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Everything posted by Snoopyace

  1. This might sound silly but I'd posted this as a reply to a question on another forum and I was so proud of it that I thought I'd share it here as well. It does a great job of explaining my intention when creating The Love God. Of course, I am going to preface this by saying that I'm the creator of The Love God and designed it for my own body chemistry/personal needs. I designed it not so much for a ONS, although apparently it has been successfully used for that, as much as I've designed it to make an old relationship feel new again. In that sense, it also works on new women to attract them as well. It elevates your status without putting you into the stratosphere where women are afraid to talk to you. It's designed to be a likable, approachable, attractive guy that women want to get to know. It has definite attraction and disinhibition built in but it also has comfort so women find you attractive and feel SAFE enough to ACT on that attraction. Doesn't sound exciting but damn, it works.
  2. Went to a local concert venue to see an Irish band and was wearing Excalibur scented Love God. Had a blast watching people gravitate towards me and sort of stand in my cloud. Women seem to just gravitate towards me and stand near me whenever I wear The Love God in a crowd. As soon as I so much as glance in their direction, they want to start a conversation. My bride finds it funny most of the time but occasionally it does get on her nerves. Personally, I generally like the attention but it can be a bit overwhelming. Don't wear The Love God if you want to hide. This is a blend that gets attention.
  3. Likewise! I always appreciate your perspective on both the male and female phero blends! I learn a lot from reading your posts.
  4. I can completely relate to this.
  5. Ditto! She's always telling me a woman is into me and I am always telling her she's just being nice.
  6. Oh wow, I had a similar experience with my first wife.
  7. Ahaha! That’s what I was gonna say!
  8. Ahaha! I got in trouble today for leaving the house smelling of LP: Homme. I’m not supposed to leave the house smelling this good when I am unaccompanied.
  9. @Eastwood22 Ahaha! I can relate to being under ‘The Rules.’ My bride doesn't differentiate between phero’d and non phero’d. There are just certain scents I am not allowed to wear without her.
  10. Even though I was technically trying to go phero free today (until later when I put on my LP: Homme scented B2.2) I did put a little Poseidon on from the sample vial I have. I really like this scent! I think that @luna65 hit the nail on the head when she called this scent refreshing. It really is. This could be a great office appropriate, clean scent. Conversely, this would also be a great scent for any sort of Summer gathering. Really a nice, clean, slightly citrus scent. The Charisma phero blend is one that I've written about before but I love how it is just a smooth, fun, attractive and social phero blend that spotlights the wearer and makes people smile. This would be perfect for anyone in sales.
  11. This smells really good! And apparently it relaxes me. After a stressful day I washed off my Adam’s Nectar (it did it’s job well early in the day) I put on about 12” spread between various places and promptly fell asleep for an hour and a half. I can vouch for its relaxing properties. I have to say, when my bride smelled this in the bottle she wasn’t too sure. She crinkled up her nose and said, ‘This smells like Old Spice.’ Putting this on tonight I worried that she wouldn’t like the scent but she never complained and from experience I know that is a good thing. Even if she doesn’t compliment a scent, as long as she doesn’t complain then i know I have a winner.
  12. Anybody interested in buying a reading or two? I also offer email readings! I really need to stock up on several bottles of this before it's gone. I wore it during the day today and the longer the scent ages, the more balanced and incredible it is!
  13. Nice! Looking forward to trying out the B2.2 phero blend!
  14. My bride really gets possessive when I wear Wanted Man in a scent and we go out.
  15. YAY!!! Just got my shipping notice and it should be here by Monday! Just in time for my bride's ankle surgery on Tuesday. Gonna try out Teddy Man 2 and Phero B2.2 on her to help her relax.
  16. I had to have an impromptu meeting with my son’s teacher and counselor at school today. I was wearing about 12” of Adam’s Nectar (try and say that without feeling silly). Long story short, the meeting became more about me and how I was doing as well as being told what a good Dad I am. Also, his teacher started complaining about her boyfriend and how he just didn’t seem to ‘get’ her. She wished she could find a man instead of a man boy. 😱 I am literally old enough to be her Dad. Stop looking at me like that! The counselor was twirling her hair madly and sighing at me. She also seemed rather smitten. Up until now I had only met the teacher once very briefly and had never met the counselor. Note to self- wash off TLG before any meeting you want anything productive to happen at.
  17. Haha! Glad you liked it! I've noticed that I get some positive, upbeat selfies from The Love God.
  18. Alriiiiiiight! I like refreshing! And I am a fan of the Charisma phero blend. I don't hear much about it from others but to me it is a very underrated social attractive phero blend. A great social lubricant, if you will.
  19. I can relate to this. In addition to the other items I just ordered, I did add a sample of Poseidon because I was curious. I know the notes aren't the same but secretly a part of me hopes it has a passing resemblance to Seven Tears.
  20. I can relate. All the scents I’ve created have been very similar.
  21. I think I just heard my credit card sob from inside my wallet.
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