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Everything posted by mystree

  1. Day 13 no stamps notice My first order I got in 12 days, stamps notice at day 9(if I remember right). The speed of the first order spoiled me. I will never put in another order before I recieve a stamps notice first. This was in the shipping FAQ but I didnt know what the whole TAT thing with orders placed together meant. Still one was placed on the 9th the other on the 16th, its not like they were back to back. No clue if Im receiving 2 packages or 1 combined order now. If its 2 weeks TAT from last order that means I wont receive anything til first week of October, for an order placed Sept 9th. PHOEEY. This sucks.
  2. hehe. havent any experience with elevation potion yet, i want to eventually get some Woozy Floozy just dont have the money to throw down on something that I dont know will give me the effects and others the effects Id like. Is this your first time with unscented Cuddle Bunny? I have that coming in my first package! The waiting is killing me. *awaiting your review* hint hint, nudge nudge. heh.
  3. *living vicariously through your order* LOL yayyyyyyyyyy! Im sorry you didnt recieve all 3 but am thrilled for you that you have something to tie you over.
  4. Weird. Tantric Butterfly gives me the opposite effect, I feel very focused and in some type of "spiritual flow" for lack of a better phrase to describe it. Plus the two days I wore this last week I not only stayed on my diet but came in under my calorie allotment? I wore it with LAM so I dont know if that would make for the difference.. I do get the burnout feeling afterwards though, so making a point not to wear it everyday. Edited to add: Now that I think back to the other day ..I remember thinking to myself "wow this is great I feel in control over my munchies" and thought to myself...it must be because Im so focused on my sexiness haha(twas just a silly thought...TAF for focus, LAM for sexiness self-effects) and not food, not stress not etc. I was feeling very positive and confident that day ..now that I think about it LAM's got the alpha-nol in it too right? Would explain the "positiveness". Hmmmm. Its def worth another test run for me.
  5. ahhh, I kinda like the smell of skunk and burnt tires =/ (don't tell anyone)
  6. boohooage. No stamps notice today. Im going batty between waiting for my package(packages?) and waiting for the September releases. :emot14:
  7. OMG. and a desire to smell Fromunda? (I read the description not thinking that Id actually be right) WHY would you WANT to smell that???! lmaooooooooo ow my tummy. Owie. hehe your Q sounds so adorable and fun.
  8. yikes! and lol @ reviews Somehow all this talk about gas station bathrooms, feces, dingleberries and sweaty balls is making me think of those Harry Potter Jelly Beans with flavors like vomit ear wax and boogers. (and no I never ate any of them out of fear, shall I try Jouir De? Im feeling the same type of fear lol) Eh *shrug* my mind and its associations.
  9. The stamps notice? Ive gotten both Times Square "thank you for your order and it will be processed and shipped shortly" notices..but have yet recieved my stamps notice. You've gotten your stamps notice 5 days post ordering. WOW ..lucky. *envy* hehe. SIGHHHH. Ive never spent as much time in my Spam Mail as ive been spending these last few days, just to make sure its not being sent there because last time my email did dump the stamps notice to my spam folder. But alas no sign of the stamps notice. There is a spam titled "Your schlong should be schlonger" bahahahaha. My first order I recieved in 12 days from date of order. This is day 10 so far for this one. Im hoping to see a stamps notice Monday? (pretty pretty please, with lace panties on..nm jeez sorry blame it on fragrance withdrawl) and hopefully recieve this next week. The weekend, the clearance sale, the upcoming release of alcohol based and september new releases I know the girls are plenty busy. I undahhhhhhhhstandddddddd fully understand ..does it make waiting any easier? Foooook no. lol. Thanks for the cheer up anyways Tears of Joy and for rubbing it in my face that youre getting your goodies and I'm not. LOL. :mail: So...whatdya getting this order? Let me live vicariously.
  10. Thanks Luna Its still 2 week turn around time on each order placed right? Or does somehow ordering too close pushes a 2 week turnaround to 4 weeks? :mail: Say it isnt so. I placed an order on the 9th then I placed another order on the 17th. 2 week turnaround time for each or did I screw things up?
  11. What does this mean?? TAT?? Anyone? Still awaiting my stamps notice for an order placed on the 9th keep waiting but it doesnt come arghhhhhhhh Im hoping for Monday. :mail:
  12. lol@ luna hehe. Soooooooo this is my first Fall here, Im guessing I should be getting excited, its hard to tell that THATS the jist of it, you ladies are SO subtle on this site. hehehe New Releases, Alcohol based coming soon...ARGH. If I was younger I think Id take up stripping to support my LPMP habit. LOL. Well fast developing habit, I feel like Im on top of a landslide, and slipping.
  13. You and Shelly are tormenting me with the SC stories, its a kinky pain though LOL keep em coming. Lan Party this weekend no stamps notice my hubs hot friend will be here, (the one i get DIHL looks from) and not a whole lotta mones to play with, SHAME ON ME for not ordering sooner! He'll be here for 3 days too, spending the night as he moved out of state. I have some LAM on hand(that I'll have to cover as the hub says I smell of baby powder/desistin/vanilla hospital spray when wearing it) I have scented cuddle bunny and neanderlicious, I really wish I had BI and SC here to test out. Live and learn. edit to add: I would never do anything with the "hot friend" its just FUN to see reactions.
  14. mystree


    This is beautiful, I love it.
  15. This is what Ive suspected, Im curious as to what neroli smells like. When I say neroli Im referring to "their" neroli scent not actual neroli just want to clarify that to all. Again maybe its just my chemistry too thats reacting bad, Ive worn Instant Shine alone without attempting to cover to court and to physical therapy too at other times these last 2 weeks. People were friendly..but they always are, I didnt experience anything out of the ordinary. Ive sprayed as little as 2 sprays and then it evaporates to almost nothing ..and when I up the spray amount (upwards of 5 sprays) the neroli is just so noxious, either way I dont ever experience hits from this. *shrug*
  16. ugh I wrote this WHOLE HUGE review didnt copy and paste and when i went to send it noticed that my internet was down so I lost it. UGH UGH UGH lol. I hate when that happens. So cliff note version(sorry Im pressed for time). Im done with Instant Shine. In their neroli it does NOT work for me. Miasma(which is gorgeous btw! I was pleasantly surprised, I see a bottle of this in my future def def, did I mention Miasma is GORGEOUS..*makes a note to research more lily of the valley scents*), covered MOST of the neroli early on..but then later there was enough neroli to bleed through and it destroyed the perfume, YECK. I had to go wash it off. I do have some self-effects from the Instant Shine but at what cost? I prefer Happy Water(self-effects from that too and love the scent), and am wanting to experience/experiment with Woozy Floozy. I didnt recieve any "hits" I went shopping at Wal-greens and had to go to Safeway then went shooting with the hubby over his lunch hour. (Men, Guns, Testosterone). Got looks, got guys coming over to talk, and people at the stores, conversations were had...nothing out of the ordinary, just normal stuff that always happens. Hopefully others will chime in with better news. My advice is if anyone is looking to buy those products to NOT get the neroli, some of the other scent packages may work better. Im sure the blends here using unscented Androtics molecules and mones work great and smell yummy. I can't do anything with this blasted neroli.
  17. *gasping in a cloud of neroli* just for you Liz. What are friends for. lol. I'm going to road test this for the effects you were asking about and to also see if I can cover it with an LP scent effectively. Im doing 2 sprays to the hair, 1 spray divided among both forearm/wrist area, 1 to the tummy and one to the back of the neck. Im a lil lost as to what LP scent Im going to try most of my trail vails are pheromone blends, or they have cops them. For this test I think I should go just with the Shine for the mones, otherwise I wouldnt know which to contribute hits to, if I get any. My current perfumes are sniffies of : Miasma, Blossom of Love, Evil in Carnation, and Rowdy Raunchy and Rude(which I can't wear, its very cowgirl and no offense to the sexy cowgirls amongst us..but Im a rocker chick, and this just isnt me.) I'll be going to Walgreens LMAO, Kohl's and maybe Target. So not the best places to test this but ya never know. I can't venture off too far yet (Im recovering from achilles tendon surgery 2 months post surgery now, Im off crutches and the mediboot, and just FINALLY drove for the first time since the injury, yesterday. YAY! Wheee!) I'm feeling secure enough in slower/thin traffic, don't feel I'm recovered enough yet for the highway. Its not worth the risk of rerupture. So its been 10 minutes now, the NEROLI ..ughhhhhhh. It is still way strong and obnoxious, very man cologne on me butnot in that "mmmmmmm hi you smell yummy" I'd like to get close to you way that you might say to yourself when smelling a hot guy at a club its more like....."jeezusf&ck lay off the cologne what did you do douse yourself in a whole bottle?! Duuude. Seriously" Self effects: I am feeling upbeat and happy, I feel like going out and hanging with friends. (which is worth mentioning as I adore my buddies, I also love my space and its more the norm for me to chill by myself and immediate family, with the occasional urge to go out. Well that urge is upon me now, and I didnt have it 10 minutes ago so it is the Shine.) Im feeling very social. 20 minutes now. Scent is still strong PHEWWWW(which in theory would be great for diffusion right?) An hour from now, there will be next to nothing left of it, I have yet to get hits from being out amongst others, I think its because there is little diffusion. There is no balance to this..its either obnoxious to the point that I would think it would turn off people around OR theres no diffusion there when the neroli fades in about an hour. Im going to doll up (for Walgreens bahaha) try to cover the Shine with an LP (im thinking Miasma) then head out, I'll report in when I get home. Hugsnlove, Mystree
  18. Argh I love your stories Shelly, and you had me in a panic run to see if I ordered BI in the CPS vs the oil. I figured same concept, and whew yeah I got it in the CPS. This is driving me mad with impatience lol and I usually have no problem being patient with receiving goodies. Im the kind that has to save my christmas presents for christmas morning(and not before) and THEN Im sitting there slowlyyyyyyyy peeling back the gift wrap while everyone rips through their gifts and then watches ME still peeeeeeling off the gift wrap. "WILL YOU JUST OPEN IT ALREADY!!!" my hub always says in frustration. HAH. Thats a bonus, his outbursting, it always amuses me when hot manly composed men can be so utterly cute all at the same time. lol. ANYNADS. I put an order in for Unscented Cuddle Bunny, and my first OCCO amongst other goodies in on the 9th. No Stamps notice yet. Its KILLING ME. Killingggggggggggg meeeeeeeeeeee lol. Clearance order + BI yesterday. Awaiting till next month for the Cougar. Think I'll tell the hub that all I want for Xmas is a giftcard hehe.
  19. LMAO!!@ all of ya. Its official. Im very happy I bought BI . I hope it lives up.
  20. I dont get any hits really from the Instant Shine but do get some self-effects. I think its the diffusion or lack thereof, the neroli is sooooo strong at first then ZILCH its GONE, even if I spray in my hair. Chocolatini I sampled from a free MX135 and I did like that scent alot! AND. It was great for diffusion. Soooo if its the neroli you have and you cover it with a LP scent something that diffuses well on you, I do see it working out well. Like I said I'll guinnea pig it tomorrow as I'd like to be able to use my Instant Shine, and have the same challenges(Im guessing you have the neroli?)
  21. hi hehe. I havent answered you Liz as its a good question and have been awaiting the answer meself. I have a whole bottle of Instant Shine that is going to go to waste unless I find something that can cover the neroli(as I cant stand it, its noxiously strong for about 20 minutes on me then seems to evaporate to almost nothing, so much for diffusion). Are you looking to mix it in with another perfume here? What scent package did you get for your Instant Shine. Are you looking to just layer and cover. If so, thats where Im at now sooo I don't have an answer as of yet, Im guessing as it seems to evaporate to nothing after dry down that it can be easily covered with anything from here, I just havent gotten around to playing with it yet. Too spoiled by LPMP scents and mones and so have been fixated, and have left my Androtics products forgotten LOL. I hope you get some answers soon, I'll get back here if youre looking to layer and cover. I'll guinnea pig it tomorrow.
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