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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. My notes for Sandy Bottom: Fresh, aquatic-green type scent for men. There is really something about LP's green/aquatic notes that smell like you just snapped open a plant stalk & are sniffing it directly. I don't get a unisex feel from this one. It's all man to my nose.
  2. Beccah

    Marsha Mellow

    My notes for Marsha Mellow: Powdery, non-foody vanilla scent. A sophisticated & addictive scent. There si something about this that literally makes it very hard to stop smelling my sample vial.
  3. Beccah

    Katerina Suit

    My notes for Katerina Suit:Non-foody chocolate scent w/ leather, tobacco, & wood notes. This exotic & can be unisex, imo.
  4. Beccah

    Goodie Tooshu

    My notes for Goody Tushu: Sparkling, freshly sweet floral. This puts B&B's cherry blossom scents to shame! Personally my favorite
  5. Beccah

    Goldie Fingers

    Goldie Fingers: Fruit based scent w/copal notes. I can detect a mineral note from the 24 k gold flakes. The mineral/copal notes overwhelm everything else for me. I prefer this for a house fragrance.
  6. Beccah

    Double O

    My notes for Double O: Grown up Pink Sugar type scent. This is surprisingly sophisticated due to the amber & patchouli notes.
  7. My notes for Cuchi Head: Again, the copulins are undetectable in this scent. Fruity, banana prominent scent. Tropical comes immediately to mind. Personally, my sample will probably end up scenting my bedroom (sexy time!). It's nice, but I don't think I can deal with banana as a perfume scent, lol.
  8. My notes for Bonded: Clean, slightly spicy floral. A classic type of scent.
  9. My notes for Agent XXX: The copulins are undetectable in this fruity, apricot predominant scent. Personally, I love this one & I will be wearing it. As a side note, the well disguised pheromone blend could come in handy for sneak attacks
  10. Beccah

    Coco Honey

    Getting ready to do reviews for my YouTube channel, which means homework for me, lol. My notes for Coco Honey: A predominantly Chocolate-foody scent. This comes off as exotic to me. I personally like Coco Honey, although Idk if I will get around to wearing it. I have discovered that you can scent your bathroom by dropping a few drops of oil onto the cardboard t.p. roll., although your t.p. ends up smelling like perfume towards the end, lol. This can make potions like Peaceful Home REALLY effective when SO uses this t.p. to blow his nose though....
  11. I know he isn't safe, but I've gone above & beyond to educate him as to why he shouldn't refer to himself with racial slurs. It may also help that he identifies as white. Who knows? Then again, I've had the privilege of seeing/hearing idiot white people referring to themselves as the N word....lol! But yeah, it's good for you to see another viewpoint & to see something that you wouldn't otherwise have been aware of. I wonder what the NRs are going to be & I wonder if I'm going to get my reviews for August's releases up on my YouTube channel tonight!!!
  12. I usually go for whatever gives me the best self effects. If you build (the happy) it, they will come
  13. @Rose, you may be sensitive, or you may have just applied to much. This is easier to do with the OCCOs/Pherogirl because these LPs are specifically designed to hide the smell of them. It's easy not to realize actually how much you just applied. You coudl try again with a little dot of the offending LP on your wrist & no where else. A. it will be easier to wash off if it's bothersome & B. it won't be so close to your nose.
  14. QG, I am a mother of the generation you're referring to & I'm going to have to disagree with you, respectfully. If anything schools have become hyper sensitive to racial slurs & good for them. Living two hours away from where the civil war started, I still see a LOT of racism on both sides. I mean we still have people who call our president a "monkey," in this day & age! The people who call themselves those racist terms are either uneducated, or they're(entertainers) target demographic are the earlier mentioned uneducated. When I was younger listening to rap, none of it phased me, but I really can't even stand to listen to it anymore. I'm glad my son prefers dubstep, lol.
  15. QG, you know that I am fond of you, but as the mother of a black child; I will ENTIRELY beg to differ about the N word being situationally racist. There is never a time when it isn't. People that use it may feel like they're taking back their power, but it's still a NASTY word. Just like I may refer to myself as a bitch, but it is one of the first insults that pop into my mind when I don't like a bitch, because it's mean! As far as Asian racism, it does need to stop. Objectifying women with a stereotype that they have magic vaginas isn't flattering, it's demeaning. It also pisses me off when there are women that objectify black men, in much the same manner. It's ridic..
  16. That's a good point. We, as a species, tend to get SUPER competitive when it come to the mating game. Hetero-centric sexual blends can increase jealous/aggressive tendencies in our partners & others of the same sex. I think it has to do with the fact that some men don't want to feel like they're fighting every male in a 10 mile radius for their partner's affections & we ladies are culturally conditioned to be in competition with one another. Of course this is just an oversimplification...
  17. Open Windows, G2, Topper...generally the more gregarious blends. I could make friends with a wall if I had to
  18. A lot of new users tend to overlook the social blends, because the sexy ones are the focus of a lot of people. BUT, anything that enhances your general attractiveness can make men more sexually attracted to you, as a female. I have had men hit on me while wearing Bosom Bows/G2 (the lesbian phero).
  19. The only way to know for sure is to ask the chef
  20. I thought so too, but it's not mentioned in the notes overview & I don't catch any on my skin while I'm wearing it. I think the LP base is vanilla/amber/patchouli & the variants are all constructed from that.
  21. I am stalking that sale....waiting to reup on basics, like Red & Original until then
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