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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. I never did try Eros. The only old school formula that I've tried (somebody else's bottle) was Pherlure, but I think they were just calling it Lure back then (2001) & it was sold in sex shops.
  2. Do it, do it!!! I've tried BI in public & even I'm not brave enough to do that again, LOL! I do want to try it with Topper now.... In my experience, if you have a blend that you love already, Topper will turn it up to 11 ETA: Sorry, yup Topper adds that extra dash of fun to the blends you already like.
  3. Teddy BB is more sexual for me, B2 is my go to calming/social blend.
  4. Hmm, Cougar for sexy in public & Leather for sexy at home.
  5. I love some A-nol, lolz. Plus I like saying the abbreviation to my husband, just for the look on his face.... "Do you want some a-nol, dear?"
  6. Hmmm, I respectfully disagree with you on your opinion about femininity having little place in the police force. Not sure about what your opinion of femininity is, but I feel that true femininity is about flexible strength, masculinity tends to be more rigid. ANY officer that can handle getting tazed, shot at, attacked, etc. deserves the respect of their fellow officers.
  7. Topper & Cougar is my favorite combo with Topper/Open Windows coming in a close second.
  8. Well, I did used to have a weakness for them, but I have daddy issues, LOL. Heart Throb trips my trigger
  9. Yes, but copulins kind of act like an override. They give a kind of photoshop effect, as far men are concerned because they interfere with a male's ability to gauge attractiveness as they normally would. When you read reviews on them, you may come across the women that use them as being described with a special "glow." Also, we've all seen those younger girls who have prematurely aged themselves, but still give off the vibe of youth.
  10. Topper is meant to be used over anything you can think of. It's called Topper because it was designed to be an easy phero layering spray for people that want to experiment &, you know, since it goes over the top of everything else
  11. Haha! I used to be a soap biter as a kid (glad my kids never got into that). Something about the perfection of a brand new bar of soap made me want to damage it..... My mom never commented on the bite marks.
  12. You know, I'm so stupid, this just occurred to me Heather!!! If you like vanilla, a GREAT potion for you to try would be this one: http://www.lovepotio...rie/potion/LP1/ Love Potion perfume, the original that started it all. I swear this one works like a love magnet for me, everyone likes it & men do find it sexy. I don't even need pheromones with this one. It has a powerful aromatherapy effect on people. I've found it to be as effective as the pheromone blends that work great for me, without any risk of incongruity with some people. It also even works on my dreaded MIL Sorry just saw this! I would say, eh, DHEAS is nice, but isn't complex. I you have to choose, go with Open Windows. I think it works for EVERYBODY.
  13. LMFAO! Right!!!! Well, Balm Bomb is pretty close..... Yes, I found myself reaching for Topper more than DHEAS, though. You could have it scented with NOCO White, or anything really. It does make it better for layering if you leave it non-fragranced though. It's different from LFM (or any of the blends) because it's a single molecule spray, DHEAS also play well with most other pheromone molecules making it great to use for layering & experimenting. LFM is a few different pheromone molecules blended for an intended result, though your mileage may vary.
  14. Hmm, that is a good question. I would imagine they would, especially if used in conjunction with perfume. I know THAT doesn't taste good, given the amount of times I've accidentally gotten some on my lips when holding sniffees to close to my nose.
  15. Eh, LFM turns interactions with my MIL into a pissing match. Might not be so great to use with the wrong bitch in a bar atmosphere.
  16. I think they would go together. If you don't like grapefruit, maybe try a sample of Levitation w/Open Windows. It has added DHEAS, which is has youth boosting & beautifying aspects to it. From the phero-wiki: "DHEAS is produced in both sexes up until the age of 24, when production tapers off..." Honestly, anything that makes you feel good, is going to make you shine, & anything that makes you shine is going to be sexy. Men find self confidence to be the sexiest thing about a woman, truly. So maybe the results are going to come from whatever scents make you feel confidant. As you can't truly get good results from pheromones without the basic building block of self confidence.
  17. Heather, You know, I have to weigh in. In my opinion, LFM is more of a Boss B*tch blend. Like a softer version of Dominance or Leather, also much more feminine. My MIL (who eats at restaurants frequently) does not react well to LFM. If I were in a server situation, this would be good with male customers, but could be not so great with the females. The only blend that I haven't had go wrong in any situation & that works universally, has been Open Windows. I would definitely not suggest an ass load of cops, i.e. OCCO for a server job situation. If you want that more situation appropriate, youthful glow; Topper or DHEAS is going to be a much better bet. In my experience; Topper pairs beautifully with Cougar & Open Windows. I am 32 & when I wear Topper with either one of those, people in their early 20s think I'm their age (without adding cops in). I also notice that people my age & older, also get more chipper when I wear Topper around them & they act more energetically. I'm just throwing my 4 yrs + of experience into the ring here. I also think that if you're not getting reactions from a Cougar boosted OCCO load, it may be because you're just applying WAY too much cops, especially for a work situation. Cougar already has cops in it, did you try it on it's own before boosting it into OCCO? My advice with ANY pheromone blend is going to be to start out with less & work you're way up. Remember that we naturally produce pheromones & anything else you apply is way more than even a 21 yr.old, healthy male or female could produce naturally. Did you get any of the enhanced fragrance samples available? You can get Cougar Potion to try for $5 or even free as one of your two monthly freebies, if you have enough forum posts. I know that it's hard to gauge tone from internet posts, so please don't feel that I'm lecturing. I just want to help you get the most out of your money & LPs.
  18. Beccah


    Hmm, I still see the Jergen's face cream at Walmart & it is old school. I'll have to smell when I'm out next
  19. Beccah

    Wonderful Things

    Lol, she came off as buried intensely in thought to me
  20. Beccah

    Wonderful Things

    Cassia smells like cinnamon. A lot of the cinnamon we get is actually cassia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinnamomum_cassia
  21. Wonderful Things Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: LOTUS ~ No man can refuse the woman who wears this; lovers reunited, protection. Symbolizes intellect, mental energies and illumination. Inspiration, clarity, purification. MYRRH ~ Stimulating, soothing. Powerful guard against evil. CARDAMOM ~ Lust, love. BALSAM OF GILEAD ~ Fertility, purification, strength, rejuvenation, calming and soothing, healing, protection, money, long life. HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. Happiness, fulfillment. CASSIA ~ Sexual stimulation, passion, lust, healing, protection, energy, creativity, psychic powers.
  22. Wink at the Moon Sic itur ad astra…from the ancient Greeks to the present day, humans have looked up into the vastness of the sky and longed for a way to leave the bounds of Earth…and none were perhaps as inspiring in this endeavor as those who first ventured into outer space in the 1960s. From numerous discoveries, technological advances, and capturing the imagination of every generation to follow, the space programs of the US and USSR stand as the vanguards of discovery of the wonders of our solar system and beyond. With this fragrance we pay whimsical tribute to those astronauts who braved the unknown and traveled out of the blue and into the black. In this variation on the recipe for Moon Cakes, a Chinese/Vietnamese festival confection, dried apricot and figs are chopped together with a sweet-roasted medley of chestnuts, pecans and sesame in brown sugar syrup, swirled with vanilla and amber and lightened with just a touch of Freesia – a flower sacred to goddesses of the moon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: APRICOT ~ Love, love, love! Romance, passion, femininity. FIG ~ Wisdom, fertility, love, luck, protection, aids restful sleep, divination. Feminine sexuality. CHESTNUT ~ Amplifies male potency, love. PECAN ~ Money, employment, mental acuity. SESAME ~ Money, lust, life force. BROWN SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted. VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches. FREESIA ~ Innocence, chastity, charm.
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