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Posts posted by Snoopyace

  1. 29 minutes ago, halo0073 said:

    Yep B2.2 will be around as long as Mara wants it to be. It’s our own slightly reworked made in house version of Diane’s B2 which is what was discontinued years back.


    I am jealous of anyone who gets any help around the house. I get zero. I’m naturally bad at cleaning due to my ADHD and I now have a ton of other chronic health conditions That make it super hard. I get NO help which is bad enough but I also get shamed about it all the time so it’s become probably the biggest stressor in my life. I don’t get shamed every day or anything but I shame myself constantly so it gives me awful anxiety 


    I'm so sorry to hear that you aren't getting any help at home.  I can completely empathize with your situation.  

  2. I had such a smooth day wearing Adam's Nectar scent again.  There is something about the combination of scent and pheromone that just makes this magical.  Yeah, I know how I sound but it's true.  The reactions are very natural but still very strong from others.  My bride was oh so sweet and pleasant all day and it was like we were dating again.  Sometimes I forget how great this blend is and take it for granted.  Then I go without wearing it for a few days.  

  3. 23 minutes ago, Eastwood22 said:

    Hey @Snoopyace and @quietguy, and any other of you lovely gentlemen out there, have either of you worn this yourselves? I'm considering it for myself, but my man does seem to go through an unfortunate amount of Teddy Man and it feels almost "peppery on me." My sniffer might be off a bit this week though.


    @luna65, have you revisited?


    Sorry to say that I haven't had the chance to get this one to try out yet.  Wish I could help!


  4. This scent still makes me smile.  Gonna wear it again tomorrow!  


    Change of plans.  My migraine went away so I'm wearing this again tonight (in the spray).  I get a lot of compliments on the scent from women especially, not just women in my age range but all ages of women seem to enjoy the scent.  Especially after it's been on long enough to drydown, 20 or more minutes after application.  I'm also a very big fan of the scent and really hope there is a way to get this scent rebrewed after it's gone.

  5. 20 minutes ago, Snakecharmer49311 said:

    I wish I would have bought badboy when I had the chance.


    I loved this scent.  You might want to check out Unisexy.  It can be had unphero'd and the drydown is in the same ballpark as Bad Boy.  Just without the leather note.  My bride really likes it on me.  

  6. My bride complained to me again today how I don't wear my 'maple syrup' cologne enough.  I've started taking fenugreek supplements and I think she caught the faint whiff of maple coming from me and it reminded her.  I think it's really cute how she seems to genuinely really enjoy this scent and I do wear it but apparently not often enough.  


    I've said this before and I'll say it again.  Guys,  don't stress over how sweet this is.  It will draw your lovely lady to you.  Every GF I had before I met my bride as well as every woman I have any sort of interaction with, they all seem to really enjoy this scent.  This latest rebrew is definitely more lavender centric and a bit less sweet (I actually prefer the almost syrup-y sweetness it had) so it shouldn't give you a cavity to wear it and you will see women coming in closer after you walk past while they try and figure who the guy was who just walked by and smelled so 'yummy.'  (An actual comment from a store employee after I walked past).  


    I decided to get a new bottle in a spray boosted with another mad scientist phero blend that I've been playing with.  So far, so good!


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