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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Yup TT actually likes wearing this & it smells great. I don't think there are actually any that I don't like out of the 20 new releases this month!
  2. Haha @ Shelly & Luna. IDT people don't like them I just think that people only have so much room in there drawers....but I will fo'sho' be giving you a run for your money on hoarding WTL? Honey B
  3. Well it's the base, not the method of application that affects the diffusion. Alcohol has a higher flash point than DPG or C5, so body heat spreads out pheros further in the alcohol base. When I unscrew the top & dab I end up applying less than the pre measured spray + I don't end up getting a big phero dose before I hit anyone else with it, lol.
  4. So this is actually a dream debate for me & probably a lot of us, lol. The day's finally here where we have to ask this question! So which one is actually the better social phero. Which is actually not the correct question, because neither answer would be 100% true in all situations. The only downside with PP for me is that I can easily OD people creating hostility, however TT wears as much as I want to put on him to no adverse affect? Although I haven't attempted OW in the same type of situations. So I think I'll have to experiment with OW on my next night out.... & guys even though there is a tad bit of Est. in this one, it acts more like a social proofer. So if you're interested in this one don't be turned off just because it's listed as women's social. PP actually works better for my husband than Charisma does
  5. Yup I forgot about that. I do better with scented ones I think also because I have a scent indicator to tell me if I'm ODing people. Though I've gotten into the habit of dabbing on unscented alcohol based pheros instead of spraying them & I've noticed that I get the best responses from uncented pheros that way.
  6. Teacher's Pest: I think these 2 have the same 'feel'. ETA: Does the part of 'Like Water For Chocolate' where she eats the the match to join her lover, because he'd died of joy in her arms, come to anyone elses mind when they see this one? TT & I are both wearing today. It smells like a really expensive cigar to me. The kind that naturally has hints of sweetness & vanilla.
  7. I actually contemplated getting another bottle of this amped with OW, but I was & got TT something instead. It is a nice all purpose scent & I like that TT & I can wear it together. I think I like the idea of unisex scents for us better than matched sets. Especially with a phero blend thta I know works so well for both of us.
  8. Love your review Shelly! I've 1 bottle (thnx LadyRose) & 1 one on the way, but I feel like I need 3 more to make it 5 total, & a BIG lotion!
  9. Oh it is! It's like how I wanted DD4H to smell on him, but he amped the booze note in that one to unpleasant sickly sweet levels. Anyway, IDK if the the coffee balances out the sugar in this one to make the leather most prominent, but it definitely makes him smell like the hot guy in a leather jacket that you know is only good for one thing
  10. CEDAR ~ Confidence inducing, balancing, grounding, energizing, money, healing, protection, purification. BALSAM ~ Fertility, purification, strength, rejuvenation, calming and soothing, healing, protection, money, long life. PINE ~ Fertility, virility, purification, strength, rejuvenation, calming and soothing, healing, protection, money, long life. ALOE ~ Protection, luck, healing, success. CLARY SAGE ~ Enhances visions, vivid dreams. Only smelled this in the vial so far, but I love, love, love the wood notes! I can't wait to slather on TT.
  11. AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches. COFFEE ~ Focus, stamina, concentration, determination. LEATHER & MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal. EARTH ~ Grounding, centering, protection, renewal, reincarnation, life. CINNAMON ~ Male sexual stimulation, passion, lust, healing, protection, energy, creativity, psychic powers. CIVET ~ Musk derived from civet cats, now illegal except in synthetic form. Considered a strong aphrodisiac, has an intense, animal, 'sexual' aroma. VANILLA/VANILLA BEAN ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. ANISE ~ Sexual potency, cleansing, wards away nightmares, protective, purification, happiness, youth, psychic powers, luck, calming, soothing, meditation. Wedding rituals. SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing. SMOKE ~ For cleansing, purification, renewal, consecration, concealment and celebration. Oh happy day! TT's fragrance interests are finally maturing! The men's monthly sampler has finally done it. He was actually happy to get his bag of goodies & he has them spread out on the counter & he's trying them out. Woman's perspective on Voracious, we both like it. He couldn't smell today, but he likes the spray delivery & I love the leather note he was amping. So it's a win + win!
  12. Hmm I've posed this question before. In my opinion they work better in a scent vehicle because people are more likely to want to come closer and smell you.
  13. Beccah


    I actually like this this one. It's a pretty, slightly dry floral with a slight hint of lemon. The most prominent note I get is a very classic violet.
  14. I've been waiting for TT to get his sense of smell back (bad cold)....We're going to try it @ the same time.
  15. I say at least get a sample of this one, it's like Mara took the note I liked best out of all of my favorites & combined them into this fragrance. I swear it has just enough sweetness, the perfect touch of exotic & ultra femme notes, it smells like something you would pay waaaaayyyyy more for in a department store, lol.
  16. Do you like Carylon's Man Nip? I know lavender is in that one though...or maybe 'Plenty'? It doesn't smell like those..but they're like fruity pumpkin scents
  17. I caved & bought another bottle. I figured I could always get a DIY kit or just make one myself, but I need @ least 2 bottles, lol!
  18. I know me too! Gotta have Who's That Lady in a beta!
  19. I know, I think I better get a beta of Who's That Lady? & maybe Bosom Bows 2!
  20. VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. OAK ~ A wood of masculine and projective energy. It symbolizes endurance, triumph, strength, power, prosperity, and heroism. AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches. SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism. MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal. SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing. ORANGE BLOSSOM ~ Eternal love, marriage, fruitfulness, thoughtfulness, happiness, tribute. BERRY ~ Love inducing, aids in pregnancy discomforts, protection. Stamina, vigor. CINNAMON ~ Male sexual stimulation, passion, lust, healing, protection, energy, creativity, psychic powers. This one is third on my love @ first sniff list. I just got my order today, so I haven't been able to properly test them all! IDK very similiar to the original, although there was a note that slightly reminded me of marshmallow in it. The sugar in this one seems a tinge more 'blue'? Either way I love this one more than the original Definitely would be divine in a beta!
  21. There's a vague reminder of Mapacho in this one for me, which is a high complement! Although it's very ultra feminine in a an exotic & classy way. Lies very close to the skin. Love, Love, Love...hopefully I can get a beta spray before it flies off of the shelves, lol.
  22. PUMPKIN ~ Fertility, plenty, abundance, prosperity. Male sexual stimulant. SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing. VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches. BUTTER/CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships. Goddess energy. NUTMEG ~ Strengthens clairvoyance, luck, money, health, fidelity. ALLSPICE ~ Luck, health, properity, money. LEMON ~ Energizing, uplifting. Longevity, faithfulness, fidelity, friendship. Used to attract spirits. STRAWBERRY ~ Attraction, draws fortunate circumstances in all areas of your life. Yummy!!! The first thing I smelled was strawberry & then it finished off to a nice pumpkin-berry combo. IDK this is one of my 3 favorites of this month's releases..
  23. K so I got my order today squee! Isaiah's PE came & first of all let me say I love the label, I requested the other one with my name on it (Duodécima de Chocolate), but now I feel guilty because I really love the label & name you came up! Too bad he only turns 12 once, lmao! Oh this is going to be a struggle to wait till his birthday to give him your nice gift!!!! Maybe I should celebrate his birthday early since he's so close to Thanksgiving? Anyway, Thank You Thank Thank You!
  24. I always get great hits from Cougar, just not really much self effects??? Maybe a 2X would get it for me?
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