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Posts posted by Calii

  1. though on me this ends up being very much like delicious gooey cake batter and the flower just accentuates the sweetness.


    :Emoticons0086: ...sounds more and more like a Calii scent after all :)

  2. I love fruit and floral blends, and I'm always excited for a Le Wiz scent. Only got a sample though. peach and i don't always get along--fuzzy navel wine coolers were the last stop on a tour of debauchery in college one night and sometimes the right peach (or wrong peach, in this instance) brings on the nausea!! Fingers crossed that's not the case for this one!


    Heh...yeah,some scent memories are best left alone :001_302: ...While I cannot wrap my brain around how this will smell, Le Wiz has never had a fail, so looking forward to the sample,at least... Magnet is always a win on me!! :D


  3. Oh, I'm totally fine. Thanks for the concern. I just had a heavy tide this month - horrible non-stop headache plus the doubled over cramps for 3 days. Yeah, joyful. But I'm much better now! :)


    Ok,that you are better is a big relief ... :jumpforjoy:

  4. Thank you ,Mara :abfx: ...and hope the problem with the site is resolved soon!


    Lunachick,you have excelled at every single tongue in check nuance of the romance novel genre,the names,the scenarios are just cracking me up,you are clever beyond words :lol: ohhh gosh I am especailly looking forward to The Mean Bean one<snort> Titilating Temptress, Honeyed Love Potion,without a doubt, and of course the new LFN Unbridled,bananas,cherries,sounds like yum,and Highland Fling ...oh I am gonna try em all,but wow talk about something for everyone :w00t:


    ...spinning within the sylvan serenity of the forest.


  5. LOL,I should have clarified that Tyvey's CC & Baskery are my fav coffee scents,but sheesh how could I have forgotten La Vie De Boheme :o DD,I stopped drinking coffee in 2004 when I switched to green tea,so I really really love the LP coffee scents as I never liked the taste,just the smell of coffee,and the caffiene :lol:


    *Mara,if you see this, Tyvey's Coffee Cake does not come up in search.

  6. Halo that is awesome! ...I really really need/want to play with this a whole lot more... and yeah I know you have a high tolerance , eeyikes 7 sprays would knock me to the ground :o


    Since I've been using pheromone blends for the past year and a half , it just boggles my mind how much " chemistry "can really have an influence , and how much insight we get from these products . It took me a good year to get a real handle on what works and how it works , and obviously I am still learning since I finally found THE BEST company out there ,


    This !!! ... :LIKE::)


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