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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Must haz descripts. .....I'm beginning to bug out, lol!
  2. Oh I hope Who's that Lady? is a spray...in my experience of experimenting with 'WildFlower', the strength makes the perfect amount for diffusion in spray form.
  3. Beccah

    Hello again

    Hmm Mara is the one to contact. 12th grade, are you 18? You may not want to mess to much with pheromones yet. After all you're still growing, & we're not exactly sure what the long term effects are from using them. I'd probably say 20-21, because you will definitely be done growing by then. LP does have a great selection of scent that get a pheromone like response. Love Potion Original & it's variants are awesome, they are made with intent & charged on the solstices & equinoxes. Those in particular just seem to draw the love out of people in & of themselves. However, since you are a young lady you will probably do what you have your mind set to. So I strongly suggest starting out with the pheromone enhanced monthly release scents that are @ about 1/3rd the strength of the unscented pheromones. From personal experience less is more with pheromones, & actually some blends work better @ a lesser concentration. If nothing else you can always put more on. I definitely caution against copulins because you are @ the height of your fertility & are probably producing massive amounts naturally @ this point. Adding any extra will just be over kill. So & good luck. ~ Blessings, Beccah~
  4. Well from my experiance Flying Potion keeps me flying high & above the urge to throttle my SO (picture Eeyore on steroids). This is definitely a winner.
  5. Haha I know my sweet, but I really do have the wigs. So I guess the question is ..How did Isa know???
  6. Beccah

    Top Five

    I've just been very random lately....Except for Jinx No More. I have to carry that for emergencys, lol.
  7. You must have a record tolerance (j/k). IDK I've learned to not even attempt anything stronger than beer with any blend, but especially the beta-nol heavy blends. My lips get so loose they could sink the Titanic!
  8. I'm just wondering how Mara knew about my pink hair fetish...I've got like 3 different pink wigs stashed in my closet.
  9. Is wondering if Sexpionage scrambles the 'mystical' signalyou somehow emit to the kids when you're about to or in the middle of the 'maritals'?
  10. Yeah you probably don't need to drink with this (or any 'mones), especially this. Which leads to an oxymoronic situation as people just want to buy you drinks when wearing 'mones, especially LPs phero enhanced brews.
  11. Thank you Commander Fox *sigh* Had to explain to TT why me getting a full bottle set on this months women's releases is more important than eating out & just as important as his weight lifting props, lol. Maybe I'll just skip his monthly sampler...& see how he feels when the box of squee contains no new goodies for him, as he's become accustomed to spraying his phero laden LP#9 & being worshipped like a hero in public I may have to whip up a PE for my 11 yr.old so he doesn't feel left out as well (his bday is 11-22)
  12. BTW I can't wait to try AIl's new blends, I so love the ones she brought us before. Chris Schraud of Alpha Dream is supplying our old faves (he formerly had Pharmacom). So is Cougar in this months release the Stone version or Chris's ?
  13. Finally, the lovely Ail unlocks my padlock!!! Hehe, I saw PP programmed in the beta test phero add in cart, but I was good...so very good. Definitely full bottle for me & maybe TT gets the sampler pack if he's good, lol.
  14. It probably just doesn't effect you. I don't really get any self effects from Stone Cougar, I still get hits I just feel anything from that blend really.
  15. Beccah

    Scarlet Leaf

    Well I've never tried Blood Martini, but I love, love, love this one. In the vial I wasn't digging @ all! To me chocolate & fruit = 'tootsie pop' mentally. However on the skin it morphed into something very complex & sophisticated. I am amping the pomegranate & I'm ok with that. Love.
  16. Beccah

    Buns of Cinn

    Just got a bottle of Philosphy's cinnamon buns body wash (came with my Clarisonic) I bet these will go quite lovely together.
  17. Hmm don't know how to start it (unless planning a 'special night' counts). I do know how to stop it if it comes...just take your regularly scheduled B/C ahead of schedule. I did the patch for a little while, you were supposed to leave it off an entire week, but I learned you could cheat if you had 'something' planned.
  18. All I know is that the postman is going to need a dolly to get my next order to the door
  19. Haha the whole world could probably use some A-Nol currently. As far as the current pheromones listed on the site, they aren't going anywhere. The only time there are issues on availability has to do with suppliers, & as far as I know all the suppliers have been maintaining a great working relationship with Mara (how couldn't you, she's like the nicest person in the world). To the effect that we have a massive selection of 'mones availbale thru LP. Whenever there have been supplier issues, LPs been awesomely fast about finding replacements if at all possible.
  20. Hmm from my experience as a CNA, a lot of times elderly people cna't smell as well. The oil bases lie fairly cloes to the skin as well. I would wear whatever makes You feel the best, she will probably pick up on your calm demeanor better than the pheros sweety. If you feel good & she enjoys your scent too, then that is an added bonus. Also if you have a good relationship with her already then MayDay is probably the better choice.
  21. IDK if y'all don't like it send it my way, lol.
  22. Beccah


    Ok so does anyone else get the 'female musk' quality from the honey in this, or is it just me?
  23. Actually, I just make sure to exfoliate really well & apply a good quality lotion or oil once a day (it's better to apply about an hour before bed). Drinking lots of filtered water seems to help too. It's like when I drink it I don't notice the difference, but if I don't then my skin looks like hell! I only say bottled for me because our local water source is mineral rich they have to heavily bleach the treatment plant twice a month to keep their pipes from getting clogged up. Our water actually gave me heartburn when I was pregnant (when I stopped drinking it). Either way regular exfoliation is the key to well moisturized skin.
  24. You must be in the dry/thirsty skin category? I am too, but I always make sure I am well greased, so i don't usually have issues with fragrances disappearing. Unless Aunt Flo's in town.... I bet this oil would soak in fabulously after buffing with my Clarisonic. (Can anyone else tell I haz a new toy?)
  25. I just have to say how awesome this stuff is! Tried it with my Clarisonic body brush & I swear I've paid @ the minimum $45 a session for microderm to get results like I experienced! My little arms bumps were completely gone in one use & I swear I'm softer than my 3 yr.old.
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