Got my order today after all (yay). Love the Mistress Christmas salt scrub sample, gonna try it out after little one gets to bed. & Kimberly's Orange & Pink Dragon smells yummo.
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