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Everything posted by mystree

  1. In a toss up between Bl and SC I went with BI, I'll purchase SC next month. Thanks so much for your help. Does BI have enough cops in it on its own, or do you ladies add additional?
  2. Hi Nola from a fellow newb. I started off with LAM original and Pherogirl (vial) and love them too!
  3. lol@ "the face" Im confused as to why it works so well on older men? When its advertised to attract younger?
  4. Thanks Shelly (aka bad angel) hehe. I was awaiting your advice and hoping youd stop by. Im quite sassy myself so anything that can up that =FUN...if not uhhh downright dangerous(I'll have to watch that lol) Alcohol based pheromones! I had forgotten those were coming! Anyone get a release date on that yet? More to buy more to buy jeezus.
  5. lol Poor boys poor boys whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when we come for you
  6. What if Im a greedy gluttonous wanton that desires it all. HAHA. My poor credit card. Thanks Luna.
  7. Im 38 and I like em younger. heheh. Speaking of all this Cougar Talk, did anyone else watch The Cougar (reality show?) I binged on it over a couple of days a month or so ago. You can watch full episodes on TV Land. http://www.tvland.com/prime/fullepisodes/t...episodeId=20565 Its pretty mindless but sometimes Im in the mood for that. Not a reality show type person either normally but again, if youre in the mood for mindless and a shameless parade of younger men eye candy...yumyum. I have another question (sorrrrrrrry). If only having enough $ on hand to purchase Stone Cougar, OR Blatant Invitation...which would you choose?
  8. DAMMIT! Now I can no longer put off purchasing BI. Good gawd I need to win the lottery. lol.
  9. Also wanted to note that while I have sugared honeycomb coming in and it seems obvious to me to use that as the scent to go with the gold OCCO and Cougar. Id also like to know what other scents that would mesh well with the GOLD but not necessarily keep me in the honey place. Also would like to know what scent would take me more in the lines of the Pherogirl Cougar. The lighter brighter more social scent versus the darker? I'll be putting an order of Stone Cougar in with my clearance sale order and can go ahead and order other scents with? THANKS AGAIN! MUAH MUAHS.
  10. I don't see any up to date reviews on Cougar. I read the two threads on the old cougar, and one on Stone. What pheromones are in Cougar? (or is that a secret? I could not find a listing of mones for Cougar in the store) I'm wanting to buy Cougar and want to make sure I buy a great scent to pair with it. Also I dont want to layer any other mones to its existing mones that may change its effectiveness. Do I just want to layer Cops with it? I'm getting OCCO gold shield so will be playing with the Cougar/Gold combo to begin with until I get some other "flavors". Am I thinking along the right lines? If so, what perfume would pair well with the OCCO gold shield(for cops) and unscented Stone Cougar? Also are there any new experiences/stories that you have to share? It was sooo much fun to read the other threads but I haven't seen any recent reviews, and this would really help me out plus any brand spanking newbies just coming in. Are you still having success with Cougar or is everyone using something new now for that "sparkly, I'm hot" vibe, that I've missed? Thanks sooooooo much. Much love. -Mystree
  11. LMAO. No no, I WANT to (he's HOT, and its fun to get the attention) And I love your bad influence-ishness. Gotta watch that though, I'd too eagerly let you be the devil on my shoulder. hehe. Im out of Pherogirl!!!! Had a trial vial, its all gone, first and only trial vial gone now.
  12. Yeah Im hoping these other honey based scents Im getting wont be translated the same as theyre minus the vanilla? I have OCCO Gold Shield, and Sugared Honeycomb coming in.
  13. Therapygirl- nope. been dry for hours by the time he got home. He changed it up too and said..."wait, its not really baby powder...do you know that industrial strength vanilla hospital spray thingmabob shit that your dad gave us?...thats what it smells like!" SIGH. lol. Im just gonna layer it, it'll be fine then.
  14. It was the LAM!! I had a lil on the back of my hands and held it up to his nose and hes like, "yeah, thats it, don't wear that one" then.."actually its not that bad this time, there was one day you must of really slathered it on" Me? A newbie just recieving her first and beautifully packaged order with free sniffies to boot, and excitedly slathering on various perfumes? Nah! That is just insane to think that. lol. Anynads, Im not too concerned. I'm wearing my LAM anyways, and hoping that I love LP Red or Black, LAM is so light that I can layer over it if I want to. Im really excited about the OCCO coming in! I read a post somewhere by Mara about the concentration of the perfume being used as a guide as to how much cops to wear, I can not wait to find out what a small dab or two smells like, the self-effects if any, the effects on others. I want my order here nowwwwwwwww. My hub is having one of his (Alert! Alert! Geek Invasion) Lan Parties this weekend LMAO, which I always host for him and the guys. There's a couple of hot geeks in the pack(other than and including my hot hubby)..hmmm..I get a lot of sneak peeks(and sometimes DIHL) as it is especially from one, all before 'mones...now to add some to the mix..hmm.. Might have to wait till next party. Thanks again everyone for your kindness, helpful advice, insight and camaraderie.
  15. Thanks Luna. *drops my fixating* hehe. I'll ask him for feedback as I go along with each scent I wear. I'll update this thread if I find out the mystery desitin scent. lol.
  16. I don't think its the cuddle bunny I have some on now, its not wet but not fully dried down yet but smells NOTHING of baby powder or desitin nothing close to it, its bright soft and a bit fruity on me. I think its the pherogirl like maybe Pony said the cops being interpreted like the fish oil in desitin and maybe amber turns powdery on me. The verdict is still out but I'm feeling blue. Does this mean I need to stay away from honey and amber?? I'm tempted to wear them anyways and nickname my husband "wonky" for his wonky nose. But its probably my wonky chemistry?
  17. LMAO@ "duh" Its exactly like that! Thanks for your input and help everyone, you're so great.
  18. Oh no I just sniffed I dont think its LAM its really light and pretty but not baby powdery or desitin, the phero on the other hand I can see how it could be mistaken. If its pherogirl does that mean that the honey scents are out on me? Aww that makes me sad, and LOST..I thought I was a dark scents and honey scents girl. Im happy I have some LP red and black on the way.
  19. ty , Im going to do a 2 for 1 Cuddle Bunny test tonight to see its the scent he didnt like on me, and if EST does the same thing as last time.
  20. Hmmm. Cuddle Bunny then maybe? I did wear that last week, twas my first experience with EST hehe. Strange off story to this (I really need to get a journal here going, AND its not really STRANGE just out of the ordinary so I really noticed it at the time)..it did lead to cuddles which led to uhh..boom shaka wow wow, which at this point we had already did it twice that day..so normally 2 times and his uh mini-him is done, so the 3rd time was surprising in of itself ..what was really out of the ordinary is that he stayed hard forever, but couldnt cum(sorry for the crass language). THIS NEVER HAPPENS. Plus he was over the top sensitive as in he wanted to JUST please me. My hub is great in bed, but hes also very very alpha and its never "lets just please you and get you off alone" and thats what this 3rd session was. He said after that "that was cool and really fun" and how we need to have some more of that (the sex went on foreverrrrrrrrrr). Then he was like "must buy more blueberries". LOL. He's been eating them lately because of the sexual benefits. He doesnt know that Im wearing cops and mones (will let him in on it eventually, Im having fun now playing with and observing and dont want reactions tainted by his knowing Im wearing them). Was this the EST at work??? I'm thinking it was. Need to do another road test, def.
  21. This is what I have currently and what I'll have: cuddle bunny neanderlicious LAM(original bottle) pherogirl tantric butterfly happy water blossom of love miasma evil in carnation woodland man rowdy raunchy and rude night of the fae (some of the above are sniffies) Getting soon: (just got the "will ship shortly" notice today YAY) Cuddle Bunny (unscented bottle) OCCO Gold (bottle)(unusable?) sugared chrysanthumum LP black LP red focus pocus G-string(unusable?) Sugared Honeycomb(ugh =( possibly unusable?) Then others from the Clearance Sale. Anything out of my current lineup and whats due in soon that will pair well with the honey scents. If it is the LAM doing this on me to his nose then Im not too worried as its light on me and I think I'll be able to layer it with anything. I'll make him sniff me all over tonight LOL while wearing various perfumes and hopefully get him to pinpoint which one that it is that smells *SIGH* like desitin on me.
  22. helllllllllp lol. my hub this morning said that one of the perfumes I wear he doesnt like, that it smells like baby powder or maybe desitin(desitin??! WHA ) ...and Im like which one is it to which he shrugged. UGH lol. Thanks for telling me when you noticed it at the time and not LATER. After I put in another 100 dollar order. Yeesh. MEN. Out of my current line up of LAM(original) and Pherogirl, which one do you think he's referring to? There is nothing else in my trail vails selection I can see possilbly smelling like baby assrash cream. Wait what about cuddle bunny?? I havent worn anything for two days to give myself a break, and after he left I put LAM on one forearm and Phero on the other and I can't tell which one is smelling like desitin on me?? LAM is vanilla-y and a barely there scent on me, Phero has this strong bite to it underneath the honey. I love my LAM I hope its not it? But if it IS the Phero...I just purchased the OCCO in GOLD shield and if the smell is comparable to Phero then I might not be able to wear it?? This is gonna bleed my bank trying to figure out my chemisty what I like what smells good on me what the hub thinks is sexy smelling. I thought I was leaning towards the darker and honey scents but if they smell wonky on me, then Im completely lost, and back at the beginning. The Original LAM is the only LAM I have at the moment, OCCO gold will be my first and only OCCO on hand when it arrives. I'd hate to not be able to use either one. Is there anything that I can use to maybe layer over these that smells good with them and will take the scent out of the baby powder and diaper rash area. GOOD HELL. lol. Im a stay at home mom(to two older boys 7 and 12), I want to smell like a vixen NOT a stay at home mom to diapered babies. Not the tone Im trying to set here.
  23. Shelly.. thanks for putting Prince in my head hehe. Actually according to what is being said about Jouir De Prince music seems appropriate
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