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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. I wonder what Scourger has been up to? This is definitely a succinct way to put how I feel about Red into words, although I do actually love the sweetness of LPO. I love Red so much, but I've hardly reached for it over the past year. I will definitely have to remedy that this year! @Celrynna, I always thought the same thing, but come to think of it. Red Lace did have a much sweeter character than LP Red. So maybe that was the addition of the apricot, that wasn't present before? I think the set in stone basis for Love Potion & the variants is the vanilla/amber/patchouli combo. Only the LP crew can confirm that theory though.
  2. I usually save B2 for my woman times. It's interesting that A-1 releases cortisol in women. Could this be part of why women in long term relationships tend to weigh more? (Well, at least I do.)
  3. Good luck! I know the OW will make his visit more pleasant at least. Speaking of which, I have been sitting on my brand new bottle of OW 1x spray, so that I can do my unboxing style YouTube review. Everyone wish me luck that I can get it done tomorrow I really want to bomb SO with my new spray, he's been a grump this week!
  4. Beccah


    It did really well with the cops boost I got mine with. I don't wear mine very much, but that is only because it's one of my "for special occasion" scents. I would like to hoard more bottles of this one
  5. This is great. I love using H&S with my teenage boy, it definitely tames him. It doesn't work on my husband, though & when I have to deal w/ mechanics, car rental guys, my period, etc. H&S turns the protective aspect into a hindrance & amps my PMS to an 11 on the weepy scale. If I was forced to choose between one or the other, for monetary reasons, I would get Open Windows first. Btw,
  6. Oh but you see, the OW is good for chips on the shoulder as well. I adore H&S, but it doesn't work so well on my husband or MIL. Open Windows is incredible, I haven't dealt with another living soul that didn't react well to OW. I like how I feel from both of them, but I find OW to be a better all purpose blend. Also, H&S makes me prone to tears around that certain time of the month.
  7. Just wait until he is up to snuff.......
  8. I can't wait for the descriptions on these
  9. Mara adds the cops according to how much the scent will handle. A more delicate scent like Spider Silk would get a lesser dose than a scent like Dolly's Hot & Sticky.
  10. Good review, Madison. I appreciate when people give the socials the respect they deserve. When I was new to the game, I was all "I need the sexy superstar pheromones!" Having transitioned from rookie to vet, I now know that blends like Open Windows are the true superstar mixes.
  11. I was going to say something similar. I wear cops all the time & consider myself vetted in pheromones at this point, but yeah, I even had something happen (wearing cops) when surrounded by friends AND my 6'5" 280 lbs husband there, at a party. We're just getting nightmarish visions of a creeper snatching you up at a bus stop, sweety. I would second just maybe bringing a sample size of something cop'd to his place, covertly applying while there, & showering before you leave.
  12. That sounds like it worked very well then. A lot of times pheromone hits are subtle. My b.f. isn't into any of this stuff. I puts some copulins on her, she told me her husband was really nice to her when she got home. :'( I'm so grateful that I got my hands on a bottle
  13. You're chemistry could be off due to the bun in your oven
  14. I am amping the cumin with this one, Idk what my skin does with cumin, but it turns into a sweaty, unwashed kind of note on me. Like armpit stank :/
  15. That's awesome! I saw a book combining Chinese & Western astrology once. It was interesting, it gave pretty accurate personality types. That was 10 years ago, I think I'll see if I can score it on Ebay or Amazon now....
  16. Your PE has sparked an interest in Chinese Astrology for me, well more than the reading I do at the restaurant whilst waiting for my food, anyway! This PE sounds lovely, I have a rosemary growing in near my front door & it smells so wonderful. I also perused my Metal-Rooster horoscope for this year & it is saying wonderful things, along with my Pisces 'scope
  17. To give you a very accurate picture of what reactions you may get from him; since I have a 14 yr.old... I use him as a gauge for if my cops are properly disguised. In fruity scents he can't detect them at all, during dry down of pure copulins or cop heavy blends, he gets the most disgusted look on his face & complains that something smells rotten. How he reacts when he can't detect them; he notices girls his age much more vocally. Which is unusual, because he's normally very reserved when it comes to the opposite sex. So your brother might not think you stink, he might just think that ladies, not related to him, are looking especially attractive that day Welcome to the forum.
  18. Sorry, just want to clarify, I only meant that pheromones could be pertinent to race, but only for genetic reasons. I wasn't even paying attention that Vexed Glory hadn't asked anything about that. I am curious how people react to pheromones based on their genetic makeup, blood type, etc. just from a purely scientific perspective, but again that has nothing to do with this thread
  19. @StacyK, her doctor told her that DHEA levels were low. @Blubear, nationality race/race can factor into how men react to pheromones probably because of the inherent genetic variances that inevitably result. I'm not going to get into the why, but for an example African-American men have an easier time gaining & retaining lean muscle mass than their Caucasian-American counterparts, which would indicate a higher natural production of testosterone. I would inference that they would respond effectively to smaller amounts of copulins. In my experience, everyone responds equally well to something like Cougar though, lol.
  20. I'm actually going to have to very strongly suggest Cougar w/Topper. I think the lack of DHEAS production is the crux of the issue, plus Cougar is a grapefruit scent. Cougar will definitely get you away from the mom image! http://www.lovepotio...otion/Cougar09/ I started using Cougar in my twenties & a lot of the younger girls report good results with it. I also notice that it really attracts men, like they will circle me & hang on my every word, without even realizing it. Another good thing is that you can try a sample of it before you buy it. ETA: Welcome to the forum.
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